Holy writings

Matthew 16:27 “For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will repay each one according to his works.”
Apocalypse 20:12 “I also saw the dead, great and small, standing before God. The books were opened, and then another book, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done, according to what was written in the books.”
2 Corinthians 5:10 “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive according to what he has done while he was in the body, whether good or bad.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

TITLE: CONSTRUCTION OF FLYING SAUCER... CONTINUED.- The living number participates in the Construction of a flying saucer.-

In the union between the living number and the living molecule, the sensation of all lack of life, as understood by the human spirit, is infinitely relative; This sensation is proportional to the very characteristics that the spirit requested with respect to the lack of life, in the very essence of the kind of matter that it asked to know; On planet Earth the human creature only sees certain transformations and renewals in the elements of nature; the cause of molecular cohesion remains a mystery; because the human creature himself asked for the mystery, because he did not know it; The unknown causes are many in the trial of life; the proof of life itself is in itself a mystery to those who asked God for it; The living number and the living molecule also participate in all the mysteries of the human spirit; In flying saucers the mystery also exists in solar hierarchy; because no one in the universe knows everything; only the divine Father Jehovah knows everything; For the crew of the flying saucers, there is no mystery regarding the Earth; because in their solar verbs they have surpassed the scale of reincarnations of the human creature; They have lived what the human creature is currently experiencing; Their glorious pasts are demonstrated in their wonderful powers of solar verb; Each act of creation in them represents trillions of trillions of sciences that lived on trillions of trillions of planets, suns and infinite creations unknown to terrestrial humanity; The solar crew were also born microscopic and humble, just as the human creature was born; they also went through the experience of dust; They were also from microscopic worlds, from the worlds of microbes; no one is born gigantic; The gigantic was a microbe and the microbe will be gigantic; infinite kinds of times and lives are lived in flying saucers; In the solar laws the form of life is chosen, instantly; That is to say, a solar crew member, through his mental-solar power, transforms himself into one of the infinite forms he had in his past reincarnations; This power to return to what was gone is called a state of instant reincarnation in the Kingdom of Heaven; The living number in this law makes instant alliances with numbers and molecules to relive a present, which it had already lived. at another moment and in other circumstances; The transformation power of a solar crew member is according to their divine solar hierarchy; being the solar firstborn, the only ones in power, after the divine Father Jehovah; A solar crew member has power over the elements of planetary natures, of the worlds he visits; They are visits that, leaving the macrocosm, enter the microcosm; The divine causes of such visits are infinite; Among the many causes is that of the divine final judgments; the planet Earth is approaching this law of judgment; The living number, by making alliances with numbers of other existences, begins to know numerical glories of an entire past; in which each numeral science fascinates him and inspires him to carry it out in other future requests for numeral reincarnation; the living number learns within the mind of the solar crew member; and being in his solar light, he does not know his limit, which are the limits of his solar abode; just as sensations and virtues are assimilated to the laws of the human mind; The living number when reincarnating in creatures of flesh or in solar creatures, does so in contained expansion; Because as the creature experiences its physical or mental development, it sees its own geometries of limits; cellular growth is instant by instant, numerical and geometric; It happens inside the microscopic human body, the same thing that happens moment by moment on the planet itself; What is inside itself is equal to what is outside in its expansive growth; The difference is that the human requested microscopic geometry; and the elements of the planet asked for greater geometry; The law of renewal in the all above the all begins with the most microscopic that the mind can imagine; the living number both in matter and in spirit, arises from the invisible to the visible; In the solar hierarchies they see everything that happens in the invisible part of themselves; they converse with the cherubs of the invisible; This is called in the Kingdom of Heaven, knowledge of what is not seen; The human creature does not see what is emerging from the microscopic dimensions, from its own sensations; although many sense; more, they do not see the geometry of the presentiment; As the body of flesh increases, the living number passes through infinite and microscopic galaxies of infinite living philosophies; They are microscopic reincarnations on microscopic planets; At every moment and trillions of times, the law of reincarnation or renewal is occurring in every body of flesh; each pore of the body of flesh participates in the changes of sensation that occur in its pore galaxy; The same thing happens in solar parents; In every sensation that creatures both above and below experience, it is a microscopic reincarnation that they are living within themselves; the renewal of the whole upon the whole moment by moment, are invisible reincarnations; in which the creature who asked to know a life of trial only feels and sees nothing of these reincarnations; This law was requested by every human spirit and by all other beings of nature; The test of life consisted of going deeper into oneself, so as not to make moral mistakes; any morality of the test of life, which was not analyzed in itself by the respective spirit, such morality does not remain on Earth; because it was a strange morality, that not even its creator himself asked God for it; When divine morality was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven, it was requested as a whole that included the interior and exterior; what is inside and what is outside; the spiritual and the material; It was asked for in what is felt and not seen and in what is touched and seen; The living number also reincarnated in the living morality, in the presence of the thinking spirit; Morality, like the spirit and its virtues, speaks and expresses itself before God, in his laws of morality; The living number that already had its own numeral morality, asked when reincarnating and allying itself with the spirit, to once again know another morality, in the test of earthly life; What the living number did not ask for nor anyone above all, was immorality or debauchery; What is not asked for and which at the same time occurs during the development of planetary life tests, is called foreign to the Kingdom of Heaven; the strange divides the score of light gained by the spirit, in the test of life; It is easier for those who did not know division or debauchery in their life trials to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; so that those who only heard it through hearsay can enter; The living number, like all the other virtues of the whole above the whole, complains about everything strange that the spirit experienced and that it did not ask for, when everyone promised themselves equal rights, in the future sensations that they would have to live, on the distant Earth. of evidence; immorality and debauchery were not asked of God; because nothing unjust is asked of God; The test of life consisted in offering mental resistance to the strange sensations called immorality and debauchery; no one should have known them in the trial of life; In the flying saucers they observe the strange behavior of millions of immoral people and libertines, scattered throughout the test planet; the solar parents observe on the wonderful solar television screens, of the flying saucers; and with infinite sorrow they see them in the crying and gnashing of teeth of the divine Final Judgment; because all solar hierarchy of flying saucers see the future of all those who belong to the microscopic planets or dust planets; The living number of flying saucers also grieves; because it also possesses numeral feelings, just as the human creature possesses them; The prophetic living number communicates to the non-prophetic numbers the future events that are looming on a certain planet; Divine Father Jehovah, are not all living numbers prophetic? By virtue of their divine numeral free wills, some are and others are not; just as it happens among human creatures;

what is above is equal to what is below; The requests for sensations that no one knows and that they wish to know are not the same in the spirits when they ask to know them, in their future reincarnations or births again, to know again in future lives what is not known; the feelings of choosing what is not known, comes from the spirit; and the unknown, which also has free will, makes divine alliances with the spirits that wish to know it; and the place of the meeting is set where the divine alliances and reincarnation will be made; the living number is born again by uniting with this or that spirit; The numeral families of the house of Jehovah choose infinite salts of life or thinking individualities; This occurs in the midst of unprecedented multitudes, in infinite galaxies that have and will never end; where they begin and where they end, are the eternal mystery; whose cause is the very presence of the Expansive Thinking Universe; the living number being in everything imaginable, forms reigns in alliances of known and unknown reincarnations; the usual and the new; In the flying saucers the geometric numbering moves to the rhythm with which the solar fathers give their divine verb orders; and it happens that in its infinite perfections that are imposed, there is that of using means and users typical of very ancient reincarnations; among them is that of sealed envelopes; divine orders that, being kept for eternities, the sealed envelopes are opened; These divine orders correspond to the divine plan of creation of the Divine Father Jehovah; These laws are for improvement in sensations not yet experienced by the solar crew; because even if it is perfect, not everything is known; only the Father knows everything; The flying saucers radiate a magnetism of colors that corresponds to the instant alliances that the solar parents make, with the elements of planetary natures, of the worlds they visit; These alliances are made by giving loving mental orders to the cherubs of the elements; and phenomena occur that are not within the reach of the science of the planet being visited; among other infinite phenomena are that of overcoming gravity, producing speeds greater than that of light, that of shrinking to the point of becoming invisible, that of penetrating other presents within a present, that of appearing at the same time in a future of facts, being in another point of the cosmos; that of transforming into comets, planets, suns, and other flying saucer shapes and characteristics; the list of transformations is infinite; and the higher the solar hierarchy to which the ship belongs, the greater is also the power of transformation; There are powers that can remove planets or suns from their orbits and that of entire galactic systems; flying saucers have enough magnetism to make entire universes disappear; and magnetic rays enough to make a planet’s oceans boil; These powers always intervene in the divine judgments of the testing planets; as is the Earth; planet that is at the gates of the divine Final Judgment, which its own creatures requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; living numbers study the planets, on the same solar television screens, as flying saucers; The living numbers already know of the crying and gnashing of teeth, which hovers over the strange and unknown system of life, coming out of the strange laws of gold; They know everything about what will happen during the Last Judgment; Divine Father Jehovah, can I also see on solar television what will happen during the divine Final Judgment? you can see son; Oh! what an immense crowd! what do you see son? I see divine Father Jehovah, that the crowds are destroying and burning enormous buildings; I can’t distinguish very well what buildings they are; They are the so-called churches and cathedrals, which arose during the development of the life of trial; This is how I see it now, divine Father Jehovah; and everyone cries with anger and despair, it is crying and gnashing of teeth, son; It is the greatest bitterness that comes from the human spirit; the tragedy of knowing that because of a strange form of faith, his followers will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; The strange thing was that they divided those who should unite; I know son that everything you are seeing on the solar television of the flying saucers, you knew since you were a child; By your divine grace, this is how divine Father Jehovah is; What blind guides of the blind! divine Eternal Father; That’s right son; the same words that you pronounce, the same were written as a divine warning, in the divine gospel of God; This divine warning, son, is for every spirit that influenced another, with its own teachings; any teaching whatever it may have been, should never have included the strange division; because only satan divides and ends up dividing himself; true spirituality divides no one; He who cultivated some form of faith, in the trial of life, should have been careful not to have imitated Satan in his own form of faith; The fall of the spirits that were religious in their trials of life was due to this strange blindness; that of perpetuating what was believed to be the truth, including division; And I will tell you son first, that it is easier for those who sought and perfected themselves in God, individually, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because such divided no one; so that those who sought groups, sects or religions can enter, because they divided many; God being everywhere, he is also in every individuality; and the individual search is for God, the most sincere; every sincere search coming out of oneself receives its full reward of light; The collective search that divided many receives nothing; because second by second and parallel to faith itself, it was dividing without ceasing; Every religious belief in the test of life divides its fruit by the number of religions that existed in the world of the test; The test of life that was asked of God consisted of not dividing anyone; perpetuating a form of faith, which included the strange division, means that those who practiced it do not re-enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because you enter the Kingdom with the same innocence with which you left; The living number that left the divine abode of God did not include in its numerical psychology the strange division of Satan; that in the Macrocosm called the Kingdom of Heaven, had divided, in very remote times, the angels of the Father; When everyone asks for reincarnations to be born again, everyone is careful not to ask for anything that is just a molecule of imitation of Satan; This infinite care is due to the fact that every idea generated by every mind grows and expands in its primitive size, into a colossal planet; and parallel to its development, it also makes the thinking philosophy of the one who generated the idea grow; This is expanding a light or a darkness; the opposite of division is union; the opposite of division is light; This is why it was written that every divided kingdom perishes as a kingdom; because the universe of light exists because the everything above the everything of itself, forms a whole with the divine laws of God; The living number that does not divide, accompanies for eternities the spirit, which had the extraordinary ability not to fall into any division, in its trials of life; The living number that was divided distrusts in the future the spirit that divided it; and this distrust is so great that the living number is opposed in the future to accompanying the spirit again, when it decides to try a new way of life again; No one wants to be left without their entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven; neither matter nor spirit desire it; In the tests of life, the everything above the everything that was asked for, runs the same risk in their respective living laws; The test of life consisted of understanding oneself inside and out; molecule by molecule, virtue by virtue; For such a wonder of one’s own effort to be a reality, the human creature should not have created the system of life that everyone knows; The strange psychology of this system of life made the test of life even more painful;

the strange creators of the strangest of life systems, emerged on this test planet, were not able to legalize equality, because they did not take such trouble; They believed it impossible; For their limited minds, it was certainly impossible; Nothing written in the divine gospel of God, nothing was impossible; only death was impossible to overcome in the test of life; The living number, by making an alliance of union with the spirit, also made an alliance of molecular disunity; It is death or transformation; and he asked himself to know death, because the spirit did not know it; Not even the all above all knew death; The living number, by accepting to know death, contributed with its numeral molecular disunity; and the all above the all, asked for its own sensation in numerical degree; This is why the agonies prior to death are not equal in sensations or duration; all death whatever it may be, the all above the all, molecule by molecule participates in it; This process of molecular disunity required its rhythm, its feelings, its moment of departure, its characteristics at the moment of departure, like sensations that were not known; the living number participates in death, molecule by molecule, one by one; each pore of flesh at the moment of death is released from the fire of the spirit, with a rhythm that is proportional to the living number, to the degree of importance that the spirit gave to its living morality, during the test of life; The moral has an impact on the physical; because there are two magnetisms that are needed; perfect morality comes from the divine gospel of God; It does not come out of the strange laws of gold; The strange system of life unbalanced the perfect morality that everyone asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; The living number and numeral of morality, which every human spirit asked for, was balanced molecule by molecule; The test of life was to maintain such balance; If the human creature had not known the imbalance of inequality that was imposed on him, none would have known death or painful agony; all agony is proportional to the numerical imbalance of the whole over the whole; The disharmony caused by the strange psychology of the strange system of life, born of gold, leads every spirit that experienced its strange influence to unbalanced universes; Every unbalanced sensation does not lead anyone to the Kingdom of Heaven; If a sigh had a microscopic sensation of strange imbalance, such a sigh in its everything above the molecular whole does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because he felt during the trial of life, a strange sensation called imbalance, which like a sigh he did not ask to know, when he asked for reincarnation in the Kingdom of Heaven; and that microscopic imbalance will be the reason for a judgment against the spirit; because the sigh speaks, expresses itself and complains before God, in his laws of sigh; The sigh has free will, just as the spirit has free will and its everything above everything; the living number participates in greater judgments and lesser judgments; in judgments that the eyes see and in judgments that the eyes do not see; the living number participates in the colossal and the microscopic; materially and sentimentally; in every molecule and in every virtue of thinking beings; In the flying saucers, the living number, when conversing with the solar crew, does so by seeing the infinity of the macrocosm and the microcosm; This power of seeing the infinite being a numeral microbe is one of the most moving spectacles that can be witnessed; because the living microbe sees scenes that, being colossal, manages to see at the same time the primitive germ of the authors of the scenes; they penetrate into all their dimensions of reincarnations; This is possible because living the living numbers and living molecules, the time that is lived in the flying saucer galaxy is celestial time; macrocosm time in the corresponding hierarchy; and all the times corresponding to the reincarnations that were experienced on infinite planets of the microcosm, are times and facts, subordinated to the celestial time of the flying saucers; and there is no reincarnation, planet, sun and everything above everything, without time and number; numeral time and number-time; because all time is born in numeral innocence of time, and all number is born in innocence of time; Number and time form a whole that multiplies in infinite alliances of a whole; Hierarchies are born in the expansive, never to cease; the living number in the flying saucers knows in its infinite journey through the cosmos, what it asked to know and that was written in the Kingdom of Heaven; What is asked for in the Kingdom must be fulfilled down to its last molecule; This law applies to those who ask for galactic proof, whether on planets, suns or celestial ships; The requests that are written in the solar books of all lives are made promising to God to fulfill what is requested; no one is in the universe just to be there; In everyone there is a divine command that came from himself; the situation that each one lives, was asked to live it; because if it had not been asked, it would never be known; The cause is within each one and the universe contributed to each one having a cause; Without the help of the universe, no one would exist; the everything above the everything participates in everything that is; The living number also asks, as the spirit asks, to once again know a new destiny of new life; because to achieve wisdom, it is necessary to know existences; There is no other way to become what you want to be; In the construction of a flying saucer, the everything above the everything that intervenes, does so looking for what it always wanted; It always happens like this; old or very ancient dreams due to spiritual desires are crowned; In the greatest of cases, what was planned in a moment given by the spirit, is postponed because in this or that existence, it violated the law of God; This postponement of what one wanted to be is infinitely relative; because the hope that comes from God is infinite; allows eternal relativity to prove its own law; The support that the virtues and the molecules of the whole give to each other on the whole is infinite and eternal; The universe is mutual, egalitarian and creative; the worlds of light are what they are, because they have respected the planetary Sacred Scriptures; The planets that do not respect or comply with what was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven, their humanities do not enter the Kingdom; Every agreement between the divine Creator and his planets is fulfilled down to its last molecule; the living numbers are the first to announce the divine justice of God; because the just thing that each one claimed for himself in the trial of life is a numerical mental work; and the salt of life or individuality is also; The living number participates in the future reincarnations that the thinking spirit will have in the future; The reincarnation that each one will have is born from the number of the ideas that the creature generated in the present life; generating ideas forms a whole of numerical waves; The value of each idea is added to the other ideas; Alliances of ideas are made to find the geometry that the future body must have; Whoever generated a greater number of ideas, in the life test, had a higher idea generation score; He who thought little, generated few ideas and his heavenly score is also little; The living number influences what you want to be in every future; the numeral salt of life runs parallel to the spiritual salt of life; and when the spirits increase their reincarnations, they raise their own numerical hierarchy; The numerical nature of one existence is not the same as that of another existence; because the spirit expanded in knowledge; As new forms of life are known, the thinking spirit comes to know a new mathematical domain, of God’s universe; The entire cluster of ideas of each existence is identified with the whole above the whole, in numerical ascendancy; one is one’s own mathematician, according to the quality and quality of what one thinks; no one can deceive his own numerical balance of his own sensations; the all above the all of itself, establishes its own numeral philosophy; which is equivalent to saying that the future position that will be had in the universe comes from itself; The living number in its development in a spirit that requested planetary existence, also desires, like the rest of the virtues, to be preferred in the free will of the spirit; molecular and sentimental expansion, they compete emotionally; one tries to equal the other in mutual psychology; The well-being of the spirit is proportional to the balance of its own sensations; and the living number passes from dimension to dimension, in spaces, heavens, universes that the human eye does not see; The numerical vibration makes a whole with the feeling, and the spirit only feels in this fusion of magnetism; in flying saucers, the cause in this law is more infinite in its penetration of understanding;

the mutual thing between matter and spirit is to become the infinite itself; The solar verb is defined with the whole above the whole, according to the degree of penetration that its solar crew members have with the unknown; They do not fall asleep in microscopic things, as happens with the human spirit; The notion of time in them is not a psychology of testing, like the one requested by the human spirit; The living number, in its desire to know, projects itself towards other dimensions, depending on the parallelism of attraction that exists between it and the solar crew member; It is the solar hierarchy that makes the impossible possible, with infinite perfection, for conglomerates of living numbers; The flying saucer, according to its divine solar hierarchy, is the power it has over the divine cherubs of the universe; The greater the power of the solar verb, the greater power one has over the unknown; the science of the cherubs teaches that the all above the all is eternally subordinated in divine hierarchies of power; the divine Father Jehovah being the only one who knows everything; The reincarnations of the solar parents are with infinite laws of physical transformations; they are not subject to a single individuality, as is the human creature; and the change of their physical appearances is instantaneous; Divine Father Jehovah, does the pharaonic sphinx have anything to do with this law? certainly yes son; the face of a man with the body of a lion was for them the law of transformation in solar reincarnations; These galactic creatures knew the origin of all things, within their respective solar hierarchies; Divine Father Jehovah, who were they? They, son, were solar fathers of the microcosm, who rebelled against the divine laws of the divine Father Jehovah; They came from the planet Luxer, which means: Let there be light; It is the same daughter planet that you saw when you were a child; I already remember it by your divine grace, Father Jehovah; In future Telepathic Scrolls, I will teach you, son, pharaonic history; so be divine Father Jehovah; Thy divine will be done; Divine Father Jehovah, did these galactic creatures who violated your divine law know about the living number? they knew it son; and his wisdom has not been surpassed by anyone on this testing planet; The only one who surpassed them was my Solar Firstborn Son Christ; because He was a Firstborn Solar Father of the Macrocosm also called the Kingdom of Heaven; and they were solar creatures of the microcosm; Let’s continue son first with the construction of the flying saucers; I will tell you, son, that depending on the loving power you have over the cherubs of the universe, it is also the power you have to create a heavenly ship; The forms of power to build them are infinite; It has and never will have a limit; Studying, observing or analyzing the construction of a flying saucer constitutes one of the most fascinating experiences; Everyone wonders when they see an unknown model of flying saucer, who are their builders, what galaxy do they come from, what is the corresponding solar hierarchy of their builders, what kind of divine cherubs command, who is the oldest engineer, what is their kingdom? among the infinite kingdoms, it will or will not be a first-born sun etc, etc; In the flying saucers one sees wonders typical of the Kingdom of Heaven, in the degree corresponding to the divine solar hierarchy; In these ship constructions, infinite mechanical geniuses are inspired, who with the passage of time, will ask for reincarnations, on distant and unknown planets; with the sublime desire to make them advance in their progress; progress is also living before God; and like the all above the all, progress speaks and expresses itself before God, in his laws of progress; just as the spirit speaks and expresses itself in its laws of spirit; The geniuses of the Earth are spirits older than most; They have lived more, known more, seen more, experienced more; They have a greater number of sciences than they have known; because for each existence, there corresponds a science; geniuses specialize in this or that science; The importance of geniuses in infinite creation is very important; They bring a lot of well-being to backward worlds; and cause great revolutions through progress; The living number is in the geniuses, of a higher numerical hierarchy than in the others, of the respective world; The living numeral acquires in the geniuses, prophetic sensations that are in direct relationship with the needs of this or that specialty; The geniuses that the world has known were very small in number compared to the number of inhabitants of the planet; Divine Father Jehovah, why such a great disproportion between the number of geniuses and the population of the world? I’ll tell you son; As everything imaginable has free will in its own right, geniuses also have it; and since no one is obliged to go to the worlds, one goes to the worlds when one asks to go; Before coming to Earth or any other planet, the geniuses first ask how the law of God is on the respective planets, before asking for reincarnation; In the case of the Earth, the geniuses were little interested in it; because on solar television, they saw and see, all the violations that this humanity has committed, to the divine mandate of God; They see the scandals, they see what is a strange legalized inequality on a planet that asked to be tested for a moment, in the eternity of God; they see the hidden workings of the beast; they see everything; and they do not want to be accomplices in going to live among human children; because as the geniuses that they are, they know that just one molecule of influence on themselves from what happens on Earth is enough, and they do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven again; the risk is infinite; and most of the geniuses of the Kingdom of Heaven do not come to Earth; and the few who have known the world of trial, none have re-entered the Kingdom; because in more than one molecule they violated the law of God; It is thus my son that the creators and sustainers of the strange system of life, arising from the strange laws of gold, have caused a delay of twenty centuries to the planet Earth; On every planet where God’s divine law is violated or trampled, such a planet causes distrust and suspicion throughout the universe; The reason is that no one wants to be in divine judgment by God; Many geniuses wait a certain time to reincarnate on this or that planet; hopeful that there will be changes in the world that is violating God’s law; Thus, an entire generation of child-geniuses is preparing to be reincarnated for the millennium of peace; because according to the hierarchy of genius, many know that the strange world that emerged from the laws of gold disappears from human evolution; They are the divine news of the Kingdom of Heaven; What each world did in its requested planetary test is known moment by moment in the Kingdom of Heaven; The creators and those who defended the strange system of life with unequal laws caused the greatest delay in human evolution; Because of them the planet was not what it should have been; multitudes of geniuses did not come to Earth because of them; human science remained in its infancy; This strange delay in the progress of a planet is paid for by those who caused it, second by second, idea by idea, molecule by molecule; These beings, who are the most backward in human evolution, have to add and calculate the number of seconds that contain the centuries of time that their strange reign lasted; The living number, the molecules, the living and dead thinking spirits, will demand universal judgment before the son of God; those who took the strange debauchery of relying on force, to impose laws in the trial of life, will experience crying and gnashing of teeth in its highest expression; The more the spirit became deluded in a strange system of life, which did not consider that of God, the greater the divine Judgment it has to face; the everything above the everything suffers in its own progress; matter and spirit will complain against them in their respective laws; The divine judgments of God make everyone speak, because nothing is impossible for God; The most microscopic indifference towards God’s creation costs in the divine Judgments of the Father, crying and gnashing of teeth; The sentimental aspect of oneself is judged by the same elements that, during the trial of life, penetrated and saturated all the pores of the body of flesh through breathing.-


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