Holy writings

Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 2:7 “Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.”
Genesis 2:21-22 “And the Lord God caused sleep to fall on Adam, and he fell asleep. And he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in his place. And of the rib that the Lord God took from the man, he made a woman, and brought her to the man.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; We will write about the divine celestial theme most discussed in the spiritual world: the Holy Trinity; what is it in common and simple language? Certainly, no thinking creature has been able to explain it; the reason for this is that only a son of the Father can explain it; a son who belonged to the place indicated by the divine Solar Firstborn. From where I am, you cannot go; for there reigns such a magnetic vibration that you would disappear; in the midst of an unheard silence; The divine vibration is a portion of magnetism attained by each creature; it expresses itself, however it may, that is to say, as a material planet or as a spirit; In the Expansive Thinking Universe, everything is alive; what is believed to be, is not; that is to say, that all the inert appearance of matter is so for human magnetic vibration; One cannot perceive the infinite microscopic activity that bubbles from each molecule; human feeling cannot penetrate it; and when it does, it does so in a microscopic dimension; here lies the divine law of every magician, sorcerer, enchanter, hypnotist, or wizard; these beings penetrate certain magnetic-spiritual laws; it is like a glimpse of something that is to be greater; and that something has detached itself in a microscopic form; for that something is living magnetism; it allowed itself to be detached, to test and be tested; with intention being the supreme judge of both, the Holy Trinity is not foreign to this; for it manifests itself in infinite forms; it is the only one that unifies the divine alliances of the divine cherubim, both of matter and spirit; the divine interpretation of the Holy Trinity is proportional to the spiritual germ of each one; One cannot understand a law when one’s own understanding does not comprehend itself; and even less so when the creature is unaware of its own spiritual origin; it is ignorant of how its own beginning came to be; even more so when the creature is led down false paths; when it is deceived in its own planetary maturity; when demons lead it away from the divine mandate; All these factors influence faith; The latter are of human conception; the former are of divine origin; for it was written that every human spirit is tested in life; and it is tested in all virtues; that is to say, that every virtue is unaware of its own origin; just as every spirit is unaware; which exists thanks to the divine alliances of its own living virtues.-

Yes, my child; that’s right; just as I read it in your divine mind; This celestial drawing explains what the Holy Trinity is in human evolution. the set of suns of the infinite represents knowledge in the Expansive Holy Trinity; The Father is the 1; the Son, being the 2, is also the 1; the Holy Spirit is the same Knowledge of each spirit; it is what has been earned with the sweat of one’s brow; it is the individual sacrifice of each thinking being; The Holy Trinity has its galactic number in all of creation; for there is no creation that has not come from the One; there is no creation that does not have numbers; everything is created based on divine mathematics; every divine plan, without exception, has calculation. the Holy Trinity constitutes the only living destination; from which all worlds have emerged, from the Expansive Thinking Universe; everyone in the infinite space is nature; it is the universe materialized with microscopic living creatures; and these microscopic creatures, at the same time, possess their own microscopic Holy Trinity; For nature Earth, the number of its Holy Trinity is 318; it corresponds to the entire human history, in relation to all Revelation; In the celestial drawing, many things are explained; the divine celestial triangle signifies that every solar father possesses celestial time; and that this time is irreversible; it is unchangeable; it is eternal; each celestial second means that a century has passed on Earth. The reason for this lies in the magnetic expansion emanating from the suns; this expansion follows its own evolution; it follows its own initial impulse that was set in motion in the Alpha and Omega suns; when the Earth was a microscopic electric spark; the colors surrounding the suns are thinking fluids; the fluid is in the very individuality of every creature; for it is a divine product of them; here lies the origin of every human determination; Every human thought has color; each color emanating from the mind is a future world of color; which, born in the form of an invisible idea, materializes into colossal worlds; out there in distant galaxies; from the moment a creature is born, an infinite trail or nebula of ideas begins to emerge from it; the first ideas corresponding to the infant state of every creature are white; this color symbolizes the philosophical innocence of the creature; for it knows nothing yet of good or evil; it lives a contemplative life; the same life as angels do, in the Kingdom of Heaven; to maintain this purity throughout one’s life is the supreme test of every spirit; without this purity, it is impossible for the spirit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for all philosophy learned in the fleeting human life is judged; that is why no rich person enters the Kingdom of Heaven; for that philosophy would corrupt the spiritual purity of the angels; they are unaware of such philosophy; they live universal communism; for my loving philosophy is common to all; they live loving communism; with the philosophy of children; that is why it was written: Let the children come to me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; theirs is the philosophy that reigns in eternity; no other philosophy enters the Kingdom of Heaven; The written was: The Earth will pass away; but my Words will not pass away; It means that all earthly philosophy, which has not taken into account the Lamb of God, will perish; it will fade into oblivion; just as so many have already done. In the divine drawing, there are black dotted lines; they symbolize the magnetism of life; it is the Alpha and the Omega of everything that thinks and breathes; this magnetism is present throughout the Universe; it is expansive along with all creation; In the drawing, it can be seen that the magnetic lines intersect a yellow area; This yellow zone represents a divine virtue of knowledge; it is infinitely increased; to such a number that it escapes human calculation; I can tell you, my dear child, that every virtue enhanced is like a ruby; being microscopic, it shines in the Kingdom of Heaven; to such an extent that it eclipses colossal suns; its beauty paralyzes the human heart; this divine virtue possesses all the colors that the Alpha and Omega suns have; and they are living fluids; that have their own Holy Trinity; their own times; their own spaces and their own philosophies; even more: In them, there are universes and solar systems; for what is above is like what is below; what is in the macrocosm is like what is in the microcosm;

Both above and below, infinity exists; this means that matter is momentary; it lasts while it develops and expands its own seed; or divine solar spark; returning everything to the point of origin; which for Earth are the Alpha and Omega suns. this return is the divine Solar Television; also called in the Kingdom of Heaven, as Universal Television; This divine Television encompasses all the dimensions experienced by my creatures; everything that has come from the hands of the divine Father Jehovah is eternally recorded there. This divine television has served and continues to serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for spirits; who seek infinite proofs of life; great resolutions have emerged in front of these colossal screens; The so-called geniuses are those spirits who have spent eternities observing this television; watching the advancements and inventions carried out in other worlds; here lies the main cause of all inspiration; and from them has emerged the idea of going to such and such a world as wise beings, contributing their bit to the progress of the planet; The drawing on the left symbolizes the galactic trunk; it represents all the reasons behind the creation of the Earth; it signifies the cosmic origin of the Earth; one can see in the trunk the mental fibers of solar and material spirituality; they are the same as those possessed by the silver ships; they are divine alliances of divine cherubs; who have requested materialization; along with reincarnation; they have asked to be born again; for with this, they draw closer in perfection to Me; In the drawing on the right, the divine origin of the first creature is represented; that is, a spirit-angel; this creature could have been Adam; for in my divine creation, there is no limitation in anything; there were infinite Adams; just like infinite Eves; and they are still being born; for at every moment in time, the divine process repeats itself; new planets and lands are being born; just as it was before the current Earth; my creation is so infinite that what is called fantasy becomes reality; This reality consists of colossal worlds; they carry within their own evolutions the same philosophy that contained a mental idea; for it is enough to think of something, and that something travels to distant galaxies; it travels amidst colossal suns; as human eyes will never see; As the microscopic idea advances through the cosmos, the great suns step aside, giving way; that is why it was written: The humble are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; whoever has not been humble does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for their own philosophy is contrary to all vibrations emanating from the Light; it is more in harmony with the galactic darkness; to this kind of ideas, the colossal suns do not yield; and the most terrifying fear seizes the spirit of the idea; every idea is heavy on the divine Solar Scales; just as the first ideas of all Adams and all Eves were weighed; for every idea emanating from every spirit that has been created brings with it new destinies; new humanities; this was the result that gave rise to the planet Earth; by disobeying Adam and Eve, they created a philosophy of disobedience; which sprouted from the very earthly paradise; where these creatures lived in celestial time; this means that the Earth was destined from its very origins to be an eternal paradise; One should not blame the first parents with human criticism; Human wisdom has committed worse sins; which are giving rise to the birth of worse hells than the Earth itself. Furthermore, the Earth is reaching the end of its life test; the divine Final Judgment is approaching; and with it, Adam and Eve are cleansed of all sin. Well, nothing is eternal; except for the Father; Everyone has a sense of regret; the first parents had it too; along with the rest of the other living virtues; Humanity has inherited regret from its first parents. All regret is a door that allows every spirit to correct itself, paving the way for humility and honesty. It is the only opportunity that every sinner has; no virtue other than repentance cleanses them from all sin. Repentance and humility are part of the divine philosophy of the Lamb of God; the same philosophy with which Adam and Eve were born; for they were angels; they were microscopic beings who lived in a microscopic paradise; when the Earth was also of a microscopic dimension; for it was written that to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, one must first be small and humble; this divine law applies equally to both the spirit and the planet.-



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