Holy writings

Psalms 33:5 “He loves justice and justice; The earth is full of the mercy of Jehovah.”
Proverbs 18:24 “There are friends who lead to ruin, and there are friends more loyal than a brother.”
Proverbs 22:11 “He who loves purity of heart and has grace on his tongue will have the king as a friend.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


318 = a divine alliance of divine cherubim; creatures of divine solar beauty; they are divine intelligences that passed through the worlds of flesh eons ago; they are of a divine triangular shape; they transform with the speed of thought; they possess celestial time and space; that is to say, they live in eternity; there, events occur that have never been seen by human eyes; it is knowledge made eternal life; there, death is unknown; no one ages; it is the divine center of activities; characteristic of eternity; there emerge creatures; that penetrate other dimensions; among them is living matter; for matter has its own life; it lives its own test of life; the earthly world knows nothing of this; For the first time, human knowledge will impose itself from its own origin; this divine origin had already been given to the world; it was given to the cursed gods of cursed pharaonic wisdom; they had the divine mission to bring light to the world; the divine Father Jehovah placed them on planet Earth before the first galactic seed germinated; for every spirit first sprouted from the very Earth; spirit and matter are one and the same; for they come from the One; they come from a single and divine cause; the eternal cause of the Father, which unifies everything; nothing separates in an eternal sense. If human knowledge believed or thinks that there is a distinction between matter and spirit, it is in profound error; an error characteristic of its imperfection; this error should not exist; since my Sacred Scriptures teach the love in one flesh; which means that the only morality; the only government, should have been inspired by them; Only the divine Commandments could and still can save the world from the weeping and gnashing of teeth that is approaching. But it is written that the divine Father sees the future of the worlds, even eternities before they are born into material life; thus, along with my Sacred Scriptures, I included the divine Final Judgment. No one in the world has yet noticed this divine relationship; between governing oneself and at the same time judging oneself. The reason for this is that every proof of planetary life carries with it a passenger of forgetfulness, of the laws; of eternity itself; This forgetfulness rises with the arrival of new knowledge; which is above every philosophical tree that the divine Father Jehovah did not plant. because every spirit is drawn from a world called solar knowledge; it therefore possesses a divine number of its own creation; This number is 3; it indicates that from 3 solar magnetic lines, its own thinking germ was born. This divine number gives rise to a divine spiritual degree; in the celestial world, it is known as divine spiritual hierarchy; and its divine power is measured in knowledge; only knowledge constitutes power. Therefore, the philosophy of strength, so common on Earth, is one of the philosophical trees that the divine Father did not plant; and it will be uprooted at its roots. The force of weapons should never have existed on Earth; it was the damned pharaohs who brought it to the world; and they passed it on to the proud people of Israel; !!Israel!! When will you understand that the divine Father Jehovah has never approved of the use of force? When will you learn to live with humility? When will you understand that only the humble enter my divine abode? When will you understand that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? When will you understand that only the divine philosophy of the divine Lamb is pleasing to the Father? Yes, divine son; That’s right. the people of Israel are in a deep error He is not the first in my earthly creation; before them, there were other human creatures. its number is a trillion trillion trillion; that is, a trillion raised to the power of 3; raised to the Holy Trinity; meaning that since the Earth was just a spark of fire, there have been infinite microscopic dimensions; that experienced the same events that occurred in the ancient world; it has also happened and continues to happen in the current earthly dimension; it is written that one must be born again to see the kingdom of God; every Holy Trinity is expansive; and triples in its own infinity; creating new abodes, with their suns, planets, galaxies, and universes; therefore, the human creature is not unique, not even in its own dimension, has never been unique; the only one who is unique is the Father; for from Him have come all those who believe themselves to be unique; without Him, there would be no uniqueness in anything; the divine numbers also have, in addition to their free will, their own spaces, times, and numerical philosophy; therefore, they also age; when they express themselves in matter; they age in the same human body; which is also composed of numbers; And along with the departure of the spirit, the numbers also travel; for no one is disinherited in my creation; every number returns to the same place from which it came; they too experienced a divine forgetfulness in their own trial life; in their own living dimension; for everything vibrates under infinite sensitivities; no one knows anyone; they only know each other in my divine abode; There, every memory comes back, of all that was done before the departure, what happened in life, and what account each one must give; The greatest astonishment is felt by all; some congratulate each other; happy for each other’s progress; when a life has been lived with the most beautiful morals; according to my divine commandments; but when my divine commandments have been scandalized, what painful scenes! scenes that cannot be explained in human languages; one must die to understand them; yet, even so, the divine numbers of evolutionary philosophy never unite spirits; it has never happened; for no one acts or thinks like another does; this means that, having all spirits emerged from number 1; from the Father, they do not reach the same place from which they came; for their spiritual advancements are not the same; the numbers separate; that is to say, they expand, as the spirit expands; for all knowledge acquired on the planets becomes an expansive glow around the body; this glow is relative, according to the ideas emanated by each spirit, enclosed in the fleshly body; it is the same glow that surrounds the silver ships; with the difference that they are much older; to such an extent that it escapes human mental calculation; More, the principle is the same; they also came from the One, they came from the Father; and to the Father they go; it is written that what is above is like what is below; because both came from the Father; this spiritual brightness, materialized. Around the body of flesh, he does not see it yet; the earthly son; for while the spirit is in a life of trials, so too are its ideas; they fulfill their divine work in another natural dimension; that is to say, they live in another time, another space, and have their own free will; apart from the free will of the spirit; the journey that the ideas emanated by the spirit take through cosmic space is unheard of; and it escapes the calculations of their very creator; he only feels the impulse and the material execution; he remembers nothing; the spirit only knows how to identify itself through sensation; yet it does not know that it came from him; the Solar Firstborn knew; it is written that in the midst of a crowd I said: Who touched me? It referred to the glow that surrounded his own body; for Jesus conversed with his own ideas; they announced to him every future, as he had no forgetfulness of the past; he lived in his Most Holy Trinity of solar firstborn; he was living a present that simultaneously included past and future; here is the highest number of spiritual hierarchy, coming from the Alpha and Omega suns; its number is 33; for that means the Most Holy Trinity in the trinity; this is infinite numerical vibration; so infinite that it surpasses future knowledge that has yet to be acquired in future worlds; that is to say, that the Most Holy Trinity, in its passage through the planets, materializes all the facts that are still in a primitive state of idea; These ideas wander through spaces; they have their own innocence; moreover, they carry the influence of the being that emanated them; its shape is angular; it resembles a right angle of 90 degrees; and this idea, wandering through the spaces, will mature through solar magnetism; just as a humble fruit matures in the earthly nature; Ideas are, therefore, the galactic seeds of future worlds; they are living seeds; that only await the divine call of “let there be light,” and the light is from them; Every number is an idea; and every idea is a number. More so, there is no number that does not have a form; they exist in infinite degrees; according to the evolution of the idea, so is the form of the number; and there is no form that does not have a number. There is no time, without form, without space, without light, without spirit, and without ideas; that is to say, nothing would exist without the greater idea. exit of 1; of the Father; The main idea was created in the Alpha and Omega suns; the Solar Firstborn said: where I am, you cannot go; for the higher vibrations burn; they correspond to the brilliant suns; the divine sun Alpha has the number 318; in the Trino galaxy; for it is not the only one; the Holy Trinity continues to produce them in such quantity that it can never be calculated; All suns have hierarchy; and they possess a certain philosophy; All the suns struggled to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; they were microbes on planets that no longer exist in space; they were also flesh creatures; they were little human monkeys; each pore of flesh has a solar influence; Every trait you have in your characters is of solar origin; You are products of the cosmic forces of the universe; because matter and spirit are one and the same; emerging from a single point in space; and manifested in different free wills; What you do not see but feel is also matter; when your body is born into life, it possesses enough energy to continue living beyond life itself; you cannot completely consume yourselves. There always remains vitality; a vitality that is greater than what you had in life; for from this vitality, your future existence will emerge; this vitality was created and shaped by you yourselves; it is your intentions that form this vitality; known in the Holy Scriptures as the salt of life; when you came into life, the following occurred in the Alpha sun: you were and still are a solar candle; that requested a change in its temperature; that is to say, you asked to know a life; you asked for planetary experience; all life is a solar calorie, in eternal descent; there is no life in the worlds without temperature; because you are all of fire; even the planet you inhabit; does not your planet still have fire within it? It is because the temperature continues to drop; and it will continue until all the inner fire of your dwelling is consumed; This drop in temperature affects both matter and spirit; it happens above and below; in the macrocosm and in the microcosm; during the development of this temperature, the divine alliances of all forms of life occur; and since the temperature has not been the same, that is why there is variety in all of creation. In the past, there were gigantic animals that are no longer here. This demonstrates to you that the calorie of the past did not form alliances with the current beings of the present; because all possess free will; both the matter and the spirit that animates all flesh; including those you call; are like you, spirits; who asked to experience the philosophy of this or that animal; just as you asked for the philosophy of a flesh monkey; this, which will fill you with shame, teaches you that in the living creation of Father Jehovah, there are no animals;

since they are all His children; you call them animals with disdain; knowing that no one should be looked down upon in life; whoever has scorned an innocent animal scorns the divine Father; were you not taught that your Creator is everywhere? It is therefore in all minds; including the innocents you call animals; yet, woe to those who have unjustly struck my humble children!! Poor are those who, out of whim, made the first of the kingdom suffer! “Weren’t you taught that the humble and the despised are first in the Kingdom of Heaven?” And who is more humble than those you call animals? they asked for the proof of life of feeling and not being able to express oneself; these creatures that sweeten your life come after the Lamb of God; and in third place, you; the humans; and within you, the most humble has preference; the most exploited; the most despised; the most abandoned; the most suffering; the last are the comfortable ones; those who had everything on Earth; these spirits, the most backward of the flock, asked for their rewards in advance; they already had their rewards; they wanted to be rewarded on Earth and not in heaven; they miscalculated; for what is of the Earth is not eternal; it is ephemeral; everything lasts until one reaches the grave; that is why they are backward; they will always march behind the advanced spirits; this voluntary error is due to the free will of each spirit; each one chooses their future existence according to the knowledge they possess; according to their science; according to their salt of life; these spirits cling to the first gift that is presented to them; they seek comfort and remain in it; To this category of spirits belong those known as the rich of the Earth; known in the Kingdom of Heaven as worldly spirits; because they are a product of the comfort that the world offers them; they are attached to mortal illusion; this group of spirits is what holds the world back; because all immorality stems from wealth; and it corrupts others. That is why it was written; let the left be wary of what the right does; it means: let the people be cautious of the immorality of the wealthy; In the Kingdom of Heaven, the left represents the most humble, and the right represents the worldly; the rich; The rich of the world form alliances with self-serving virtues; they are selfish; distrustful; exploitative; many would wish not to be so; yet, their destinies must be fulfilled; until the last breath; until the last second of life; until the last molecule of flesh-life; the spirit asked in the Kingdom of Heaven for everything it feels; it can modify its inclinations; from immoral it can become moral; however, it must fight to achieve this; for the divine parable says: you will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; which means that everything requires effort; because that is what human spirits requested; the effort did not include exploitation; because such a request shames the Creator of the universe; and no spirit dares to make such a request; for the simple reason that it would not like to be exploited; therefore, exploitation was born in the world; and not in the Kingdom of Heaven; exploitation makes human existence more bitter; man becomes his own yoke; the ambitious leave humanity with no other way out; and the revolutionary spirits arise; those who promised to fight against any form of the devil; It is a demon anyone who creates doctrines that do not take my divine Commandments into account; The world is full of demons; because there is everything in the Father’s flock; everyone is allowed to test their philosophies; even if it is a silent creature; the mere act of thinking is philosophy; the expression of each one is also a living word; for it came from the Father; and everything that comes from the Father is eternal; everything you have spoken in life awaits you in the Kingdom of Heaven; Because as one speaks, the words travel through space along with your ideas; even your curses travel; even the last letter-expression awaits you; Being all living creation, so is the word; everything that is said in life is weighed on the solar scales; and how great is the number of spirits that do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven because of the coarse words they spoke in life. your Creator is everywhere; this is how you were taught; He is also in every mouth; The law of all divine justice begins with the mouth; for there is no idea that does not require it. by the mouth one is offended; by the mouth one is scandalized; by the mouth the first stone is cast; by the mouth, the spirit is punished; Well, the insult hurts more than the blows; Here more in the moral; the sticks pass; the offenses remain; In divine justice, there exists a perfect calculation; from that calculation, your own existence is born; Calculation was born from yourselves; for each one creates their own heaven; according to how your thoughts were regarding the Commandment; Every intention is heavy in the heavens; every thought is a future universe; every invisible idea materializes; from the humble and microscopic, the gigantic is born; for it is written: one must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; eternity begins by starting from the most microscopic that your mind can imagine; and what is more microscopic than your ideas? That you feel them, but do not see them; and you cannot deny them; for everyone uses ideas; without them, no one progresses; even the most foolish uses them; and no one can stop thinking; it has never happened; nor will it ever happen; The number 318 is the number of final justice; the Alpha sun is the 318th sun in the hierarchy of the solar firstborns; this number is also carried by you; for everything came from the Alpha sun of the Trino galaxy; here lies the divine origin of your trinity; the number 33 signifies the Trinity within the trinity; it means philosophical eternity; expansive and eternal; the macrocosm creates the microcosm; and gives it the same rights that the macro had; When I was little; what is above is the same as what is below; the macro above, and the micro below; When your planet was formed, it started as a tiny spark; from a calorie that escapes your calculations; the spark grew and matured in the eternity of time; Time or the antiquity of the Earth can never be calculated by the human mind; for there have been as many centuries as there are molecules in your planet; not counting the molecules that existed and no longer do; before you as creatures, there were others; whose number you will also be unable to calculate; there have been civilizations superior to you; of such immense science that you will never surpass them; yet, none remain; for that is what their spirits requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; all who depart from the world do so because they asked for it; and the circumstances as well; no one came against their will; even if it is to pay a debt from the past; before coming to the planets, every spirit asks; and everything is granted; and when asking to know some life, every spirit promises; promises to uphold the law of love; which is the living morality; how one comes to life, the world will know for the first time; because that is what human spirits requested; every request has its time; just like on Earth; what is above is like what is below; Coming to life is the most sublime thing in your existences; it involves multitudes of intelligences; known in the Kingdom of Heaven, like divine cherubs; the divine cherubim are the loving product of solar creations; they are the same virtues that your spirit feels; and your own spirit is also called divine cherub; the cherubim are living magnetic forces; they are energy in the form of life; in the material and the spiritual; they are everywhere; At any point in the universe; in the visible and the invisible; the divine cherubim are the Alpha and the Omega of universal creation; they uphold the gravitation of the universe; they are its creators by divine mandate; without them, nothing would exist; neither worlds nor spirits; The origin of the divine cherubim dates back to the divine principle of the Father; this principle is explained only by the Creator; it belongs to His free will; the existence of all existence is within them; Virtues are an immense army of cherubs; all of you carry them from your birth; and they accompany you for all eternity; With every thought or idea that arises from your mind, new cherubs are born; they carry the influence of your individuality; your philosophy; your way of thinking; your virtues; whether good or bad; the divine cherub is the supreme revelation for human knowledge; This Revelation is so immense that from it arises the Final Judgment; It is the fall of materialism; of the followers of gold; it is the fall of a world and its immoralities; that have reached the end of their times; it is the fall of all philosophical trees that the divine Eternal Father did not plant; it is the birth of a new world with new customs; a world without any yoke; a world of innocence; the world of children!! The writing was: let the children come to me; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; this divine parable, like all the others, will explain its meaning for the first time; it means that seas of children; multitudes of them, from all nations, will follow the Firstborn Son; Everyone will want to see how the Lamb of God, a work about nature, opens the waters of the oceans; how it turns rivers and lakes into blood; how it commands the stars in the heavens; how it darkens the sun; how it produces signs in the skies that are seen from other worlds; They will follow him to see him levitate and fly; to see him move through the spaces; for it was written: and he will come in glory and majesty, from the heights; All glory of every solar firstborn begins with levitation; More, first sow the living word; sow a doctrine; that comes to replace another; that has already fulfilled its time requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; There is no earthly thing that does not come to pass in time. Until human existence, it is consumed in time; Children, with their innocence, are more worthy of eternity; they are purer in spirit; they share a common joy; the same joy that reigns eternally in the Kingdom of Heaven; the same joy that the divine Father desired for the Earth; Moreover, men did not follow the teachings of my divine Commandments to the letter; they do not command that my children be divided into rich and poor; the divine morality of my divine Commandments was created so that a universal communist government would arise on Earth; one single government and one single God only;

Is there, perhaps, a more sublime doctrine than that which shares material things in common? All others, without exception, are the trees that the divine Eternal Father did not plant; and by their roots, they will be uprooted from human evolution. These selfish doctrines were requested by backward spirits and were granted to them; they were made to see that all selfishness regarding property is judged in the Kingdom of Heaven; that everything belongs to the living eternity; They insisted; for they wanted philosophical experience in a distant world; and they asked to be tested in earthly life; the phrase “this is mine” has been and will be the worst yoke in human coexistence; the new generation of children will not be infected; they will not be immoral; they will not be merchants; they will not be exploiters; they will not be scandalous; they will not belong to the beast that is leaving; they will not be materialistic; they will not be ungrateful to their Creator; they are not in the Final Judgment; with them begins a new world; a world of eternal wonders; the world of child-geniuses; a perfect world within its hierarchy; a world that will leave behind in the eternity of time, the sinister world of exploitation; the world that fed on the flesh of its brothers; the world of vice; everything changes when viewed from a distance; just as you marvel at the cave men; so will they look at you; and worse; because having had a divine mandate of humility, you allowed yourselves to be tempted by the illusion of life; the illusion was initiated by money; in the past of your world, it began with the worship of gold; ambition was born; greed; the demonic force of possession; You forgot that life itself is fleeting; any forgetfulness of God’s teachings, in any world of space, brings dire consequences; everything has a cause; even the inexplicable. All living beings in the universe emerged from a divine cause: the Father; and all principles carry their divine inheritance; they carry a cause; there are infinite causes; because the laws of the universe are infinite; the cause of the Father leaves no one without a cause; for no one is disinherited; not even the most invisible microbe. Human law cannot stop the movements of nature; for it did not originate the cause. the cause dates back to another point in space; the cause is in the macrocosm; in the Kingdom of Heaven; the cause is infinitely expandable; this expansion of the cause has been occurring since before the current worlds were born; the cause is the solar fire; In other remote regions of space, there lies a gigantic nursery of worlds and suns; your eyes and your science are microscopic; they cannot penetrate these regions; just like you, countless worlds and lands are in the same conditions; and of countless other kinds of life; what happens in the distant and infinite space is the same as what happens on your planet; what is above is the same as what is below; only the size changes; there everything is gigantic; there are creatures so large that if you saw them, you would go mad; you would be filled with dread; your heart would be paralyzed; because you would become a microbe; the dimensions in the Kingdom of Heaven have no limits; nor will they ever. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, one must be pure of mind; for there, everyone reads minds; and a sinner would suffer a tremendous complex of guilt and inferiority that would ultimately drive them mad; the rich cannot go there; because the living pure beings would read in their minds ambition, exploitation, theft; and this wealthy spirit would live in a dreadful isolation; they would suffer such loneliness that they would beg for compassion to return to the worlds of the flesh; This situation was announced by my divine Firstborn Son; He said: where I am from, you cannot go. and he said no more, so as not to burden humanity any further; there are many things I could tell you; You only understand the earthly; you will understand even less the heavenly. This expression, which was said many centuries ago, is still relevant today; because humanity does not seek; those who seek find; whoever strives to imagine the universe and eternity is great before the Father. The indifferent gains nothing; because he is comfortable; he is worldly; he lives only for the things that a world offers him; he does not live for eternal things; because he does not seek them; thus he will also be regarded when he leaves the Earth; these spirits only find solace in worlds like the one they have just left; the knowledge and inclinations that each one acquired in life draw them to worlds of their own tendency; The divine law is spiritual and extends to the material; because matter is also living, it has always been said and taught in the scriptures that the living universe exists from a living God. Divine justice is also alive; it is expansive like the universe itself; it penetrates everything; it is in all minds and consciences; and it emerges when it must emerge; matter and spirit are eternally subordinate to it; final judgments are just another link in each evolution; it always happens the same way; because the inheritance of development is eternal in a process; creatures are born to be eternal; they go to infinite worlds to learn; to discover new subjects; to test new philosophies; new laws of the universe; all existences are merely a link in the eternal perfection; all perfection is first born imperfect; in a state of innocence; it is born with free will; yet, no one acts alone; the entire universe is being watched; creatures of loving and terrifying power are observing you. they are the divine cherubim; they build and destroy universes; they destroy when the times come; nature is controlled by them; They are beautiful creatures; they bear the mark of the divine Lamb; they are creators and at the same time control their creations; they only obey the divine Father; represented in the solar children; in the firstborn children; in the solar trinities; It is the universe of the first causes; the first causes trace back to the distant suns; All antiquity in knowledge shines like a sun of wisdom; antiquity constitutes a hierarchical degree; what is above is the same as what is below; the divine cherubim form divine alliances according to their ways of thinking; from their thoughts, the molecules of the elements are born; from their individuality, the variety in matter is born; this revelation is unique in human knowledge; All human theories, when they seek the origin of the world, never take the spiritual into account; they always rely on material comparisons; they seek to touch, to feel; and are always influenced by their limited concepts. they never investigate, starting from the microscopic; from the humble; They have always had the key to the origin of the universe within their reach; they have had it for centuries and centuries; the key to everything lies in the creatures; the divine word says: one must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; it means that from the microscopic, the colossal is born; And what is more microscopic than an idea? The idea is so microscopic that it can only be felt and not seen; you all know from human maxims that ideas do not die; however, I tell you by divine law that ideas are physically eternal; with them, you create your own heavens; from yourselves, eternity is born; were you not taught that you are children of an eternal Father? And that no one is disinherited? Do you now understand that the key to the universe lies in the Holy Scriptures; in the living divine word of God; the truth was only partially revealed to you; because that is what you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; you asked to be tested in the life you chose; every spirit is tested in life; many criticize the divine silence of the Father; They believe such spirits that the laws of the universe are subject to whim; to isolated opinions; none of that; the eternal laws of the universe have been unfolding for eons before these critics were born; Every criticism is judged in the Kingdom of Heaven; everything you speak becomes alive and awaits you; Many spirits are lost for not moderating the tongue. your entire flesh body radiates invisible magnetic lines that are in direct contact with the point from which you emerged; this point is the alpha Sun; of the Trino galaxy; the Trino galaxy is the same one you see on starry nights; and within it are the names of other galaxies; whose number is infinite; you will never reach the limits of your galaxy; at least not with your science; Every science has its limits; and during the development of that limit, final judgments arrive; this is what will soon happen to your planet; it is then that the weight of life begins to be taken into account; the conscience receives like a call, which resonates in the habits of the creature; Every custom is relative; it does not perpetuate in the spirit; on the contrary, it becomes boring to the spirit; that is why people fight for change; especially when they are abused; every abuse turns against its creators; this is what will happen to materialism; a doctrine based on human illusion; not on the eternity of the Father; it is enough for a doctrine to forget its Creator for a moment, and this doctrine incurs debts; Materialism chose the path of force; and my Commandments do not teach that; they teach to be humble; the so-called armed forces on which this doctrine rests will be among the first to weep and gnash their teeth; their spirits will curse having used weapons; Every second lived in a uniform must be counted; and its total is a condemnation; for every second, a celestial dot against; and for every dot, one less world in the addition of the Father; Add up all the seconds that have passed since the very moment you put on the uniform until the last moment you stopped wearing it; Every uniform represents a philosophy; an idealism; all philosophy and all idealism are burdensome in the Kingdom of Heaven; Any uniform that represents strength is condemned in divine justice. The writing was: he who kills by the sword, dies by the sword; it means that he who perfects himself in the strength to kill, dies by that same strength; he becomes the victim in other worlds; in other existences; and every harm is paid for eye for eye; tooth for tooth; little pimple for little pimple; cell for cell; Human spirits who asked to test the philosophy of strength, you have forgotten that above all things, there is love for your Creator; my divine free will expressed in the Commandments says: you shall not kill; why then do you go against my divine word? Why do you seek your own damnation? I assure you that anyone who prepares to kill my children will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; every demon that destroys is destroyed in the darkness. It was written that one cannot serve two masters; one cannot serve two philosophies; either you serve God without destroying your brother, or you serve the devil by force. In the Kingdom of Heaven, there are only creators. There are no destroyers; the divine force is a creative force; there, thoughts are formed and colossal worlds are being created; all of you who proudly wear uniforms, you are warned; from the very moment the knowledge of the new revelation reaches you; because the score of warning in revelation begins to run for you, second by second;

thus you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; there you promised to triumph in human life, your proud ideals; which lead to nothing; you only incur debt with your Creator; No one who left the kingdom aimed to destroy; let alone to kill. The demons that take advantage of you are the cursed arms manufacturers; they profit from the massacres; that is why this planet will never have peace. As long as these demons live; however, their days are numbered. It was written that every tree that the divine Father did not plant will be uprooted. Materialism is constituted by the United Nations. It is the great beast with many eyes from many nations; it is the beast foretold by the Holy Scriptures; the beast that rules through fear; fear of the greatest; to whom all owe; the greatest exploiter; !!unworthy representatives of the nations!! Why are you deceiving my flock? Why do you do things behind their backs? Why have you sold your consciences to the devil? Why don’t my humble ones govern the world? “Do you not know, demons of deceit, that it was written that the humble are the first?” Why do you occupy positions that do not belong to you? ¡You will curse a thousand times for usurping the rights of the humble; every diplomat who belonged to the beast called the United Nations is condemned; your score is a score of public scandal; you must add up all the seconds that total the time you served the beast; and your little heavenly point against you is multiplied by three; for every little point in the unit of time, three worlds are taken from you; No one told you to be show-offs in life; no one is greater, except the Father; My divine Commandments lovingly ordered to be humble in life; whoever exalts themselves on Earth will be diminished in the Kingdom of Heaven; everyone who is exalted will envy everyone who is humble; because the score of every humble person is multiplied by three in their favor; For every little point earned in a second of lived humility, three paradises correspond; because in the paradise-worlds, everything is happiness in humility; every humble person also has a point for living under an undue yoke of exploitation; their point is also multiplied by three; And the more the spirit has suffered, the greater its reward. The greater the pain of injustice, the greater the reward. this represents the meaning of the divine parable: the humble are the first; first in the heavens, and first on Earth; Men should never have invented money; with it, they trampled on my humble ones. Money will be cursed by the present generation; for through money, no human mortal can enter the Kingdom of Heaven; money has deceived them and led them away from the truth; all influence contrary to good has come from money; every lost point is due to this demon; the so-called Western world will weep the most; the Eastern world suffers more in spirit; they are more spiritualists; they have less illusion in their customs; there are also violators of my divine law; but they are the fewer. The illusion or science of well-being wreaked havoc on the spirits governed by gold; Gold makes a man proud; contemptuous; he stops being the creature he was born without influences; he becomes wicked; and it even leads to crime for a handful of gold; the world you inhabit is a corrupted world; a world that was warned many centuries in advance about the Final Judgment; and of which it paid little heed; Do not be surprised, therefore, that the divine Judgment comes unexpectedly; like the surprise caused by a thief at night; your Creator did the impossible within your human laws, so that it would be different; You all know that my humble son was rejected; they mocked him; they called him crazy; and they even destroyed divine plans of Telepathic Writing; more, prepare yourselves, destructive demons of faith; “Even if you ridicule my messengers, you will still be judged.” The world will look at you with infinite pity; it is written that you will be recognized as the anti-Christs; you have demonstrated this, false prophets of my word; Every truth, when it enters a world, brings tears. It is always the same; this has been repeating in infinite worlds; even before your Earth was born; and my divine son had already visited many planetary abodes; the number of which you will never know; Celestial Science is the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; a doctrine that knows no bounds; it will be called the intellectual marvel of the universe; for by this doctrine you will be judged; By this doctrine, you will no longer be exploited; By this doctrine, you will no longer know wars; through this doctrine, the world will be unified; By this doctrine, you will have no living demons; for the so-called rich will disappear; nor will there be any poor. there will be no more division in my flock; everyone was tested; And the end of your trials has come; what you never imagined has arrived; what you only read and half-listened to; Millions of you called yourselves Christians; Christians? If you have never studied my divine word; you are the false prophets of my word; you are Christians in name only; to all the false prophets I say: count all the seconds from the very moment you called yourselves Christians; for every little mark against you, a world is taken away; and your spirit is creating a new destiny: which are the worlds of falsehood; to call oneself a Christian, one must study the doctrine honestly; this law is the same for the rest of the worldly doctrines; which are of the world; created by men; if you did not respect human laws, you did not respect the divine Father; were you not taught, hypocrites, that your God is everywhere? I am at the free will of anyone; every false Christian is not only guilty of their own falsehood, but also responsible for the legacy they leave in others; this guilt extends to the third generation; woe to you, false parents of the world! Every inheritance given to children is burdensome in the Kingdom of Heaven. you will be cursed by your own children; Because of you, these spirits will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because by imitating you, they are also false prophets; because of you it was written: blind, guides of the blind; just like the rock of human selfishness; The children, when calculating their points throughout their lives, will see with tears in their eyes that the customs they practiced in life close the way to the Kingdom of Heaven; here lies the greatest weeping and gnashing of teeth of humanity; your children will despise you; and you, parents of error and falsehood, will curse your parents; and those parents will curse their parents; and it could not be otherwise; did you not know that one cannot serve two masters? You took pleasure in your comforts; without caring to be governed by gold; knowing that through gold creatures are lost; my divine Commandments were forgotten due to the influence that gold had over you; you were weak in spirit; It would have been better for you to have lived in the most inconceivable poverty than to violate even a microscopic part of my divine commandments; for it is easier for a poor person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a rich one; because never in eternity have violators entered the kingdom; customs should have been guided by the morality of my divine commandments; the divine laws were given for everyone; so that everyone would follow them; yet, I ask humanity: who created money? Why didn’t they take me into account before creating it? Did these demons of power and ambition not know that God comes first above all things? Why did they divide my flock into rich and poor? that every rich person weighs what they have; and gives to the dispossessed what has always belonged to them; No one is born inferior; neither in the spiritual nor in the material. You create poverty yourselves; not the Father; Imitate the Creator of life; you all enjoy equally from Mother Nature; No one is denied the air they breathe; day and night are enjoyed equally; everyone receives warmth from the sun; no one is deprived of it; so why then do you take away? With what right do you do it? this question will fill you with dread; ambitious ones of the world; for I prophesy to you; You will deliver every last gram of gold; you will pay for every last moral pain you have caused the world; so it shall be done because that is what you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; you promised humility; and you fell into the most despicable exploitation; and after you give what never belonged to you, you will be judged by the Lamb of God; the divine rod judges you in the material; and the Lamb of God in the spiritual; one affects the other; your cup is dirty inside and out; your thoughts and your manners are corrupted; If your Creator did not intervene with a doctrine any longer, be assured, demons of pain and ambition, that planet Earth would end in slavery; the Creator of the universe reads the future; sees what a world will come to; and what I see is that, at last, the world will overcome you; at last, you will be defeated, living demons; at last, the beast will fall; your rotten materialism’s downfall will mark one of the happiest eras in the world; from your cursed fall, a millennium of peace multiplied by a thousand will be born; and you will be remembered by future generations as the worst plague the world has known; your memory, exploiters, will be synonymous with curse; the children of the future, when remembering you, will make the sign of the cross. no one will want to pronounce you; your demonic philosophy will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The writing was: it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. this divine parable, which you never paid attention to, was and still is a warning for every rich person; for every exploiter; for every violator of the law; it’s not a warning for the poor; The warning for the poor, a product of exploitation, is found in the parable that says: let the left be wary of what the right does; it means that the exploited should be cautious of the immorality of the exploiters; the left represents the people; known in the Kingdom of Heaven as the son of man; son of labor; when in the dwelling of the divine Father the spirits are called, they gather around the solar scales; They are explained that every test order is weighed on the divine solar scales; scales of living fire; that the one on the left represents the philosophies of struggle; of work; of sacrifice; its color is sky blue; On the right, there is the pink scale; it represents comfortable philosophies; worldly pleasures; microscopic glories of the planets; Every spirit chooses its destiny; and the divine Father approves; many are called, but few are chosen; It means that not everyone can choose; There are many who have outstanding debts from other existences. here is the sole cause of painful destinies; The cause is subject to the offense committed; and the offenses are infinite; because spirits are infinite; the Earth is a world of atonement; this does not mean that exploitative spirits are subdued; Every exploiter is tested from the heavens; he asked to experience the philosophy of good; he was inspired by the pink scale; he chose the path of righteousness; and his struggle consisted of overcoming his own inclination towards an exploitative philosophy; because he promised humility; just like all human spirits; the departure of spirits to the worlds is one of the most wonderful galactic stories; being the universal law, all worlds possess it; for the first time, the flock of this world will know its past; its universal past; Everything that has passed is not the same for everyone; because you have different free wills; the progress of each one is the result of your own choices; just as you are in the present life; every cause that modifies or disturbs a free will is judged by the Creator of life; that is why you will have a divine Final Judgment; because millions and millions of my creatures were violated in their free will; the greatest violation being the exploitation to which they were subjected; Exploitation does not arise from my divine laws; it arises from human laws; because my divine commandments teach equality; an equality that, if respected, would have made the Earth a paradise; your Creator would not have needed a Final Judgment; The fall of this world is a moral fall; because the reasons for existence are to gain in morality before your God. Every test in life carries this universal goal; My divine Commandments are the same measure; with the measure you use, you will be measured; this means that divine justice is perfect; because it prolongs human life; it allows you to amend your ways; If you have erred in this trial existence, the divine Father gives you the opportunity in another; for no one is disinherited; the celestial score of each one according to their deeds has no other purpose; according to your score, so will be your future existence; your future world; your future body; your future philosophy; it is written that each one creates their future heaven; both above and below the Expansive Thinking Universe.-



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