Holy writings

John 8:7 “And when they persisted in asking him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Matthew 7:1-2  “Do not judge, lest you be judged. For with the judgment with which you judge, you will be judged, and with the measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you.”
Romans 2:1   “Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judges; for in what you judge another, you condemn yourself; because you who judge do the same.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


It means that every ruler, who was in charge of divine justice over my divine flock, will render me a divine account; for to exercise the divine and sublime position of judge of their reincarnated brothers, one must be pure of spirit; yes, divine child; that is how I read it in your divine mind; poor are those judges who have not acted with divine honesty! they will curse a thousand times having been born; from them, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; for divine justice has incarnated in your divine mind; it will be my divine telepathy that will make you blossom, the divine power to read every human mind; the same divine power that you had, divine son, when you gloriously incarnated in the divine Jesus of Nazareth; for this divine wonder places you in divine communication with the divine solar cherubim; those divine and infinite intelligences that populate and will populate the divine and infinite thinking expansive universe; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; this means Firstborn Son, that no one has ever had or will have the infinite power that you will have; for no one will dare to touch a divine hair on your divine head; for all the divine cherubim of the universe watch over you; none will allow anyone to approach to harm you; and whoever tries will be confounded; for the divine cherubim have such power in their divine mandates that they can make one forget the divine present that the creature lives. Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. Yes, my child; I see that the demons still want to intimidate you; but your immense faith in your divine Father Jehovah drives them away; for it is written that Satan will never be able to defeat me; for his infinite demonic power disappears before me; for it is written that he would appear microscopic at my divine feet; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. It means that all earthly justice, weighed by divine standards, will be; along with it, its creators; for my divine justice always begins with those who, trying to imitate me, use my divine name to compel my little ones. Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. It means that all earthly judges will weep tears of blood; for I see none who is worthy of my divine glory; for they have been tempted by the accursed science of good. Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be, until they achieve a divine repentance and a divine philosophy, characteristic of the little workers of the Lord; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for the ages of ages; the same will be for the cursed kings of the Earth; they will have to publicly repent for wearing crowns that do not belong to them; for it is written that there exists only one king of solar kings; and that is your divine Father Jehovah; infinite creator of infinite universes; the only one who gives and takes life; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; what glory can the accursed kings of the Earth offer, if they do not even know where they come from, nor where they are going, and only end up as a pile of rotting flesh? Yes, my son; the divine worms of their bodies are more worthy of my divine abode than any spirit that has violated my divine word; for it is written that Satan transforms into an angel of kings to violate the divine free will of my children of the people. It takes advantage of the damned fleeting splendor; which will never grant any eternity; on the contrary; my divine majesty sees no merit in it; for it makes my children become proud; scheming, and even murderers; that is why, divine son, the damned kings, with their damned philosophies, are not trees planted by your divine Father Jehovah; and by the root they will be uprooted; and only theirs will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; Well, I will tell you, my son, that just as you see it in your divine mind, the damned kings will want to be the first to be rejuvenated, to become children; but they will not be the first, my divine son; for they do not have divine humility in their hearts; they only possess damned pride and damned greed; they will curse, as no one has ever cursed, their own riches; how they would give anything to be one of my humble working children! Yes, divine son; that is how it is; just as I read in your divine mind: the damned philosophy of the damned kings of the Earth is in the same damned conditions as the damned pharaoh gods; for it was written many centuries ago that whoever self-admires is cut off from my divine glory; for it is written that you shall only worship with your divine work your divine Creator above all things; yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; It means that the so-called pope, who calls himself my divine representative, is not worthy to occupy such a sublime position; it is more fitting for one of the many humble ones from my divine earthly flock; for he is in the same damned conditions as those who have made themselves kings on Earth; they have exalted themselves through damned fleeting philosophies; they have become great on Earth, and have diminished in heaven; for my divine laws are fulfilled both above and below; my divine laws are all love; for it is thanks to my divine love that each one enjoys their own life; for they have repaid me poorly by becoming great on Earth; my divine commandments order the opposite: to be humble with all; and to share both material and spiritual things, like good brothers. But the damned philosophies of these spawn of the devil have turned the earthly world into one that my children imitate; creating tragedies in each one; creating a world of eternal and cursed antagonism; that only you, Firstborn Son, will make disappear; for you have already defeated the devil in your divine spiritual trials; now you will defeat him again in the damned philosophies taught by these false guides; for there is only a rock of cursed selfishness in their hearts; they are false prophets of the Lord; yes, divine son; so it is and so it will be for ages upon ages; yes, little son; so it is; not a stone will be left upon another from the cursed philosophical edifice of the damned earthly nobility; tears of blood will be shed; for no one will extend a hand to them; many will commit suicide; they will curse having been noble; Well, no one will want to be friends with a wretched soul, who only waits to be judged; while my humble ones sail in beautiful silver ships through the galaxies of infinity; for everyone who has earned the divine resurrection of the flesh will be a child; and like a child, they will enter my divine abode; for it was written that children would be the first in the divine Kingdom of Heaven; yes, divine child; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; this means that only a child can cast the first stone; for they are purer, in the face of the world’s evils; their divine angelic philosophy sweeps away all other philosophies, which were merely rocks of human selfishness; yes, divine child; So it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; that is why no one will dare to touch you, divine son; no one will dare to cast the first philosophical stone of their own thought at you; for all divine human philosophy disappears in the divine presence of your own and divine solar power; for the divine cherubs that surround your divine body read every human thought; for they know in their divine free will that no human philosophy should surpass its own divine spiritual scale; whoever does so finds only darkness; only confusion fills their mind; just as it happened to the divine Judas; but Judas acted out of ignorance based on total absence of enlightenment; it was a divine sin that he had been committing long before; for he bore within himself the marked influence of his past existences; for he came from a world even more backward than planet Earth; Yes, divine son; so it was and so it shall be for ages upon ages; Yes, divine son; that’s right; just as your divine mind sees it. No human creature will dare to touch you to harm you; for no one will want to have the cursed darkness as their divine future; for there is no mental state that causes more dread than this feeling; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be; as long as every spirit feeds on philosophies that are not trees planted by your divine Eternal Father; for the divine cherubim will fulfill divine justice; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. the divine cherubim are all of divine angelic philosophy; they are divine purities, who can cast the first stone; for they represent the first and divine causes of the expansive thinking universe; Yes, divine child;

So it is, and so it shall be for ages upon ages; that is why, divine son, my divine thoughts have always taught to be humble above all things; for there are infinite ways in which my little creatures adore me; the most sublime of all is that of humility; for there is no greater virtue in the infinite heavens; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; Yes, divine child; That’s right; without the need to mention my divine name, all those who live in holy humility are safe before me; for in divine humility are enclosed all my divine commandments. therefore, the so-called greats of the world have nothing humble about them; On the contrary; they are rocks of damnable selfishness; for I see more scandals in their philosophies than divine actions that could grant them even a divine pinch of divine eternity; for their damned philosophies are not trees planted by your divine Father Jehovah; and from the face of the Earth, they will disappear; Well, there is no greater one, in my divine heavens, than the one who has respected my divine word; not so, of those who believe themselves greater on Earth; for all thinking philosophy will never achieve eternity if it does not carry within itself my divine seal; for without my divine seal, no one finds their divine salvation; and my divine seal is the divine lamb of my divine innocence; for from me have come all the infinite innocences of the infinite; of those that have existed, exist, and will exist; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; It means that all divine innocence has the same divine origin as the divine Eternal Father; that is, eternity itself; yes, divine child; so it is; just as your Most Holy Trinity has illuminated you; the divine existence reincarnated is merely a divine forgetfulness of its own solar innocence; for human existence and its divine thinking philosophy is nothing more than a sigh in celestial time, of divine innocence; for human life represents a divine vibration that condenses within itself a divine intellectual contribution to the spirit, in its divine union with the fleshly body; this divine intellectual contribution becomes a divine brilliance that surrounds the physical body; this divine brilliance takes the shape of a divine omega circle; which signifies the end of a life of work; or the divine end of a divine mandate, promised in the distant suns; When the fleshly body perishes, according to earthly science, the divine circle Omega unfolds, until it becomes a divine right angle of 90°; this divine angle is divinely referred to in Celestial Sciences as the divine angle Alpha; and it symbolizes the divine thinking action that every spirit has exerted throughout its entire divine reincarnated existence; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; it means that any philosophy that tramples on its own divine innocence, and that of others, is cursed; it is not a tree planted by your divine Father Jehovah; and it is cut off from the infinite galaxies; this means that no materialistic philosophy has eternity in the divine, expansive, thinking universe; for the divine galaxies are my divine seeds; from which I took my chosen divine earthly people; for so it was willed by my divine free will, of the infinite creator Father; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; this divine revelation will confuse many, those many believe that I, your divine Father Jehovah, by choosing the divine Hebrew people as the divine philosophical seed beginning in the earthly dimension, of three divine solar magnetic lines; for you must know, divine son, that long before the Hebrew people, countless creatures were born into earthly life, which constituted other divine galactic foundations; for it is written that the human seed is not, nor will it be the only one; Well, many abodes, like the earthly one, have been created by the infinite Eternal Father; yes, divine son; so it is and so it will be for ages upon ages; for everyone who considers themselves great and unique diminishes my divine power; because it is written that there is no one greater than your divine Father Jehovah; for it was taught to all that the Lord is everywhere in the infinite; this means that there is infinite thinking life everywhere; that my divine abodes are populated; just as the microscopic planet Earth is populated; the divine little grain, tiny, of the universe made up of another microscopic grain; for the worlds that earthly children see through their divine telescopes are also microscopic grains; scattered throughout the expansive thinking infinite universe; Yes, divine child; that’s right; just as you see it, in your divine mind; There exist colossal worlds that are unknown, neither in a divine existence nor in several; one needs to be born again to know them; and these worlds are so immense, divine child, that if the earthly were to set foot there, it would go unnoticed; for the divine laws in those distant worlds are laws suited for giants; yes, divine child; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; this means that those infinite creatures, despite their colossal sizes, are not the most perfect; therefore, they cannot cast the first stone either; for those gigantic creatures are microscopic, in divine comparison, to those of other infinite worlds; and these, in turn, are also microscopic in divine comparison to others; and so it goes, eternally; as far as your divine mind can imagine; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. It means that only the divine angels of divine purity can cast the divine first stone; but those divine beings have already been on planet Earth; I am referring, divine child, to the divine angels of light who pilot the divine silver ships; these are the ships that in your divine earthly world are known as flying saucers. Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. But, I will tell you, divine son, that my divine angels of light read divinely, every mind; just as you are already reading it divinely; for my divine angels of light have already read the divine thoughts of each earthly child; and they have been astonished by what they have read: They have seen that despite my divine word of infinite love having been on Earth for centuries, there are still thoughts in earthly minds filled with hatred, tyranny, pride, lust, and a lack of self-confidence; distrust among their reincarnated brothers. Yes, divine son, they have seen a demonic philosophy; they have seen a damned philosophy, which is not the divine product of my divine word; they have seen that the philosophical fruit of earthly creatures is not a tree planted by your divine Father Jehovah; and they hope that it will be uprooted; for my divine angels of light are the divine authors and creators of infinite galaxies; they are the ones in charge of directing, watching over, and guiding in the infinite spaces, all divine planetary seeds that have come from the suns; of every divine solar spark that has left its divine luminary; Yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages. This means that the divine angels of light are my divine messengers, who have always traveled through my infinite creation for all divine eternity; for they have existed long before the divine appearance of the earthly little monkey. They are from worlds that are not made of flesh; they are divine solar fathers; they are like you, divine son; although they are of a lower divine solar hierarchy; for they have already seen you, from their marvelous ships; I, your divine Father Jehovah, have willed it so; for they will always be by your divine side; they will never leave you; for they too were once beings of flesh; in worlds that no longer exist; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. Well, it is written, divine son, that to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, one must first be small and made of flesh, in the divine earthly realms; for it is written that the humble are the first in my divine abode; for every little human monkey will also come to be a divine solar father; a divine angel of light; or a divine firstborn; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. Yes, my child; that’s right; my divine inheritance is the same for everyone; all will become divine angels, of divine solar purity; but they will only achieve this by fulfilling my divine law of work; with my divine law of love; with my divine law of equality for all; not with cursed philosophies like that of cursed money; which causes my children to exploit one another; Yes, Firstborn Son; so it is and so it shall be for ages of ages; Yes, my child; Every damn philosophical tree, that is not of infinite love for my little workers of divine labor, will be uprooted, amidst weeping and gnashing of teeth; for every great one on Earth, who has forgotten my divine word, will curse a thousand times having been born; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be until the divine Final Judgment, the divine year 2001; Yes, my child; I see divine surprise on your divine face; I know you never imagined that the divine Judgment Day would be so divinely premature; such is the case, divine son; it is as divinely surprising as your divine appearance before the world; for it was written that you, divine son, would come like a divine thief in the night; this means that all the Earth will feel shaken; for earthly consciences sense that a divine light has arrived in the world; for the darkness of the night resides in the minds of earthly beings; and you, divine son, will arrive amidst their mental darkness; It is for this reason, divine son, that there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; for this is how all infinite remorse reacts. More, poor blind guides, who have led my divine flock, using cursed philosophies, of cursed exploitation, among my humble children!! Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will always be forever. this means that no one escapes divine justice; there will be the same confusion, as there was in ancient Egypt; when you, divine son, reincarnated as the divine prophet Moses; There will be the same universal confusion when my divine silver ships destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. Yes, my little son, my divine silver ships have acted in many divine epochs of planet Earth; we will write about them later; the very beings who lived in those past dimensions of the earthly abode will dictate them to you. Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. Yes, my child; I see that with every divine moment that passes, you are more amazed by the divine joy felt in divine telepathy; it is your divine reward, my child, for having been humble in all your divine spiritual trials.

Well, everything will be known, my child; nothing will remain hidden; for I, your divine Father Jehovah, am only divine light; the only light that is preexistent to everything; for I was first in all things; even in casting the first philosophical stone, which the whole world knows; I am referring, my child, to the divine and Sacred Scriptures, which every planet or dwelling possesses; yes, divine son; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; It means that everyone who is great on Earth will be judged based on how they applied their fleeting importance in the world; for becoming great on Earth carries a divine commitment of conscience and responsibility before your divine Father Jehovah. That is why it was written that each one will receive what they deserve in divine merit. todos serán juzjados por la divina intención, que puso en sus propias acciones, a lo largo de su vida; pues juzjado será, el primer suspiro, como el último; pues todos son mis hijitos vivientes y pensantes; esto significa que la divina justicia, vá mucho más allá, que a las consecuencias morales, que se desprenden, de las acciones materiales de cada uno; la divina justicia al juzjar a un divino espíritu, está divinamente juzjando a la vez, a infinitas inteligencias, de las propias virtudes, del propio espíritu; pues la acción material que pone en divino juego, el espíritu reencarnado, repercute en el divino espacio y tiempo, del universo expansivo pensante; pues nadie es único en su propia exsistencia; sí hijo divino; así es y así será por los siglos de los siglos; esto significa que sólo es único, aquél que todas sus divinas vibraciones, son espíritualmente superiores, a su propio tiempo y espacio; sí hijo divino; así es y así será por los siglos de los siglos; esta divina revelación, vá divinamente acompañada de una divina ecuación; pues ella representa, la divina relación, entre un divino Primogénito, y sus hijitos terrestres; escribe en divino rojo, hijo divino; divino gérmen pensante; = un divino principio solar; = un divino concierto de divinas melodías magnéticas solares; = un divino orígen de vibraciones, en infinito estado de vibración; = un divino principio pensante con divina determinación; = un divino período de divina inocencia solar; = una divina y única oportunidad de lanzar la primera divina piedra; = un divino derecho a protestar y acusar, a otro divino querubín; = una divina Trinidad en divino estado de embrión solar; = un divino nacimiento de una eternidad pensante; = un divino principio, que se sucede infinitamente, en la divina eternidad solar; = un divino principio, de hágase la luz, y la divina luz fué hecha; = una divina materia con divino libre albedrío material-espíritual; = una divina y total ausencia de moléculas de divino orígen planetario; = un divino y microscópico sol; = una divina herencia planetaria-solar; = un divino querubín, dispuesto a probar, divina experiencia, en otras infinitas dimensiones, con diferente espacio y tiempo; = un divino querubín, dispuesto a escalar, la infinita serie de mundos carnales; = un divino querubín, con divino ensueño, de llegar a ser un gran dios de la sabiduría infinita; = una divina herencia del Padre Jehova; = un futuro y divino padre solar; con infinitos nombres galácticos; among other infinities, Christ or divine Jesus of Nazareth; = a future and divine galactic antiquity; = a divine firstborn, born from infinite loves, from infinite suns, of the expansive thinking universe; = a divine and unique Revelation, of the divine Jesus of Nazareth; = a divine Judge of races and nations; = a divine promised Messiah; = a divine hope for earthly humanity; = a divine Comforter, in infinite Celestial Science, of infinite wisdom and brilliance like a divine Sun; = a divine transformation, into a divine physical body; a divine solar apparition over an abyssal world; = a divine parable; = divine faith moves mountains, of the expansive thinking universe; = a divine process of progressive solar maturity; = a divine telepathic principle; = a divine transformation, at the will of divine free will; = a divine social transformation of a proud planet Earth; = a divine revolution of millions of little workers of the Lord; = total fall of trees not planted by divine Father Jehovah; = total fall of the cursed philosophy of money; = darkness of the transient world; = advent of the new and divine galactic era; = a new world is born, flowing with milk and honey; = beginning of the weeping and gnashing of teeth of the sinners of the world; = divine principle of a new galactic seed; = beginning of the divine promised paradise; a divine individual telepathy invades the world; a divine Revelation awaited; = transformation of planet Earth; Yes, divine child; so it is and so it will be until the complete fulfillment of the ages; this divine equation, like all, is infinite; for everything is infinite science; both in infinite matter and in infinite spirit; although with its own divine free will; for it is written: What is of matter, is of matter; and what is of spirit, is of spirit; yes, divine child; so it is and so it will be for ages upon ages; this means that there exist divine philosophical agreements among the divine cherubim, who are from long before the divine appearance of the most microscopic molecule of planetary matter; for it is written that all my children have the same right; and their divine destinies are not written on the Earth itself; but in the distant suns; from where came the microscopic electric spark, which grew until it reached its current size, thanks to my divine addition; Yes, divine child; all my little ones from the expansive thinking universe have the same right; so it is and so it shall be for ages upon ages; this means that all the divine matter, of which the infinite planets are composed, has had the same solar origin; but with different physical compositions; for they have free will; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. Moreover, my dear child, the divine composition of each world is divinely connected to the divine solar purity of its creators and their infinite philosophy; for the divine inheritance is passed down from parents to children; from sun to sun; from world to world; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; the divine planets are divine virtues materialized; for the human creature is so as well; yes, divine son; that is how it is; in infinite eternity, everything intertwines; everything harmonizes among the divine cherubs; for all wish to progress and become great gods of infinite wisdom; that is why they are seen everywhere; they are my divine little workers, builders of worlds and universes; yes, divine son; that is how it is; even they themselves fulfill the divine law of infinite work; yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; Each divine planet also gives me a divine account of its work in the vastness of divine space; for it is written that justice is everywhere. That is why, my child, no one is in charge alone, as many believe on your planet Earth. When these proud ones witness the divine events that are approaching, they will weep tears of blood; for that is what they wanted. For them, it was written that there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Yes, divine child; so it is and so it will be for ages upon ages. This means that in distant galaxies, colossal galactic battles occur, with forces of destruction that would fill earthly beings with dread. They also try to cast the first stone; but their infinite evolutions, unlike those on Earth, make their divine causes different as well. For what is considered a divine cause on Earth ceases to be so in the distant galaxies. This divine example demonstrates that all eternity is philosophical; for it is written that the divine Eternal Father has many abodes in the expansive thinking universe. Yes, divine child; so it is and so it will be for ages upon ages. This means that each divine abode, each planet, each divine dimension possesses its own philosophy and its own divine scripture; its own divine redeemers and solar judges; for the Holy Trinity is everywhere. Yes, divine child; so it is and so it will be for ages upon ages. It means that only you, divine son, will cast the first stone; for you are free from human sin; from the sin of being worldly by your own will; for everyone who has never studied me, as my Sacred Scriptures command, is worldly; for they love transient things; the things of the world; they love the cursed science of good; the one that has come from the very devil; a product of cursed money; and the pleasures of the world come to an end; for it was written that they would be judged; Yes, divine son; that is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages. It means that the weeping and gnashing of teeth begins for this world; for the divine cherubs of earthly nature are already divinely prepared for your divine identity in the world; for they are the same ones who accompanied you in your earthly past when you divinely reincarnated in the divine Jesus of Nazareth; yes, divine son; this is how it is and how it will be for ages upon ages; this divine revelation given to the world by your divine and honorable Dalai Lamas will shake the world. And a divine child will be born, as it was written: East against West; but it will not be a material war; rather, it will be a philosophical war; begin, divine child, the divine judgment on those who believed themselves great in the earthly world; on those who, forgetting their own divine Creator, donned cursed, fleeting crowns; forgetting that one should only worship the Lord above all things; on the cursed exploiters of divine faith; on the cursed Vatican sect; on the cursed harlot; who was seduced by the cursed science of good; the cursed materialism; the cursed beast; that exploits my divine flock of little workers; the only ones who, through their divine labor, exalt my divine and holy name; weeping and gnashing of teeth begins, divine child; They will curse a thousand times having been born; they will curse a thousand times for having exploited my divine children of divine labor with their damned money; it is written that the humble would be the first; that only to them should the divine command of their own destinies be given; for only the humble of heart will enter the Heavens; for theirs is the divine philosophy of children; the only one that will reign after the divine resurrection of all flesh; for every divine end returns to its divine beginning, planetary-solar; yes, divine son; so it is and so it will be for ages of ages.-


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