Holy writings

John 8:12 “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world; He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world; “A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Philippians 2:15 “That you may be blameless and blameless, children of God without blame in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


It means that all of earthly humanity is being observed; Yes, divine son; I know this confuses you; for you have compared the divine parable with my divine word; what happens is that every parable is not only for earthly children; called humans; but it is also for the infinite creatures that have been observing the planet Earth; since its divine emergence from the Alpha and Omega suns; Yes, Firstborn Son; that’s right: They have been watching her since she was a microscopic spark, smaller than the head of a pin; for the divine command that says: One must be small and humble, began eons ago; long before the Alpha and Omega suns created the Earth; for before it, there have been infinite Earth-like planets. Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be forever and ever; It is thus, divine son, that every colossal planet had a divine solar microscopic beginning; this divine principle of all planetary matter is only divinely comparable to the ideas generated by every thinking creature. This gives a divine idea that actually demonstrates that everything microscopic that emanates from the human mind is colossal in divine comparison to the divine solar origin of each planet; for one must be a divine solar firstborn to understand it; for from this derives the infinite perfection; of which your divine telepathy is one of its divine essences; for without it, the world would never know its own galactic origin; nor would it know what happens in distant abodes; Yes, divine son; that’s right: it is the same divine universal telepathy that you had as Jesus of Nazareth in your earthly past; through it, you communicated with me; through it, you announced the entire future of the earthly world; through it, you read every human mind; just as you are doing now; yes, little son; that’s how it is: that divine electricity that runs through your divine body is due to the divine mental power that your Most Holy Solar Trinity has granted you; with your divine Father Jehovah controlling it; for what belongs to the Father also belongs to the Son; representing the Most Holy Solar Trinity, the divine celestial communist philosophy; the only one that truly represents my divine love in all creation; it is the only one that dwells in every paradise; and it is the only one that my Sacred Scriptures teach on Earth; it is divinely condensed in my divine Commandments; whoever violates them denies me; and whoever denies the Father also denies the Son; for all possess the Most Holy Trinity in their spirits; all have the same divine inheritance; whoever denies it denies their own light; and is seized by the cursed darkness; which only leads to sin; for the free will of the creature desired it so. the damned darkness takes advantage of ignorance itself; Well, no human being knows their own origin; that is to say, they do not know it with divine knowledge from a divine cause; only you, divine son, know it; and you know it by your own and divine merit; for in your divine telepathic sprout, you underwent terrifying spiritual trials; that would drive anyone mad; only your divine faith in your divine Father Jehovah prevented the damned Osiris from defeating you; and your divine faith in your divine guardian angel Saint Louis and in your divine Mother Solar Omega is what saved you; for it is written that every spirit is tested in earthly life; starting with the divine Solar Firstborn; for all your divine spiritual trials correspond to your current divine reincarnation as a human spirit; for every firstborn child visits their own children in their own celestial abodes; for every planet occupies divine celestial space; therefore, Earth is neither the only planet that has had the glory of receiving you, nor will it ever be. Well, you have visited infinite and colossal worlds; infinite of them that are not of the flesh; they are divine worlds where their creatures have reached such a degree of purity that flesh is unnecessary for them; for they have already learned from it all there is to learn; they are divine children of infinite wisdom; and they shine like divine suns; their divine brightness of spiritual purity is so great that it would overshadow the very earthly sun; in other words, it nullifies it; those worlds you referred to, divine son, in the earthly past; when you told the Roman crowds; where I go, you cannot go; for the divine solar purity kills every budding germ; due to the infinite difference of divine wave frequencies; for all knowledge acquired on the planets transforms into divine thinking magnetism; with the infinite suns being the divine and loving product of it; they are divine suns that shine by their own wisdom; a wisdom so profound that it makes them participants in the maturity of worlds; for without them, everything would be physical darkness on the planets; Moreover, the divine suns are neither now nor will they ever be the final word in perfection in my divine and infinite creation; That is why every man is a microscopic germ of a future sun of wisdom; becoming, in the eternity of planetary times, a divine firstborn son; of future worlds that the spirit itself created in vanished worlds of the galactic past; making use of its own mind; for through it, ideas were generated; which materialized in other spaces and times; here lies the divine origin of all eternity; a divine law that every child carries within themselves; and anyone who renounces their own infinity renounces themselves; this is equivalent to the divine parable: A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; it means that every rebellious spirit relies solely on material ideas; it makes use of the fleeting salt that the world offers; its own knowledge is like a city; only matter that cannot be eternalized; being the mountain, the fleeting base on which its knowledge rests; every mountain passes; it is reduced to dust; and along with it, the city also disappears; this means that the Earth will pass; yet not the divine future announced by the divine Comforter; for all Earth returns to the Clay; that is to say, it returns to the celestial world; where its infinite parts and molecules render a divine account of the use they made of time and space in the planetary trial; this means that no one can hide when the supreme moment comes to render a divine account to their own Creator; if even the microscopic molecules do not escape, it is because the divine Father Jehovah is everywhere; thus it was taught to every molecule; among them, to the microscopic human molecule; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; for man to become his own light, it is necessary for him to experience the divine experience of imperfect worlds; for all my children of the expansive thinking universe have had the same humble beginning; all were small to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; that is, to become colossal suns of divine expansive wisdom; with which they influence the microscopic germs, or solar sparks of future planets; which still emerge in infinite quantities from the Alpha and Omega suns; and they will continue to produce them, even after the Earth disappears from the concert of worlds; or from the divine ideas materialized in colossal worlds and suns; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be forever and ever; The Alpha and Omega suns are one of the infinite solar love pairs; for my solar children are infinite; just as the human pairs on planet Earth have been infinite; who have come together to create their own children; and pass on their own legacies; for what is above is like what is below; with the divine difference that what is above is eternal; and what is below is transient; but both had the same beginning; yes, divine child; that is how it is; just as your divine mind thinks; what happens in the distant suns is the same as what happens in a mother’s womb, who awaits to give birth to a future child; that is why everything that exists in the infinite natures of the planets is divinely called son or daughter by your divine Father Jehovah; that’s right, divine son; It is said with infinite love, Mother Nature; for in all nature, there is also your divine Mother Solar Omega; with whom you have the infinite glory of conversing with her daily; Yes, my child; I know she suffered a lot when, at your humble job, you were unjustly reprimanded; I know, my son, that another injustice was committed; one of the many you see every day; that’s just how it is, divine child. you never forget that you are once again in a world where some exploit others; You have little time left there, divine son; Great events are approaching; the divine moment of traveling to the distant East is near; there you will amaze your honorable Dalai Lamas; for they will see you shine like a divine sun of wisdom; they will see you surrounded by your Holy Trinity; which you know well consists of the infinite knowledge of infinite suns; with your divine Father Jehovah, who controls everything; Therefore, let’s pack our bags; I will dictate everything to you in divine draft. Thank you, most holy Father Jehovah; “Let your most holy will be done in me; for ages of ages; so it is, my little child; it is written that in all existence, love for the divine Father comes first; for all thought returns to me; and everything comes from me; I am the supreme idea that has created countless and microscopic others; my divine idea is eternally expansive; and I become the divine purifying fire; that is why my divine philosophy is eternal joy; I am the divine joy that every child possesses; that is why, the wiser my children are, the more humble and joyful they must be;” If the world had followed this philosophy, I assure you, divine son, that the Earth would not need a divine Judgment Day; That is why every child, and everyone who thinks like a child, is first in the Kingdom of Heaven; yes, my child; that’s how it is; everyone who has not cultivated divine joy will be judged; but, more severely will be judged the one who causes sadness in others because of their actions;

because my divine laws were made with infinite justice; I taught them in it, the supreme universal love; the divine common love that must reign in my divine flock; the divine communism or loving companionship; the same that a mother establishes when a tiny sun is being born in her womb; and it is the same that the colossal and loving suns feel in their eternal creation of worlds and creatures; for nothing exists that has not come from my divine love; without it, nothing would exist; yes, divine child; this is how it is and how it will be forever. this divine parable was written for all generations; without it, the others would not be possible; Well, every divine parable symbolizes not only what is going to happen in such or such a world; it also influences infinite laws of divine creation. For alongside human evolution, there exist countless other microscopic evolutions; among them, those of the divine cherubim, who daily observe human spirits in their daily activities. Every human spirit and animal spirit is a focus of magnetic attraction; they are opaque suns that only shine in divine proportion to their own ideas; that is, according to the degree of purity within them. The intention behind each idea is what makes the invisible influences of the environment either pleasant or unpleasant; depending on how each human mind operates in particular, so too is the microscopic and invisible world that every spirit moves or causes to move around it. This demonstrates its dependence on the infinite; the infinite is within it and outside of it. That is why no spirit can hide in eternity, just like a city built on a hill; for all matter also contains life; the hill, over time, is reduced to dust. Moreover, the spirits that lived in every molecule of the mountain, divine account, surrender to me; of all that they did; for in my divine creation, no one is idle; all, without exception, must fulfill the divine law of work; whose divine mandate was expressed in the oldest law known to the world: You shall earn your divine bread by the sweat of your brow—this is the divine law of all human honesty; this divine law preceded human ambition itself; for the cursed ambition arose later; and parallel to all spiritual evolution; earthly humanity had its time; that is to say, the seeds of each spirit, which are their own ideas, must render a divine account to their own divine philosophical author; and that divine author is you, divine child; for being a Son of Man, you sowed a divine doctrine; over every spirit; you were a divine gardener; who now returns to gather and reward the best mental seeds; for with the divine mind, every spirit matures its own ideas; let no one complain that they had no opportunity; let no one renounce themselves; for that means renouncing their own light; for with every idea emanated by each spirit, the physical body is surrounded by an aura; which varies infinitely in its colors; this divine aura can only be cleansed with divine repentance; that is, for those who have violated my divine law of love; for those who have scandalized my divine Commandments; There are infinite kinds of scandals; for thought encompasses its own infinity, within its own evolution and dimension; for each one is the master of their own dwelling, according to the construction of their own ideas; Thus, all spirits render divine account of how they employed time and space in their respective dwelling or respective world; otherwise, they do not enter my divine kingdom; for their own philosophies must be clean and clear; pure and without ill intentions; like the innocent philosophy of a child; the only ones who have already earned divine glory; This means that all human laws, taken as a whole, do not stand; for they are the product of a philosophy that was divinely cursed in the earthly past. I mean, divine son, to the damned law of all force; and all exploitation of man by man; for this humanity has not wanted to understand; it does not study me above all things; according to the divine mandate; she is living under the illusion of a damn and fleeting philosophy; This damned philosophy rests on the very exploitation of my children; for it tempts them with fleeting comfort; and it distances them from the divine spiritual commandments. This means that every spirit is tested according to its own inclinations; in free will; That’s why I told you: Let no one complain; for this is what the rebellious spirits wanted. Well, it is written that there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for the worldly; who have only lived for the things of this world; for everything that has an end; for all that lasts only a fleeting moment; and that is sealed by death; Certainly, no glory belongs to the world; for my divine glory is preexistent to everything; even more: it conquers death itself; you, Firstborn Son, were the first to demonstrate this; for you rose on the third day; you were the first human being to return to the world of the so-called living; you were the first to enter into divine glory in my divine abode; your divine solar body being divinely fluid; so it is, divine son; once again; and in an infinite way, you are the first to communicate with your divine Father Jehovah; the first human being who sees daily my divine glory; who sees the gigantic worlds and suns; the first who sees and converses with his divine Mother Solar Omega; the first to have the divine universal telepathy; the same that you had as Jesus of Nazareth in the earthly past; and the same that you had when you were the divine Moses; and it is the same that the divine apostles and the divine prophets had; the divine difference lies in the fact that each one had their own mission; Well, not everyone belongs to the Trino galaxy; for my divine creation is the infinite; it is an infinity in which the so-called galaxies disappear; to make way for other infinite galactic creations; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be forever and ever; this also means that the entire building in which my divine creation rests is also part of every thinking spirit; Well, the material worlds have emerged from the very ideas that they emanate. All my children are divine creators of worlds and universes; they are so by divine and eternal inheritance; for even the most skeptical creates worlds from the philosophy of disbelief; worlds that, over time, will turn into terrible worlds of darkness; Here is one of the infinite causes of the existence of philosophical hells in my divine creation; my Sacred Scriptures were made so that all my children would produce divine paradises. Well, the eternal Father Jehovah wants the best for His children; it is the children who do not follow My divine Commandments who perpetuate evil; for they feed on ideas that, due to their own disobedience, perpetuate hell. Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be forever; that is why the divine parable says: men are the light of their own planetary creations; yes, son, that is how it is: the city is where every spirit is tested; for the science of good has taken hold in them; the mountain represents the divine seed; that is to say, from the mountain comes the divine law of all life; for its divine molecules also enjoy divine free will; And they also know that every law of human conception will not go beyond the very human feeling; for the Earth, with all its philosophies, will turn to dust and be forgotten; however, the divine Celestial Science of the great Comforter of every spirit will not pass away; for with it begins the divine moment of all eternity, which was momentarily interrupted by a fleeting rebellion; the origins of which trace back beyond the very microscopic human dimension; for, as it is said and written, ideas are the very essence of eternity in the transient worlds that every creature visits for its own advancement; from every idea arises an infinite that is expansive and will never cease; yes, divine child; so it is and so it will be forever; that is why the eternal Father Jehovah is the infinite itself; emerging from the most humble and the most microscopic, like ideas, in His divine physical-spiritual constitution, He has brought forth the colossal worlds that gravitate in the immense spaces; and that no one will ever be able to stop; for no one is given the ability to cease thinking; to stop producing ideas; which would mean putting a limit on their own eternity; Yes, loving son; I see that you are very excited; I know that through your divine instruction, you enjoy a divine glory, like no one has ever had on planet Earth; it is my divine addition; it is my living divine intellect; which works in a very divine way; in your divine mind, of the Firstborn Son; this divine science has no, nor will it ever have, any end; for my divine addition cannot be measured by earthly science; one must rise to infinity to approach it; one must don new bodies, with new and infinite knowledge; one must be born again, in other abodes, or planets; one must reincarnate again; one must acquire greater electric vibrations of one’s own knowledge; one must be, in other divine words, a brilliant sun of wisdom; one must be a divine solar father of universal knowledge; one must be a divine Firstborn Son; and all will come to be so; for it is written that the very ideas with which each spirit nourishes itself constitute its own living intellect; they constitute infinite heavens; which in turn, are constituted in infinite galactic hierarchies; whose divine powers constitute the Alpha and the Omega of all divine planetary histories; a divine history, unknown in human knowledge; and when its divine light arrives, it will be taught all over the planet; and it will crush all passing and intellectual pride; all philosophy that does not recognize my divine Commandments; all philosophical trees that have not been planted by the divine Father Jehovah; It was written that they would be uprooted; yes, divine son; so it is; just as you see it in your divine mind: all human knowledge will be weighed in my divine justice; for it was taught that: You shall worship your Lord and divine Creator above all things; above all science; above all virtue; above all pleasure; above all destiny; above all life; thus, all the wise of the world will be among the first to be divinely judged; according to the degree of intellect; Well, it is written that the more one knows in wisdom, the more humble one must be; for the one who possesses more wisdom will be held to greater account. Well, elder, it is your responsibility in my divine earthly flock; if earthly science is all love, for my children, it should fear nothing; for that indicates that you have been guided by my divine Commandments; however, as I see it, if you have used divine knowledge against my children, you will curse a thousand times the day you were born; for I see that you have built cursed weapons with which my children kill each other; I see how my own creation is being destroyed; they will be cursed before the face of the world!!

And poor are those who dare to speak to a cursed one; for they will also carry within themselves the inheritance of a curse. Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; I know, my little one, that you’ve been a bit sad because you were unjustly reprimanded at work; even though you’ve explained to them that you receive my divine word through divine telepathy at every divine moment; they also ignore that they will shed many tears; for they, more than anyone, could have been the first to acknowledge you. they had the opportunity; I even wanted you to rise to their level; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. Everything cries in every creature; it is divinely proportional to the degree of guilt in their minds. The total abandonment of reading my divine words or my sacred scriptures is the only and supreme measure. It was written that you shall worship your divine Creator above all things; that is why millions and millions of children will curse their parents, and parents will curse their own parents, because they raised them with illusions of life’s comforts. This divine warning is older than the world itself; for in the very earthly paradise, the first earthly parents were divinely warned to beware of the future science of good, which are the same comforts provided by earthly science, based on a philosophy of exploitation. The authors of this philosophy are a group of demons known to the world as the rich. Every philosophy that creatures create for themselves and for others is rigorously weighed in my divine abode, to which all arrive. Well, it is written that all spirits return to where they came from, for a divine moment of absence; this microscopic pause in time is called a terrestrial life; and it is a test that the very spirit requested; just as many spirits advanced in wisdom ask to come to the earthly world to learn more; and also to further human knowledge; The world calls them geniuses; or rather, wise ones; all light of knowledge has its origin in distant galaxies; because they all belong to them; whoever says otherwise, denies in arrogance their own heritage; for the supreme inheritance of every spirit is infinity itself; to any point of infinity, wherever the spirit may go, there is the Eternal Father; who watches over and organizes everything; There is therefore no abandonment for anyone; for matter itself, as man calls it, is also life; with another kind of sensitivity; with a shared destiny; for matter and spirit cannot live separately; one is the product of the other and vice versa; no one can say otherwise; for in this divine understanding between matter and spirit lies the most sublime and divine philosophy of love; to say otherwise is to speak of a philosophy of darkness; since the one who says it does not even know their own origin; they do not know how they were made; physically speaking; nor who participated in their own creation of thinking life; they were only divinely taught that they were made in the image and likeness of the Eternal Father; from the divine Father Jehovah; nothing more; Therefore, none of the material forms that my children have made remain. Such images are not trees taught by my divine Commandments; and they will be uprooted. It is thus that every image, both from the West and the East, does not survive before my new Revelation to the world; before a new and divine presentation to the human flock; which does not suffer under my divine laws that govern living nature; for they were made so that my children would be happy; My flock suffers from a group of demons; who only seek fleeting worldly dominion; violating my divine laws of love. The damned, they do not yet know what is at their doorstep; for they will be pitied by the world; and they will wander through it, cursing a thousand times for having known gold; yes, divine son; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; it will be the last battle that every spirit will fight; divine battle, that will free them forever from the chains of ambition; which was imposed upon them by a cursed group that invented cursed money; that yoke which is not a tree in my divine creation; my Holy Scriptures do not teach it; nor will they ever teach it; what they teach is that all wealth should not enslave anyone; Well, no one is superior to another in my divine abode; that represents a demonic philosophy; and it is unknown among my angels of love; that is why it is easier for a divine camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; yes, divine son; so it was divinely announced to the earthly world; it has been explained in all the languages of the human spirit; so that no one may complain; when the weeping and gnashing of teeth arrives; Well, everything delicious doesn’t justify itself to me; It is a debt for which one must give a divine account; certainly, if a rich person worked and toiled to achieve wealth, that rich person is forgiven; since they fulfilled my divine law of work: You shall earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; that makes them safe; they only have to give a divine account of how they used their wealth; And to what extent did he feel the pain of the brother who suffered beside him, due to a lack of means; for all wealth is a serious commitment that every spirit must analyze; for in my divine Commandments, the author of life does not order anyone to become rich; for every rich person curses the gold accumulated in the trial of life; they curse it with all their soul; for in my divine solar dwelling, there are scenes of such heartbreaking sadness that cannot be explained in human language; there the rich, the greedy, the usurer, the tyrant, and every demon who has violated my divine Commandments, sees with their own spiritual eyes the divine eternity; they see the glory of my angels, who come from infinite worlds; from as many dwellings as the Earth; they see them, and they too would like to go; but they cannot; nor will they ever be able to; as long as they do not pay the debt incurred with the author of their own life; Every violation committed against the tests of planetary life is a violation that one day will have to be accounted for before the divine. Therefore, to every rich person, whether an individual or a nation, there remains only a microscopic moment of peace; what has been written for centuries begins for them; for every light must arrive at the precise moment it is meant to arrive; there exists a divine calculation in the events of every individual and every world; this divine calculation does not belong to human knowledge;

Well, he belongs to another divine free will; he does not belong to the free thinking of human beings; for the beings of this Earth possess limited knowledge; typical of life in the flesh; akin to a little monkey; who believes himself great in his planetary dwelling; which, when viewed by other gigantic worlds, appears as a lost speck in the vastness of my expansive thinking infinite universe; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. the Earth, divine child, is observed by infinite creatures; they have been watching it since it detached from the Alpha and Omega suns; when it was a microscopic spark of electricity; surrounded by infinite magnetic waves; which, passing through infinite and colossal suns, matured and grew; just as fruits grow and ripen; this divine revelation will spark exciting discussions among Earth scholars; the veil is finally lifted; No one on Earth has ever believed that from a simple and divine idea, a fruit emerged; that in the eternity of time, would be called Earth; this means that the humble are the great in the Kingdom of Heaven; it means that every virtue that each person cultivates in the trial of life materializes into gigantic worlds; and it means that from all spirituality, all matter emerged; and that matter, by virtue of its own divine free will, reserves its own laws; just as the human being reserves their intimacy; which is inviolable; and whoever violates it, renders a divine account; yes, divine child; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; this signifies infinite concepts; among them, that nothing is impossible for the Lord; thus it was divinely taught, yet not deeply explained; Here we arrive, divine son, to the divine why that every mind has questioned since the beginning of this human life; the why that is not fully understood of my divine word; according to each one’s way of thinking; I, the divine Father Jehovah, wanted it this way; I wanted it in my divine free will; I wanted it this way in my living divine intellect; was it not taught that Father Jehovah is everywhere? I am therefore in the minds of everyone; was it not written that everything came from me? Isn’t it taught that the divine Father said: Let there be light, and there was light? Well, that was a divine mental idea; that is to say, from this idea came the known creation, and those that will be known for all eternity; It means that every thinking vibration is expansive; that every action of the spirit materializes in other spaces and other times; It means that no idea dies; It means that all my children carry my divine inheritance; since they all think; that is to say, they are microscopic creators of microscopic worlds; which in the eternity of time and space will become colossal worlds; thus fulfilling the divine law; that one must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; this means that every thinking creature, according to worldly terms, is a divine product of a divine idea; and that it also comes from another idea; this means that the human creature is not the first; nor will it ever be; those who were first are now brilliant suns of divine wisdom; but they do not know everything; because no one is first; except the Father; who is everywhere; it means that every human spirit has an infinite diversity of galactic destinies; pues en ellos están las infinitas influencias solares; de las cuales nacieron los divinos soles Alfa y Omega; se toma como divino punto de partida de divino orígen a los soles Alfa y Omega; porque exsisten divinas alianzas en mi divina creación; alianzas solares y amorosas; estas desconocidas leyes solares, no las conoce aún el rebaño humano; pues, escrito fué, que al hombre no le es dado saberlo todo; pues su divino paso por este planeta, es divina prueba; es una divina ley propia del perfeccionamiento; por lo tanto toda divina escritura que sólo conduce al bién, es el divino código conque se juzjará y se premiará al mundo; pues toda Sagrada Escritura salió del Padre; concediéndoles a sus hijos solares de mayor avance intelectual, la divina misión de ser profetas; en todos los planetas de mi divino universo expansivo pensante; pues nadie es desheredado; nadie está sólo; en los infinitos espacios de mi divina creación; pues todos los planetas, desde que son chispitas eléctricas, salidas de colosales soles, viajan divinamente acompañados por invisibles guardianes; que viven en otros tiempos; otros espacios; entre éstas, el género humano ha descubierto a las naves plateadas; comúnmente llamadas platillos voladores; el dejarse ver, no es simple casualidad; es una divina ley de Revelación; en cada instante ocurre igual en otros mundos; toda divina Revelación es un divino avance planetario dentro de la evolución; es divina consecuencia de la imperfección; que en su libre albedrío, busca la perfección; se vá modelando, a medida que tiempo y espacio, se expanden en divina alianza amorosa; sí hijo divino; así es y así será por siempre jamás; The divine scriptures are the only divine light that never errs; the divine Father Jehovah, who wishes the best for His children, gives it as a divine inheritance to every planetary child; divine virtues materialized in colossal worlds; for everything has its own life; even microscopic molecules have the divine right to progress. Yes, if it were not so, there would be no divine justice that is just and eternal; for there would be too many tyrants with infinite power; and slaves in the most eternal ignorance. Therefore, every wise person in the world must teach others what they know, for they run the risk of being judged for intellectual selfishness in my divine celestial abode; for all that the spirit has done in the trial of life is divinely weighed. they are the divine Solar Scales, which weigh every divine intention of every spirit; This divine justice is explained as follows: Every intention creates a divine virtue; which in turn is reborn in an idea; which in turn is saturated with the very individuality that provoked it; divine justice reduces it to divine celestial scores; with the divine scale of pink color judging and rewarding every mundane act of the spirit; and the divine celestial scale judging every spiritual act; all actions that have nothing to do with the world; a transient dwelling that each spirit requested; to fulfill the trial of human life; for all planetary life is like a school for the spirit; it depends on him to advance in my infinite dwellings; or to lag behind on the infinite path of the perfection of all life; each one is the master of their own spiritual destiny in the infinite galaxies; for it is written: From one’s own ideas, their own worlds and paradises are born; for all and for all eternity; yes, divine child; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages.-


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