Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Psalm 147:4 “He counts the number of the stars, and names them all.”
Proverbs 8:27-29 “When he drew a circle on the face of the deep, and established the limits of the sky, when he established the clouds above, and established the springs of the deep, when he set limits for the sea so that it would not transgress his commands. , and marked the foundations of the earth,”
Every number follows an evolutionary line; to achieve this, the living number made an alliance with the thinking spirit; the evolution of each creature is numerical evolution, in its entirety; it depends on each spirit to perfect within itself its evolutionary numerical thinking; destiny is also numerical; because it is the product of a spirit that made an alliance with the numerical universes, within the corresponding hierarchy limit; the number without evolutionary progress corresponds to the early ages of humanity; it is the primitive number that was born from creatures that had not yet taken a big step towards the science of numbers; between a primitive number and an evolved one, there is time with living scenes of the spirit, in which each lived scene contained numerical geometry; each lived scene is a microscopic geometric expansion, with numerical and geometric contribution from the elements; without the elements, it is not possible to give geometric shape to the scenes that each one produces in life; that is to say, one must live numerical sensations, without knowing what they are; to reach the evolutionary number, with philosophical-numerical reasoning; the development in the understanding of the number is the development of oneself; one’s own understanding first lives the experience of ignoring the number; the intuitive number arises in the human mind to later be replaced by the illustrated number; the number and the concept one had of it, is exclusive to each spirit; because the number marks the limit of evolution of each human creature; and throughout life, the number intervenes in each sensation that the mind generates; its variation within the intuitive suffers highs and lows, without any classification; in the illustrated spirit, the number has the geometry of geometric reasoning; the number illustrated by the spirit, investigates and calculates its possible origin in the countless galaxies; the number and the spirit are inseparable in any search for perfection; the number balances every search of the thinking being; it is the support point, of what could be an ordered universe; the influence of the number in the geometry of the ideas generated daily, is simply infinite; because from the microscopic idea that is a magnetic wave, a colossal planet is born, which as it grows from the invisible to the visible, develops and expands all the characteristics that the idea contained; the magnetism of the idea begins its development passing through micro and ending in macro; in macro what was an idea transformed into a planet, ages and perishes; the planet Earth is in its beginning phase of planetary old age; the beginning of the Earth was the microbe; this microbe contained and still contains fire; this explains why no sage of the Earth has been able to demonstrate the origin of the Earth; the sages of the Earth could not escape the imbalance they felt between the material and the spiritual; they did not manage to glimpse the two eternities within one; they fell short even in the eternity of matter; and they did not consider the eternity of the spirit; to be able to give an exact origin of the Earth, one must possess the balanced concepts of matter and spirit; the certainty that is also a sensation of mental security calculation, in saying a remote thing, requires the parallelism of one psychology with the other; not finding the origin of the Earth, despite so many centuries having passed, accuses a numerical imbalance in human evolution; in the microscopic origin of the Earth is the origin of all things; everything was born microscopic and humble, to become great in size; the whole over the whole, encloses the law of molecular communism the common philosophy in the Law of origin, encloses the future understanding between matter and spirit; in the common philosophy of origin, no one is less; neither matter nor spirit; each in their respective law, must understand each other at a given moment, in the respective human evolution.-
The celestial drawing teaches the triceptation of the right angle of 90°; from this angle, the Earth and everything on it was born; everything known possesses a numerical geometry; the new triceptation of the right angle of 90°, begins a knowledge on Earth that has no end; and having no end, it invades everything, provoking the greatest of revolutions in human knowledge; the greatest of revolutions is the one that can teach the origin of all things without exception; and demonstrate that matter has its own life; the triceptation of the right angle of 90°, had been announced many centuries ago, in the gospel of God; and from the knowledge taught by God, a communism is born as men never dreamed; because this communism will create common law between matter and spirit; which had never happened before; from the triceptation of the right angle of 90° a philosophy of understanding is born between the thinking spirit and the elements; the utmost simplicity of creation, has as its Law the mutual understanding between the human intellect, and the way of expression of the elements; if it were not so, the human fruit would be a chimera; for everything would be like a dream whose departure would be eternal death; molecular communism is in nature itself; no one can be indifferent to the whole, which in living alliance, contributes to making life possible; it is enough to remove a single element, of those that sustain life, and life is at risk of perishing; human life has a geometry, which is inseparable from the geometry of the elements; from birth to death, the elements govern the development of creatures; and the greatest of revolutions, breaks with the knowledge that through their own sensations, the masses had in contact with the elements; life awakens to the molecular communism that was in nature itself; and the triceptation of the right angle of 90°, creates two worlds in one; the world whose development was already known and is known; a world in which matter did not converse with men; because they were fulfilling a planetary life test, which they did not know; and a world in which matter, fulfilling molecular communism, since the creation of the planet, will converse with those it did not converse with, because they were fulfilling the development of time, of the life test; with this world of communication between men and the elements, human life that until then was a test, ceases to be so; this living world is governed by the alpha and the omega; alpha is angle and omega is circle; the triceptation of the right angle of 90°, marks the beginning of the fall, of a strange life system, whose creators, were obsessed with the possession of gold; they did not possess planetary philosophy; they only possessed libertinism; they did not possess the mental capacity, to unify planet Earth; because of the strange complex of possessing gold, and that as individuals they did not know how to overcome their possession complexes, the first world suffered the yoke of division for many centuries; that division still continues and will continue, for the masses that accept it by falling asleep in not defending their rights; the spirits sleep, with respect to the immense power that sleeps in them; the revolutions that have occurred, accuse the masses of the past, that they were asleep; because what the masses of the past, left as an inheritance to those of the present, all the burden, all the weight of the injustices accumulated for centuries; what the masses of the past did not do, the masses of the present try to do; the triceptation of the right angle of 90°, generates a doctrine that will judge all generations; because in the explanation of the origin of all things, is also the origin of all the individualities that made up the masses of all times; the triceptation of the right angle of 90°, was announced in the gospel of God; and the way in which the colossal knowledge that explains the origin of all things is received, is Living Telepathy; something new for human science; it repeats, what had already happened before; it repeats the mystery of how the Holy Scriptures of God were received;
the world once again witnesses, what the ancients witnessed; the trisection of the right angle of 90°, begins the demonstration that matter has a life of its own; and the isolated cases, which were called miracles, become common law, planetary law; the isolated cases were tests for all humanity; those who believed will be rewarded for not putting limits on the Creator of the Universe; those who did not believe, will no longer be what they were; they will materialize in the geometry of their negative thoughts; the new Law that comes to the world brings new mathematics, which are the mathematics with which the elements were calculated; they are the mathematics of the creators of planets; the other mathematics was the mathematics that emerged from the evolution of beings in the test of life; it was the mathematics of men, who could not converse with the elements; nor could they create human beings; it was the mathematics that did not produce eternal things; it was the mathematics that could not stop the aging, nor the death of men; it was the mathematics in the test of numerical psychology; this mathematics is already coming to an end; because the end of mortals is near; when mortals disappear, their works, which were the product of their mathematics, disappear with them; the disappearance of mortals is a metamorphosis of nature itself; just as man possesses the force of perfection, nature also possesses it; one is enclosed in the other; individual communism radiates towards nature, and nature does so towards the individual; the principle of all universes rests on this Law; the expansive oscillates between the microscopic and the macroscopic; the individual becomes expansive, as he understands the matter, from which he cannot subtract the influence that it exerts on him; this influence represents the magnetic communism between the creature and the elements; each sensation of the individual develops in communion with matter; the individual is not independent of it; nor is matter independent of the individual; magnetic communism has been expressing itself since the moment the first man was born on Earth; philosophical communism was expressed when individuality was in full development to understand it; philosophical communism slept, while magnetic communism began its irradiation; and in the development of this principle, intuition was born in the individual; the trisection of the right angle of 90°, demonstrates that communism existed long before man was born; and in the test of life, the thinking individuality of man should have grasped that communism was in nature itself; and it served him from the very moment he was born; nature discriminates against no one; it is common to all; nature was born with a principle in agreement with respect to the sensations of the spirit; nature is common in its expansive development; its principle together with thinking creatures was microscopic and geometric; when the earth was still a microbe in expansion, nature was also a microbe; the common was a microbe that began to grow from the invisible to the visible; the molecules of the Earth have a history of development that makes them communists by birth; the common in its plan of molecular development made the reality of the Earth possible; the dispersed was not in them, the basis of anything; molecular cohesion resulted in a common fruit; species developed in different geometries, following a common pattern of development; the succession of fruits through the centuries demonstrates that all materialized geometry teaches a mandate of common reality; the fruits of nature follow a line of development and growth that, in their entirety, teach a universe of common origin; the material development of things teaches that everything comes from a geometric pattern prior to the explanatory causes of the present; they are the magnetisms of life, already gone; and in the present, we witness the development of their inheritances; by the characteristics of the current fruit, the tree from which they come is known; the geometric principle of each fruit and each species has in its past a hereditary line, whose end is connected to distant galaxies; because the earth itself is a cosmic product magnetically connected to the other celestial bodies of the infinite; the line of development of celestial bodies also follows a plan of common geometric pattern; the planets taken together by their sizes represent a macrocosm in the corresponding hierarchy; and their fruits and species found in them represent a microcosm; the hierarchical scale from greater to lesser has been fulfilling expansive parallelism with a diversity of geometries; in their developments, the spaces they occupy had another principle of microbe, in which the fruits and species become other macrocosms within the microcosm; the scale of the large and the small has no limits;
because from the present that the eyes see, the expansion is introduced in the form of invisible magnetism, to other presents that human eyes do not see; each fruit and each species, each represent their own science; human science does not understand everything; there are spaces and times that the human mind has not yet traversed; and what has not been traversed is not known; this defect in human experience, with respect to the study of what surrounds it, was born from human imbalance itself; because the thinking human creature, in its multitudes of intelligences, did not imitate the common Law of nature, and marginalized itself from the cosmic pattern of common Law; because according to the determinations of intelligences, it is the reigning psychology; the imbalance existing between the mental power of men and the knowledge that is not yet known, had its origin in its beginning; the imbalance is ancient; and it expanded without stopping because from the beginning the desire to possess and the tendency to rely on the use of force were born; humanity itself legalized the mental limits that have been inherited for centuries; the first psychology of the first of the generations did not want to establish a common relationship with the elements, without which it could not live; the first generation of beings marginalized itself from the common Law, so that its search would conclude in a common perfection; the weakness inherited from the beginning was trusting within the limits of individuality; it was enclosing oneself within oneself; and it was an enclosure without knowing oneself; the transmitted mental attitude included a strange indifference towards the cosmic; the human creature became worldly, for mental comfort; the small half-made improvements of multitudes of beings did not serve to unify the planet in the shortest possible time; quite the contrary; it expanded division in human relations and legalized it; the guilt of the first individuals who belonged to the first generation is infinite; from their strange complexes of possession and force, they aborted a planet whose inheritance was injustice and abuse; the drama that expanded and constituted humanity came from mental imbalance; the first beings demonstrated a weakness of science for the future happiness of the planet; their tremendous errors were imposing intuitive psychologies, without any responsibility in illustration; the mystery of life was too great for them; the imbalance was in the human creature, not in the elements; they have not varied their common Law; man contradicts himself in all his progress through the centuries; the imbalance that is the human drama was unleashed without any human power being able to stop it; mental well-being preferred to accept it for irresponsible comfort; the violation that is an unbalanced number was legalized in the way of thinking of successive generations; the forgetfulness that there could have been something better in the past covered and disguised it as the reality of always; the false cannot resist evolutionary changes, which are supported by the natural Law of the planet; because the false came from microscopic unbalanced individualities; the false has no cosmic basis, which is the infinite itself; and the longer the false lasted, the more spectacular its fall or unmasking is; because it deceived a greater number of minds; the trisection of the right angle of 90° explains without any limit all the human fall in its planetary consequences; and it shows that humanity should have had a better science than it has; the division of the planet led by the so-called capitalism dispersed infinite intelligences because they did not possess enough gold; the science that humanity pursued did not have all the support of the masses; and not having it, the quality and caliber of human science were not of the first order; when millions of intelligences participate in a given invention, such an invention achieves greater perfection than if only a few intelligences participated; the science pursued by the so-called capitalism does not represent the supreme in science; quite the contrary; it is primitive science and all science will be, if in its development it does not take the masses into account; the trisection of the right angle of 90° will teach the world all the unknown that the human intellect could never explain; the past holds the germs of all human errors; the first generation created the future fall in every human creature; it was the sleep of the masses with respect to their rights; the exclusivity of a few created what would eventually be a failure; the sad capitalist experiment had its own weakness in complexes that individuality could not overcome; those influenced by the possession of things became vulgar merchants without planetary philosophy; during their ephemeral reign, the number as such did not evolve as it should have evolved; because the masses did not participate in its evolution; the so-called capitalism did not win the rest of the future because it represented a degenerate way of life; it was strange to the natural Laws; since it did not take into account the common of such Laws; the living degeneration of the so-called capitalism in the test of life only represents a microscopic accident in the egalitarian and expansive Laws of nature; the sad experience of capitalist merchants will be remembered by future generations as a primitive world that defeated itself; as a microscopic germ that deviated from the common Law of nature; because everything that deviates from the natural source is left behind on the path that expands towards the future; we are currently witnessing the agony of the so-called capitalism; those deviated from planetary philosophy are defeated by the philosophical power of the masses; the ancient complex of possessing and accumulating is defeated by the philosophy of the whole over the whole; it is defeated by the same thing that was not understood by the first generation; it is defeated by nature itself that expands in common law; the path traveled by the so-called capitalism was a sleep in which human evolution was momentarily delayed; the unequal psychology of those who did not want to imitate nature in its common teachings loses interest before new thinking masses; the spirit-matter relationship finds again the thread that distorted beings had falsified and disguised with dubious legality; the trisection of the right angle of 90° is the beginning of a new dawn in human history; it is the alpha principle with omega understanding; it is the approach in understanding between matter and thinking spirits.-
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