Holy writings

Hebrews 13:4 “Let marriage be honored in all, and the bed undefiled; But God will judge fornicators and adulterers.”
1 Corinthians 6:18 “Flee from fornication. Any other sin that man commits is outside the body; but he who commits fornication sins against his own body.”
Galatians 5:19-21 “And the works of the flesh are manifest, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
idolatry, witchcraft, enmities, strife, jealousy, wrath, strife, dissensions, heresies,
envy, murders, drunkenness , orgies, and things similar to these; about which I warn you, as I have told you before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; those who engage in secret sexual relations are fornicators. The sexual relationship in marriage is creation; the multiplication of their kind; I truly tell you, fornicators of the world, that none of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; you may deceive the world; however, you cannot deceive my Firstborn Son; He will read your minds; and I truly tell you, that you will flee from Him; and the world will suspect you. just as it happened in the past; demons like you fled from His presence; they feared being ashamed in front of everyone; Thus it will happen to you, demons; and all the hidden things you did in life will come to light; I truly tell you that everyone who fornicated after the age of twelve will not be resurrected in the flesh in the year 2001; because all flesh, to be eternal, must have fulfilled the law of the Father; must have respected His morality; It is for this reason that you were given commandments and scripture to study; he who seeks finds; if you did not seek, you went astray; the condemnation came from you; and truly I tell you, that everyone condemned for violating the law of the flesh will no longer see the light of any life. your violations made in the flesh multiply in space; because every good or bad idea expands; because each one creates their own heaven; each person’s heaven is the product of what they thought and did; your inheritance, fornicators of the world, are the hell-worlds; worlds whose philosophy is degeneration; all degeneration begins from the very moment when the law of the Father is violated; and your sin, fornicators of the world, is having extended the reign of Satan; You cannot serve two masters. Either you serve the Lord of light, or you serve the Lord of darkness; either you serve good, or you serve evil; and you fornicating demons, having sought the light, have sown darkness within it. It would have been better for you not to have emerged from the shadows; for you belong to them. The light of life that you enjoy was given to you with the divine condition of respecting its laws; and not of violating them; And I truly tell you, demons, that you shall pay for as many existences as there were pores in the bodies of the flesh with which you fornicated; plus the total number of virtues that those spirits possessed; Pores and virtues become living in the Kingdom of Heaven; just like the spirit; all the rights that your spirit possesses, virtues and pores also possess. No one is lesser before the divine Father; neither matter nor spirit; because no one in creation is disinherited; thus is the living Universe of your Father Jehovah; everything becomes life in His presence; and all converse with their Creator; and complaints arise; accusations that always come from the victims of the violators; and not only from your world; but from all worlds; because what belongs to the Father has neither beginning nor end; and His creation is not limited to a single world; as many of you believe; whoever only believed in their world will not find more worlds; because they denied them; those who believed that only Earth was inhabited denied the infinity of the Father; and in doing so, denied their entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; Whoever doubted the Creator’s infinity, will likewise be doubted in other worlds; And I truly tell you that every unbeliever who did not believe in the living God will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; To deny the Father is to deny the Kingdom; because the Father is everywhere. I truly tell you, that every fornicator will be despised by their children; for every child of a fornicator will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; And I truly tell you, that neither the children of the children, up to the fourth generation; and all those who fornicated before reaching marriage, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor their daughters up to the fourth generation; and I truly tell you, that every fornicator and fornicatress are very close to the law of curse; And if I do not curse you, it is because there are still in you traces of animality; influences from other existences; More, I truly tell you, that if you read the Revelation that was written because of your sins, and you continue fornicating, let the law of curse fall upon you; and let it serve as a warning for those who have not fornicated; for knowing the Revelation, your concern must be greater; you have been warned, tempters of the world. And I truly tell you, that everyone who has enamored more than one woman will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; you were commanded to become one flesh; one marriage; And I truly tell you, that every woman who has captivated more than one man will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for it was commanded to be one flesh; one marriage; And I truly tell you, that all those who called themselves lovers will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; no scandalous or immoral person shall enter; I truly tell you that every widower or widow who remarried will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for every human spirit promised the Father to uphold His laws above all else; and if they did not, it was due to a lack of faith in the Father. I truly tell you that all those who did not cultivate faith will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who had faith for a second to enter than for one who did not have it; without faith, you will never enter the Kingdom; your duty in the trial of life was and is to cultivate faith. I truly tell you that every scandal in love is paid for in existences; and in those existences, you lawbreakers are the victims. And I truly tell you, that for every second of deceit in love, you are owed an existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; I am referring to those who violate the love of their marriage; not to those who have had affairs; None who lived romances will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; none who called themselves a boyfriend or girlfriend; such practice is not of the Father; and it will be uprooted; And I truly tell you, that none who called themselves boyfriends or girlfriends will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and all those who dated must add up the seconds that the dating lasted; the time they paraded through the streets; exposing their love to the world; And I truly tell you, that for every second of worldly love, you are owed an existence that you must fulfill outside the Kingdom of Heaven; and I truly tell you, that in those forms of life, you will be displayed. I truly tell you that true love does not need to be displayed; it is scandalous and immoral; your way of life is the denial of morality in the Father; you flaunt yourselves as if you were the creators of your own lives; and I truly tell you that such immoral audacity is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; only morality is known; the morality of a child; the morality of innocence; I truly tell you that every marriage that took place before the age of twenty-one is not valid before the Father; because they are marriages more carnal than spiritual; What experience and maturity can a marriage have when they know nothing about life itself? I truly tell you, that none of these inexperienced marriages will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and I truly tell you, that if these children pay for their recklessness, those who, representing the law, authorized marriages destined for failure will pay even more; woe to you poor legislators! poor in spirit; Because you did not take into account the morality of the Father for your laws; let the law of curse fall upon you; because of you, millions and millions of my children will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And of all the seconds that these marriages lived, three quarters shall be for you; Add it to your score of darkness; just as you sowed darkness, reap darkness. And I truly tell you, that every employee of the so-called civil registries is under the same curse.

you will indeed return to dust and oblivion; It is easier for your religions to disappear than for work to disappear; And truly I tell you, false prophets of my law, it is easier for a humble worker to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a religious person; for the former fulfilled the law of the Father; the latter distorted the truth; the harvest of the latter is weeping and gnashing of teeth. And I truly tell you, that all those who followed in life those called religious will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; only those who served one Lord will enter. And I truly tell you that the Doctrine of the Lamb of God is what will prevail in this world; because what is of God is preexistent to everything; to what is above and to what is below; I truly tell you, demons of religious commerce, that you will curse the day you traded with my law; for no merchant shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is easier for one who worked for their pay to enter the Kingdom than for one who traded; truly I tell you, you will be as despised as the rich of this world; for you, cursed, the world legalized wealth; why did you not excommunicate it, hypocrites? Did you not know that no rich spirit would enter the Kingdom of Heaven? You did nothing for these unfortunate souls; for you too were tempted by the cursed gold; you entered into an alliance with the very devil; you grew rich by exploiting faith; you legitimized a system of life based on the exploitation of man by man; you lost, by bad example, all moral power over this world; you can’t even blame the immoral system of life, because you devils, are part of it; One cannot be a moralist if at the same time one lives immorality. I truly tell you, that no moralist in this world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for they were immoral in accepting the way of life that exploited my humble ones. It is easier for someone who has not experienced capitalism to enter the Kingdom than for someone who has. I truly tell you, that you were tested in life, just as everyone is tested; you have nothing exceptional; because the exception is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; Moreover, to be religious in this world is to be cursed; not because the Father wants it, but because the world will say so. The world has infinite reasons; because of you, no human creature will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I truly tell you, that you will envy the dead; All of you demons of the rock, you asked in the Kingdom to be judged on Earth; just as others asked to be judged in the Kingdom; The justice of the Father is above and below; and at any point in the Universe; To you religious demons, you were caught in this dwelling; truly I tell you, no spirit that was religious has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; nor will any of you enter. I truly tell you that in distant worlds, you did the same as you did with this world; you divided them; you sowed doubt among their creatures; they did not know which path to take; they were confused; just as you confused this world; you filled the planets with temples and monuments; teaching material worship; just as you taught it in this world; you became a power of rock; a rock of selfishness; just as you did in this world; I truly tell you, demons, that the term rock comes from other worlds; and I truly tell you that rock symbolizes in the Kingdom of Heaven, spiritual selfishness; because you were the greatest selfish beings of this world; and I truly tell you that no selfish person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; your selfishness does not see as a brother those who do not think like you. Yes, damn it; you cursed ones sent people to kill in the name of divinity; Your beginning in this world has always been one of blood, persecutions, accusations, and violations; you did the same in the pharaonic, Roman, and Christian eras; you were the same; having asked to be born many times, you asked the Father for opportunities; and truly I tell you, you fell again; I see you, demons of division, asking the Father for new opportunities; to pay for the new violations; truly I tell you, cursed religious, that before asking the Father for an opportunity, you should ask the world for forgiveness for the deception you wrought; for those you divided in their beliefs; did you not teach that the humble are the first in the Kingdom? Do it then; you will have to ask for forgiveness from my humble ones, from my deceived ones; your fate depends on them; because in my Kingdom, what the humble say is done; not what the great say; and you and the world have done the opposite; what you should never have done; My humble ones are deceived, exploited, earning the lowest wages, given the worst, and not taken into account; truly I tell you, the reign of Satan, represented by you and the exploiters, is coming to an end; your end in this world is the end of Satan; because the world will no longer be divided; the world that is being born, the Omega world, will be a unified world; what you could not achieve in centuries, my Firstborn Son will accomplish with a Doctrine; truly I tell you, you will tremble before the living Word of my Firstborn Son; you will no longer be able to order anyone to be killed; nor to make anyone’s life impossible; nor to extort others; Now it’s your turn, you damned ones; you will be the hunted; because that’s what you asked for in the Kingdom; you asked to be judged, just as you judged and acted; that is why it was divinely written: Do not do to others what you would not like done to you; you divided and you will be divided; you deceived and you will be deceived; you falsified and you will be falsified; I truly tell you, that he who does the deed, pays for it; because every regret demands to settle its debt; That is why you are in human life; some pay in one way, and others in another; some with a higher rank and others with a lower rank; some with more knowledge, and others with less knowledge; some in one situation and others in another situation; Some ask to be women to be in harmony with their debt, and others ask to be men; One pays off a debt and gains new knowledge; one requests this or that family, to better fulfill what was proposed; It is requested what you all are experiencing; even the smallest act you did in life, you requested it in the Kingdom; and every microscopic gesture is recorded; I truly tell you that even your excrement came from the Father; and without it, no one would live; your bodies would rot while alive; you would explode in gases; because the waste would have no escape; you were given excrement because that is what you asked for in the formation of your body; and I truly tell you that excrement, being the work of the Father, has the same rights as the other elements of nature; excrement is also alive; because no one is lesser before the Father; And truly I tell you, that excrement, being humble, becomes gigantic in the Kingdom; and many times, excrement accuses the spirit that mocked and despised it in life; here, it is better to remain silent than to comment; because even the most microscopic mark or pause is weighed in the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, that anyone who ridiculed any excrement will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for someone who fell silent to enter than for someone who ridiculed; and among two who ridiculed the excrement, the one who did it without the presence of others comes first; and last is the one who did it in front of others. more, none enters the Kingdom; This example demonstrates that evil also has a hierarchy; it has its qualities and characteristics; and it is infinite; And I truly tell you, that all those who ridiculed any excrement must count the seconds that have passed since the very moment they did so; this score of darkness ceases when repentance becomes present; You were taught to be humble not only with yourselves but with all of creation; without it, you would not enjoy life. Truly, I tell you, every act that comes from you should carry the seal of humility above all else. In life, you have had trillions of thoughts and actions; and I tell you, it is enough that one of them did not bear the seal of humility for your spirit not to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Truly, I tell you, you will know the laws of your flesh through Revelation; for nothing will remain hidden. Your flesh is expansive like the Universe itself; when you emanate ideas, germs of your flesh are born; and the future planets resulting from your ideas will have, in their beginning and development, the magnetism of flesh. Thus was the beginning of your world; flesh was born from the very Earth; there were larvae that lived in microscopic dimensions; for to understand the greatness of the Kingdom of Heaven, one must start small and humble; matter and spirit begin microscopic. And I truly tell you, that every creature comes from the invisible to the visible in the very matter; and I truly tell you, that all humility taught by all Scripture was and is to prevent you from the demonic tragedy; Everything bad perpetuates just as everything good does too; nothing has limits in my creation; the invisible and the visible are equally expansive; Evil is the product of your bad intentions; and good comes from good ones. All beginnings are within you; because you think; And I truly tell you, that if you stopped thinking, you would cease to create future worlds; what the Father has, the children have; what is above is the same as what is below; no one is disinherited; your inheritance is microscopic; and it ends up being colossal;

everything colossal was microscopic; because the law of the Father is the same for everyone; here is the divine reason why you are taught to combat evil; If you are not taught now that you are microscopic, it would be even less possible to do so if you were colossal. Among you, you try to straighten each other out from a young age; the Father does the same; your wayward children are usually so because they were poorly guided; You well know that it is impossible to straighten a tree that has grown crooked. And I truly tell you that the responsibility for every wayward child will fall upon all parents. Three quarters of this issue falls on the parents or stepparents; or the person who was in charge of the children; and one quarter of the blame falls on the wayward son or daughter themselves. I truly tell you, that all wayward sons or daughters will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for a suffering child who had no one in life to enter the Kingdom than for a wayward one, because of another similar. And I truly tell you, that neither fathers nor mothers nor wayward children will see the Glory of the Kingdom; It’s easier for those who never had a family to see it. I truly tell you that the greatest test your spirit asked for was the test of the flesh; because at every moment, you are prone to temptation; and I truly tell you that this flesh, which is part of you, you asked for yourselves; because everything is requested in the Kingdom; and every request becomes life; and I truly tell you that even the most microscopic pore of flesh, you asked for; and I truly tell you that your flesh is made up of the same elements of nature; because all are equal before God; the cause of existences is one and the same; without this affecting your free will; The flesh is as alive as your spirit; death is relative; depending on each person’s concept of it; and truly I tell you, that even death itself is alive in its philosophy; you asked for death; just as you asked for your virtues, ideas, and pores; Everything is requested in the Kingdom; and what is not requested, is not given. If you have never seen a flying saucer, it’s because you didn’t ask for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; and those who have seen them did so because they asked for it and it was granted to them. He who sees apparitions of any kind sees them because he asked for them; he who has seen nothing asked for nothing. Those who have dreamed, dream because they asked for it; and those who do not dream, do so because they did not ask to live such a spiritual experience; and truly I tell you, that all the sensations of your flesh, you also requested; and all sex was also requested; the spirit, being eternal, asks to know what it has never known; no one knew sex; and there was a moment in your spiritual life when you asked to know and experience sex; all sex, like all virtue, has its morality; and all of them are subordinate to the Father; and truly I tell you, that every man or woman who has scandalized with their sex is cursed; they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the Creator does not reward the immoral; He punishes them; He rewards those who respect His laws; starting with the flesh itself; with the same intimacies; with the same sex; with the same desires; the same sexual attraction between men and women, you asked for it yourselves; because you did not know it; When one is a spirit, one feels different sensations; stemming from knowledge acquired in other existences; because every spirit is reborn into many lives; what is sought to be learned knows no bounds; nor will it ever have any; it is enough for the spirit to feel a sensation, or merely to sense it, and that transforms into planetary life; Reincarnation, or being born again, is instantaneous when the spirit requests it; or it can be slow; there is a variety of experiences in the Lord’s Flock. infinite kinds of requests; that end in lives in the material universe; and truly I tell you, whoever denied the spiritual universe denied their own perfection; denied without knowing for certain how it was created; none who denied themselves will ever come to know the light again; because the very elements of light will also deny them; they won’t want to form life alliances with someone who denies them; Because I truly tell you, wherever you go in the Universe, your history is known; they read your thoughts; they see your past existences; and they know to which world you belong; to which galaxy, to which system; they know about your way of life; because they read it around your spirit; And I truly tell you, that they pity you; Suns gazed upon, like one looks at a microbe; the same attitude you had towards your microbes is held towards you; with the measure you used for others, including the microbes, you will be measured. All attitudes in life have hierarchies beyond Earth; I truly tell you, there will be no human who will not feel shame and a sense of inferiority; for you are so small in evolution that you cannot read anyone’s mind; children will not feel this complex; because they live in innocence; and I truly tell you, it is easier for a child to penetrate the Heavens than for an adult; and this is so true that in the future of this world, children will reign; for there will be no adults. the resurrection of all flesh creates eternal children and not adults; Adults are the effects of a development that you yourselves requested; they are a consequence of your experience of life; and truly I tell you, that no adult will remain in this world; for they have already had their time; the Father gives and takes away; without that, your spirit continues to live its eternity; behold the cause of the divine end: Blind guides of the blind; because you adults of the world never asked yourselves if the world would ever go on without you; ignorant of the world! lacking humility and simplicity; deluded by a group of demons; who entrenched themselves behind the materialistic power of gold; you lived under their influence, and did not fight against it; here is your fall; a fall that will be studied by future generations; just as you studied the fall of your earthly forebears; I truly tell you that you will be a whole story, a model of disobedience, regarding the Commandments that were given to you; and that you did not fulfill them, because you came to know, to your misfortune, the power of gold; you encountered in this world a part of the legion of Satan; and I truly tell you that in other worlds, they have also done the same. Infinite humanities cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven because their spirits were also divided by these demons; just as you were divided into rich and poor; no divided spirit can enter the Kingdom of Heaven; one enters the Kingdom as one left; in unity towards the Father; because one left praising the Father; and upon arriving on Earth, you began to serve many masters; to gold, passions, scandals, nudity, thefts, crimes, and to everything that does not lead to the Father; I truly tell you that all those who served more than one master will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for the one who served the living God to enter the Kingdom than for the one who served more than one master. I truly tell you, that serving the so-called religions is serving many masters; for your spirit is divided; and your faith is confused; I truly tell you, that all those who have divided and confused my children will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they will also be divided and confused in other existences; With the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And I truly tell you, that no religious person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The so-called religions are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; and all the philosophies that divide thought are unknown as well. Only Satan divides himself like that. As long as you are divided in your world, you will never have peace and justice. And I truly tell you that all those responsible for the chaos and confusion in this world will fall; they will all pay for it. no one will be left without punishment or reward; To the so-called religious, I say: Truly I tell you, that because of you idolaters, this humanity will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for you have divided it in spirit and thought; You have sown many beliefs; and none of them leads to the Kingdom of the Father; You confused what is of God with the commerce of faith. I truly tell you, that the entire so-called Christian world will come crashing down on you; You will be cursed, merchants of faith; you believed, demons, that you would never be held accountable to anyone; The justice of the Father is above and below; It would have been better for you not to have requested the religious test; because upon your rock of human selfishness, the justice of the Father will fall. And I truly tell you, that even the most hidden injustice that comes from you, you will pay for; did you not usually do things behind the backs of my humble ones? just as the beast of capitalism does; other damned ones like you; who, just like you, will end up in complete material poverty; because everything that became great will be taken away; and everything that has been diminished will be given. I truly tell you, that you are the demons of this world; the anti-Christs; because I truly tell you, that it is enough to violate even a microscopic part of my commandments, and one becomes an anti-Christ; And you demons of material worship, you have been violating it for many centuries; truly I tell you, that you will pay for all your sins; the judgment of the Father is judgment upon creatures; and you are creatures who have lost others; no one sent you to establish yourselves as a church; My Firstborn Son had no church; He had the people; the suffering and the humble; You false prophets, who do you have? you have the powerful of this world; the influential; the rich; the hypocrites of the world; I truly tell you that your church is not a tree planted by the Father; and it will be uprooted; just as the kingdoms of the past on Earth have been uprooted. Your cursed judgment will mark an era in this world; with you falls one of the yokes of this world; Twenty centuries of backwardness, you have provoked in this dwelling; in its moral and spiritual plane; and you will answer before the Father for every spirit that was divided by your selfishness; Did you not know, you damned ones, that only Satan divides himself like that? blind guides of the blind; I truly tell you, that no blind person to the laws of the spirit will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for someone who has never known the church to enter the Kingdom than for someone who has; no human being who has known you in this life has entered the Kingdom of Heaven; because one cannot serve two masters; either one serves the master of material worship, or one serves God. I truly tell you, false prophets of my Word, that Father Jehovah does not need material temples; my divine Doctrine commands: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; it does not say: You will worship me in material temples;

The only temple to earn eternal bread is work; not your material worship; a son who worked and toiled has more merit before the Father than one who worshiped out of human influence; only merit counts before the Father; and the closer one adheres to His Commandment, the greater one is in the Kingdom of Heaven; I do not say that the Creator Father of life should not be worshiped; rather, everything has its quality and essence; and within the grandeur of worshiping your Creator, your Father is just and perfect; what belongs to worship is for worship; and what belongs to work is for work; and truly I tell you, that between worship and work, your Creator, by virtue of His divine free will, gives greater Hierarchy to Work; for being in all things, I am in all impartiality; that is why above all virtues, there are Humility, Work, and Joy. here is the complement of a child’s philosophy; And whoever did not preserve in life, in their character, the philosophy of a child, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for truly I tell you, it is easier for one who was like a child to enter the Kingdom than for one who lived as an adult; who did not continue to be a child; behold, one of the promises that this humanity made to the Father; before coming to life; you promised the Creator to always live in the innocence of a child; because such innocence is the Queen of Heaven; there exists the Celestial Communism, with the philosophy of a child; and all my spirits, when they go to distant abodes, promise the Father to carry the inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven; they promise to live on distant planets, the same philosophy they saw in the place or point of the Universe where they were created; What innocence could you possibly retain in life if you were offered a corrupt way of living? A way of life based on ephemeral riches; a way of life whose lord and god is gold? a philosophy that excites you to the point of forgetting what belongs to the Father; a way of life whose ultimate goal is wealth; I truly tell you, that no rich person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to have kept your innocence intact, you should have lived not under a government based on gold, but under a government according to my Scriptures. All the worlds like yours, that did not follow what they promised to the Father, do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Your Creator asks the demons of the gold-based system of life: Where are your promises of: I will worship and respect my God and Lord above all things? “Above all life systems that have human influence?” What the hell do you mean by above all things? I truly tell you, cursed capitalists, that it would have been better for you not to have promised anything to the Father; for I truly tell you, it is easier for one who did not promise to enter the Kingdom than for one who promised and did not fulfill; and you exploiters, by not fulfilling, condemned all those who followed you; you condemned all of humanity; because you led it away from the only path that leads to my Kingdom; that only path is the preservation of innocence itself; you demons of gold, you corrupted the innocence of the human being; you divided it into many desires; and you led it away from the Father; you did the same as the demons of the rock; they divided my children into many beliefs; there being only one God; one single truth; they divided the faith of the world; I truly tell you, demons, that no demon who divided my humble ones will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and I truly tell you, that the phrase: Above all things, will weigh upon you like a yoke; for failing to fulfill it will make you the despised of the world; This is how the demons pay for asking for laws of light and not following them. The world you stole from them will leave you in complete ruin; because in this world, there should never have been either rich or poor. And if there are any, it is because of your damn usury; everything will be taken from you; for all are equal in rights before God; you were tested by the Creator; and you fell once again; I truly tell you, that being spirits of the Kingdom, you allowed yourselves to be influenced by darkness; for not being humble; for having been seduced by the powers of the Earth; instead of opposing the exploitative capitalism, you made an alliance with it; and I truly tell you, that you will have to answer for this sin in the Kingdom of Heaven; because I truly tell you, that from this alliance, all the sins of the world have emerged; Each human spirit will accuse you in the Kingdom of having divided them; of having distanced them from the very Kingdom. mothers of human spirits cry out for justice; both above and below; and all the generations that have already departed from this world await you; And as you enter the spiritual world, you are called to judgment; I truly tell you, that in that moment, you curse having known the Earth; you curse having asked for proof of life on it; and I truly tell you, that those of you who are on Earth, and encountered my Firstborn Son, do so because you asked to be judged in life itself; justice is requested from the Father in all times and in every place; it is a virtue of free will; there is no limit, outside of your world; And your limits are generally selfishnesses of yourselves; and truly I tell you, that every limit born of selfishness, its creators will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for a humble person who created a limit to enter the Kingdom than for a selfish person who did the same; you religious demons are not of my flock; because you have acted against it; you cast the first stone; the first stone from you is the creation of the religious rock; a dynasty that is not known in the Kingdom of Heaven; you created material worship to dominate the world; for truly I tell you, that without this strange worship, no one in this world would have followed you; you could not deceive anyone; you did not embark on your adventure for the sake of enlightenment itself; On the contrary, and you well know it, selfish ones, there was a time when you forbade my children from reading me; you dared to interrupt my children’s free will. You would do well to have never been born into this world; because you will pay in kind; in other existences, you will be unjustly prohibited; you will now be the ones left behind; because you caused a setback for those whom you prohibited from reading the truths of the Father; You will be accused in the Kingdom of usurping the exclusivity of truth for yourselves; you will be accused of intellectual selfishness; truly I tell you, that anyone who believed themselves to be exclusive in life, in any aspect, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who was simple and honest to enter than for one who was selfish and dishonest; the truths and laws of the Father are universal; no one has exclusivity over anything; because all exclusivity in this world is selfishness; and truly I tell you, that if you have had even a second or less of selfishness in your life, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; And I truly tell you, that in any degree of evil, this law is fulfilled; The dynasties of popes are like the dynasties of pharaohs; none will remain; nor anyone who has created the material memory. Every evolution goes through what you have experienced and are experiencing; one is born imperfect and makes mistakes; it is the inseparable experience of all forms of life; more, no one is alone on the planets; alongside you is the law of the Father; there are the desires of your free will; there are your Scriptures; I truly tell you that every second of life in which the Father was not in thought is enough to prevent entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you that this rigor was requested by you yourselves. From you came the word: Above all things; and in it is contained, even the most microscopic that your mind can imagine; I truly tell you that you promised more than you could; because the way of life that men gave you is incompatible with the promise made to the Father; here lies the cause of your tragedy; you made a promise suited for the few who have evolved. here is the cause of your weeping and gnashing of teeth; your drama is due to the fact that those who provided you with the way of life did not do so with the Scriptures in mind; They did it influenced by cunning, ambition, and a calculation of power; all the characteristics of the serpent; Here is your Satan; here is the demon that divided you into rich and poor; just as he divided Eve and Adam; he placed in their minds two inclinations; the one to obey the Father and the one to disobey; Here is your tempter, made a way of life; here is the great illusionist; here is a mystery made light; for after the fall of this demon, there will be no other; here is the knowledge of the Father, it brings light to the world; and the darkness of ignorance falls; you lived a way of life, and you didn’t even know where it came from or who it was created by; here is the glory of those who fought and still fight against the great unknown; because every earthly cause has its cause beyond the galaxies; All human injustice stems from your way of life; If that were not the case, revolutionaries would not exist; those children sent by the Father to fight against the devil; And truly I tell you, it is easier for one who, concerned for others, was a revolutionary to enter the Kingdom than for one who was not; and truly I tell you, that the greatest Revolutionary by his hierarchy was my Firstborn Son; He asked the Father to reincarnate as a flesh monkey on this planet; He came to confront the demon of this world, represented by Roman materialism; for it was the greatest demon; and truly I tell you, that centuries before, my Firstborn Son also asked to be born again in this world; He did so to confront the demon of that time, represented by the accursed pharaonic dynasty; a demon of the highest hierarchy; for from them all others have emerged; behold a mystery made light; pharaonic science is not of earthly origin; these demons are the greatest disciples of the demon; they came from the planet Luxor; which means let there be Light. more, they violated their own laws; they rebelled against Father Jehovah; and that is why the divine Father took them out of this world; And there will be nothing left of them, not even the dust of their cursed pyramids; the same will happen to the religious rock; not even the dust of their material temples will remain; because every tree that the divine Father did not plant will be uprooted. And I truly tell you that Christ and Moses are one and the same spirit of the Trinity; were you not taught that every spirit is born anew? What many existences has he/she had and will he/she have? And I truly tell you that the Solar Trinity is the first to prove existence; the divine mandates of the Father are for everyone; the Trinity is in everything; and it was there before you were; because the Trinity in the Father is from all eternity; behold the judgment that was announced to you; it is through Living Doctrine; just as it was in the past; the Mosaic Law and the Christian Doctrine; both were given by the Son of Man; and the third Doctrine is that of the Lamb of God; which will also be called the Celestial Science; the Consoling Science; the one that will transform the world; just as the other Doctrines of the past transformed a barbaric world; And I truly tell you that every doctrine reaches the world according to the time the world dedicates to the doctrine; according to the interest the world devotes to what belongs to the Father; And as everyone asked and promised that what comes from the Father is the first thing in life, above all else; Moreover, the way of life distanced you from the promise; it deceived you; And it is thus that due to your little interest in the Scriptures of the Father, so many centuries have passed; everything has come from you; for truly I tell you, that the divine Revelation should have arrived in this world many centuries ago; your ingratitude delayed the light; And I truly tell you, that all the ungrateful people in the world will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they will be accused in my Kingdom of being the cause of the delay in the arrival of light to this world; I truly tell you, that all without exception asked in the Kingdom to be the first to receive the Revelations of the Father; Moreover, the Father began with those who asked to be the first among the first; and they all fell into the request; And I truly tell you, that the greatest fright these creatures will suffer is when they see that despite their selfishness and ignorance, the Doctrine of the Father spreads throughout the world; They had within their reach the greatest opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for whoever receives my messengers with an open heart receives the Father; and whoever receives the Father receives eternity itself; it is all accomplished; the world will be taken by surprise by the Revelation; because it asked to know such a surprise; for this request it was written: And the truth will come to the world, with the same surprise that a thief causes at night; however, there is much human guilt in this; for those who, seeing the Scrolls of the Lamb, remained silent; truly I tell you, that everyone who remained silent upon witnessing the Telepathic Wonder will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and when these ungrateful ones cry out for justice in the Kingdom, they will find the same silence and indifference; with the measure they used, so will they be measured.-



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