Holy writings

Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, darkness covered the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved over the surface of the waters.”
Isaiah 40:22 “He is the one who sits on the circle of the earth, whose inhabitants are like locusts. He is the one who spreads out the heavens like a veil and spreads them out like a tent for habitation.”
Job 26:7 “He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth over nothing.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; I will explain to you the principle of the circle; The explanations of the Father are infinite; because He is infinite; and the principles of circles are the same; moreover, the Father is in all evolution; and for everyone, He has a light of knowledge; the circle as geometry was born from the solar alliances of the Alpha and Omega suns; which signify beginning and end; every beginning was geometric; and its essence was a free will in suspension; because everything is suspended in a space; the beginning of each circle is an individual beginning; that is to say, matter-spirit; when a circle is created, it emerges from the mind through the hand; and the circle has influence from its beginning, of spirit and flesh; sight also participates; and everything travels through space; the circle begins with a little dot; just as the colossal suns and planets were born in their beginning; What is above is the same as what is below; and there is no creation, nor will there ever be, that has not had a microscopic beginning; for the law of the small and the humble applies to the entire universe; it has been fulfilled since eternities before your Earth was born; every circle is also microscopic and expansive like the universe itself; the principle of the circle is spiral in shape; the small spirals belong to the microscopic worlds; and the larger spirals to the worlds of the macrocosm; the circle has no end; because its origin has none; and your ideas contain all the geometry learned in other existences; here lies the cause of all art; the spirit, upon being reborn, brings with it its circle; every circle is part of a whole within the whole; for the end of humility and living simplicity is the circle; For human evolution, there are three stages of the beginning of the material circle: point, angle, and circle. The point is the principle of principles; the angle is the philosophy of the principle of human destiny; it is the first form of the salt of life; the circle is the future philosophy of the human order of life; it is the new world that begins after the Alpha world. Alpha is the materialism that the world has known; a system of life that is passing away; Omega is the spiritual principle with which the millennium of peace begins; Omega was momentarily halted by Alpha to test the desires of humanity. Every desire is a request in the Kingdom of Heaven; the request is microscopic and expansive; it begins as a tiny solar point and expands, taking the shape that all its elements and spirits requested in a celestial alliance; and whose development is called human life; and which will end when the last molecule has disappeared; a journey that is being made imperceptibly as the planet ages.- Yes, my child; the principle with which each one was born is a solar geometric principle; the first form you had in the Kingdom was that of a point; a tiny point that had two movements within it; you felt elevation and descent; high and low; your first germ levitated; because levitating and flying are one and the same; the first germ floated around the crown of the Alpha and Omega suns; firstborn suns; of the Trino galaxy; of the dimension of the macrocosm; the germ was created in the living fires of the Alpha and Omega suns; the suns are like you, living creatures; because what is above is like what is below; no one is exclusive in possessing life; whoever believes that forgets that the creation of the Father is infinite; there is everything in the flock of the Lord; your germ is a magnetic product born from the magnetic fire of the suns; the solar luminaries continue to create worlds; and they will do so for all eternity; In the macrocosm, there exists another material time; there exists celestial time, in which one celestial second corresponds to a terrestrial century. and both times came from the same cause; one time was first and the other came later; one evolved first, and the other later; just as you arrive in life; some first and others later; What is above is the same as what is below; and the greater, the first, create and expand in greater proportion than the lesser. All reproductive capacity goes from lesser to greater. And the humble are the first before the Father; they require His best care; because by virtue of the free will of beings, there exist infinite paths that lead to perfection; The paths are infinite because creation is infinite; it’s like being a grain of sand in the midst of all the sand in a desert; and each grain of sand is a planet. the spiritual germ takes the form of how it expanded; because the first form and all forms are not eternal; they are relative; as every spirit is reborn, its geometric form changes; Perfection is an eternal succession of destinations; it has no limits; the beginning was fire; and from this fire emerge future existences; the initial fire varies from existence to existence; And there comes a moment in your eternity when the heat of your fire begins to diminish; and your passions start to fade away; and you are creating new knowledge, new omega circles;

new qualities and qualities; one is born seeking the origin; and in doing so, you transform yourselves; To seek implies some existence; to seek for all eternity, infinite existences; and those who seek find; they find what they promised to find in the Kingdom; every search is requested and granted; that is why you are in the world; and that is why the world knows each other; the living elements found on a planet; for them, it is a feeling just like yours; and they do not stray from their laws; because no one is disinherited, everyone has the right to feelings; matter and spirit; no one is lesser before the Father; before the cause of all causes; before the one Creator of the entire universe; Your omega circle is a geometry that exists in your salt of life; wherever you go, you will have your circle; every circle is born at the very moment your thought is born; and your thought was born from a tiny bright point called the Sun; because no matter how immense the suns of the macrocosm may be, they are just a tiny point suspended in the infinite; only the Father is the great one; and after Him, the relative dimensions in a quantity that your mind can imagine; and the more the expansive thinking universe expands, the more immense the Father becomes; every circle is eternal; because its cause is eternal; and although the circle may relatively change in geometry, it always possesses its presence, which is the place of origin; and everything returns to the place of origin; matter and spirit; each individuality is a relative and expansive circle; and each living circle possesses its quality and essence; and within infinite thoughts, there are the infinite interpretations that each one gives about the circle; infinite minds imagine, infinite and varied theories about the circle; and all of them exist; because everything exists in creation; just think and future planets are already being created; because each mind creates its own sky; and every planet is surrounded by a sky; in your own invisible ideas, the same circle and the interpretations you gave it go; and that idea will expand throughout eternity; The same happens with any geometric shape; whether spiritual or material; The expansive and human thought are spirals that, at every moment, grow larger and larger; because from the dust of the world that you are, you move towards the great; from the microscopic to the macro or greater; from the tiny speck of dust to the circle; and this happens both within and outside of you; in the spiritual and the material; And not only that; all your desires and sensations grow larger; certainly, you may return to the form of a microbe; as it was in your past; however, this is generally requested when one must atone for past wrongs; Many spirits that destroy germs out of malice ask in the Kingdom to be germs or microbes; and to pay the debt eye for eye and tooth for tooth. here is a law that will shake the hard and wicked of spirit; Many of those you call animals are spirits that asked to be what others once were; because they harmed another; that is why it was written: Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you; it was written as a moral and spiritual warning; and every parable contains the same intention; all living beings around you have the same rights in the Kingdom that you have; because no one is lesser before the Father; all are equal; regardless of their physical form and way of life; And all those who have punished one of these creatures out of mere whim will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for they did not heed the parable: Do not do to others what you would not like done to you; all the children you have killed in the world, whom you called animals, are waiting for you in the Kingdom to judge you; the reason is on their side; for it is written that every humble and despised is first in the Kingdom of Heaven; and they are the first to accuse; and their own Creator listens to them first; this same law applies to every woman or man who has murdered their children out of whim. No murderous spirit enters the Kingdom; in the Kingdom of Heaven, murderers are unknown; there, everyone is eternal; death is unknown; death belongs to the worlds of flesh, like yours. And you yourselves are unknown in the Kingdom; and if they knew you, they wouldn’t give you the slightest importance; because the macrocosm soon forgets the microbes; it may seem harsh; but that’s how it is; just as you are indifferent to your own microbes; what is above is like what is below; therefore, there is no contempt for anyone here; it is a custom of free will; each person lives in their own dimension; the circle, like every idea in your mind, is also judged; philosophy has it all; and its number is 8; the eight represents two circles joined together; because Alpha and Omega unite and create sexes; All male sex signs belong to Alpha Sun; and female sex signs belong to Omega; and for both, the philosophy of origin is the same; the 8, which corresponds to the eighth sun Alpha in expansive Trinity; it is not the eighth human; it is a divine eighth; and it is infinite; both upwards and downwards; the suns, by their own laws, assimilate among themselves; one for all and all for one; God is at one point, and at the same time everywhere; He is in all points; in all the suns; for the divine Father, a little point is a planet or a sun; everything is reduced to almost nothing; the Solar Trinity is everywhere; and they are at the same time, infinite in their qualities and characteristics;

And you yourselves, who have the inheritance of the Father, are also a microscopic trinity; Every trinity is relative to its quality and essence; and subordinate to one’s own thinking; While one thinks, one’s own trinity multiplies; because no one is disinherited; and your own ideas possess it; when your salt of life varies, your trinity also varies; And if your spirit violates the law of the Father, it is a trinity in disgrace; because it has violated a grace of the Father; Every violator in the world is a trinity in misfortune; and every saved one is but a trinity that hopes; and every blessed one is a trinity in eternal glory; for every saved one is safe from their own mistakes; yet, not from divine justice. a multitude like never seen before will be of the saved; for in them will be repentance; Among the saved, there are infinite categories; because the faults committed are not the same; Free will, in its quality and essence, causes wrongdoing to fluctuate between darkness and light; Human life, in its fire matured in flesh, carries the imperfections that it did not shed from its past existences; it is a struggle not only of the mind of the spirit but also of matter. Spiritual tests are microscopic variations in temperatures. And every physical illness has a spiritual cause; requested by spiritual fire; and tested in the molecules of flesh; the flesh is fire subjected to the fire of the spirit; the flesh made divine alliances among itself; pore by pore; with the spirit; molecule by molecule; that is why every ailment affects both the spirit and the flesh; it is a pain requested by both; and the cure for all pain is the same; this understanding between matter and spirit is a living destiny; molecules feel in the same proportion as the spirit; although it apparently wasn’t; The harmony between spirit and matter is due to the harmony that exists in nature; because you breathe it in. Without the atmosphere that is material, you would not exist as beings containing a spirit; Every alliance is born to become a planet; and ephemeral existences are merely links in the chain. Every beginning is existence; it is a microscopic point; an angle and a circle; and not only that; but you will be what you set out to be; Nothing is impossible in the inheritance of the Father; everything is born from within you; even the darkness; because if you deny the light, you draw the darkness to yourselves. Every circle carries the inheritance of its creator; its mark; even if it is identical to another creator’s. This inequality arises from individuality; because there is no individuality in the world that is the same as another; nor will there ever be. This observation sheds some light on the very origin; the inequality in spirits teaches that the distant source of origin is infinite in the quality and nature of its creatures; if you all had been created with the same individuality, there would be only one free will in quality and nature; and your philosophy would not be of infinite philosophical variety; and it would not be the proof of a life; this fact demonstrates that every free will creates its own free will; that destiny is not the same, because the use that each one made of their free will in other existences was not equal; the qualities and the natures, in ideas, did not have the same distribution; as far as time is concerned; Moreover, the initial fire of your beginning in each one had the same law; and that the Alpha and Omega suns possessed and possess their own quality and essence, in their divine solar free wills. the universe is organized into galaxies; and each world like yours has its origin in some sun; the organization or universal family is infinite; because the universe has no end; and the explanations are the same; each planet possesses what you possess; and this is in their respective laws; they have their quality and essence; because inheritance is in the entire universe; worlds see infinity, just as you do; in their respective laws; it is true that everything is relative; because there is no material existence where the quality and essence are unique in eternity; only this exists in the Kingdom of Heaven; where the laws are renewed by their own creatures; there, if the creature wishes, its quality and essence are eternal; and they do not possess one; as would be human individuality; which always remains the same throughout its existence; there, celestial creatures possess qualities and essences, in a quantity as vast as the number of grains of sand in a desert; because they have lived longer; they have been born more times on infinite planets; their salt of life shines so brightly that they are suns; here is the destiny that a microbe reaches; or a little flesh monkey like you. And there is no solar luminary that has not been a microbe; for one must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; and everything great is still microscopic in relation to the infinite; no one has the final word in the colossal; only the Father has it; and yet everyone passes through the microscopic and the colossal, as many times as your minds can imagine; and not only does your kind of life exist; the lives that exist can never be counted; because each mind, when thinking, expands its ideas; and from them, microscopic worlds are born; which will, over time, become colossal worlds in perpetual living relativity; The universe does not know you as you might believe; only the Father and the Mother Solar Omega know you; however, some solar fathers who were prophets on Earth do; this is due to infinity itself; And the unknown worlds are like the grains of sand in a desert; and the known ones are the same; Your Earth enters the concert of worlds, with the revelation of the science of the Lamb of God; a science that will explain everything to you; the origin of all things; and which was requested by you yourselves, in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it was granted to you; judge it; for by the intellectual fruit, one knows from which philosophical tree it comes.-



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