Holy writings

2 Peter 3:8  “But, beloved, do not ignore that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day.”
Apocalypse 21:1-2  “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea was no more. And I, John, saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Isaiah 65:17  “For behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth; and of the former there will be no memory, nor will it come to mind again.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; the calendar of the future will be a galactic calendar. the current calendar comes to an end; because the beings who used it reach the end of their trial lives; when a trial life is requested in the Kingdom of Heaven, it is a life that has an end; it has its time and its season; In your evolution, you used the calendar to measure time; the time of your activities in the trial of life; this time is drawing to a close; because the most pivotal moment for this world is approaching: The appearance of the Firstborn Son; the one who will change all the things that were done wrong; everything will be in accordance with the Scriptures of the Father; just as it was commanded, many centuries ago; the test of the world was to not stray from the Scriptures; not even in a microscopic part; I truly tell you that to establish things, that means; I truly tell you, that if this world falls, it is because things were not done as they were meant to be; from you comes both pain and happiness; if your brothers suffer, it is because human wickedness willed it so; Evil does not come from the Father; it is from men; by forgetting the commandments of the Father, they caused an imbalance in matter and spirit; truly I tell you, that my Firstborn Son, in restoring all things, will restore the true position of the Earth’s polar axis; this axis was in balance with the molecules of the planet at the beginning of the world; it was then a paradise; when the first human couple fell into disobedience, the Earth’s axis suffered a microscopic deviation; along with all the elements of the Earth; through the centuries, and without humanity realizing it, this deviation of the Earth’s polar axis has reached 42º; this deviation corresponds to the world of trial; or the materialistic world; with the presence of the Firstborn in the world, the Omega Era or Spiritual Era begins; the Earth’s polar axis returns to its original position; and it becomes paradise again; because that was its destiny among infinite worlds.

Yes, my son; Time is also alive; just like the spirit is; the calendar of the future will be galactic; because time was born in the Alpha and Omega suns as well; The year will consist of ten months; made up of thirty days; this calendar will have weeks of six days each week; the names of the days will remain the same; there will be work for five days, and the sixth day will be for rest and prayer; the time of this calendar will be called the Time of the Millennium; because it will last a thousand years as known; time will continue to expand, as it has done so far; It is for this reason that there is no eternal calendar; I truly tell you that any calendar that was made, and in doing so did not exalt the Father, its creators will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because living time upholds the divine command: You shall worship your Lord and Creator above all things; above any calendar creation; this is what the creators of calendars should have taken into account. None did it; none have entered the Kingdom of Heaven; they created calendars, glorifying the system of life that did not teach the Scriptures of the Father; they were created with the intention of regulating the exploitation that characterizes the system of life created by men; they shaped time to suit their interests; none who thought this way will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who did not know the calendar to enter the kingdom than for one who did; the former did not live in alliance with it; the latter did. I truly tell you that time possesses philosophy; just as the spirit does; because no one is disinherited; everyone is equal in rights before God; even if they do not have similar laws and forms; time accompanies the worlds in all their events; just as the elements do; Time forged divine alliances with every spirit; with every creature of creation; and with matter itself; every spiritual fact and every physical process sought an alliance with time in the Kingdom. In every final judgment, time participates; every time has its hierarchy; just like the very human idea, which contains quality and caliber; philosophy and hierarchy; every time possesses its Trinity; just as the microbe does. no one is disinherited; Time is born with childhood; because no one is born with any philosophy in creation; Everyone is born in the suns; in innocence and ignorance; Philosophies are learned in planetary existences; when the spirit asks to be born again; I truly tell you, that time demands reward and punishment from the Eternal, according to the behavior of the creatures that made alliances with Him; And I truly tell you, that all the elements that knew you in this world abide by the same law; you were taught that you are all equal before the Father; matter and spirit; the equality of the Father is not like the concept of equality among men; He is infinite; and He has created everything; nothing is impossible for the Creator; I truly tell you, that from a molecule, many times one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because everything tiny and humble like a molecule is great in power and wisdom in the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you, that only now will you begin to understand the living universe of Father Jehovah; a universe that has been a mystery for all generations of this world; because you asked in the Kingdom to ignore everything; about how you were created; because you asked for the test of life; this forgetfulness comes to an end with the arrival in the world of the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; By understanding the living universe of Father Jehovah, you will understand His justice and your own justice. the all about the all, participates in the justice of the final judgment; because all, matter and spirit, asked for the test of life; Now you will understand the equality of the Father; an equality that you should have imitated above all human equalities; because it is easier for one who has imitated the Father to enter the kingdom than for one who has not imitated Him.

I truly tell you that this equality that comes from the Father, and your interests, constitute the supreme test of your free will; your material interests are a complex and an imperfection of your spirit; driven by the very system of life; based on gold and therefore on calculation; this calculation distances men from equality; it establishes demonic rivalry; because some try to be superior to others; they bury the true humility of their hearts; I truly tell you, that you were all blind; The seconds slipped away from you; because every second or less than a second holds infinite importance for the spirit’s entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; for neither the second lived nor the total existence is less before the Father; both are equal in the eyes of the Father; I truly tell you, that just a second or less of violating the law of the Father, and one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who did not break the law even for a second to enter the kingdom than for one who broke it for a second. this rigor was demanded by the human spirit; it asked not to forgive the slightest fault; it asked to fulfill the most inconceivable morality; here is the biblical meaning: Above all things, imitating the Father is nothing short of impossible; however, there are infinite kinds of imitations within the hierarchy of creation. I truly tell you that the tragedy of weeping and gnashing of teeth is due to your demand for high morals clashing with the selfish demons that provided you with a way of life that is in no way moral, but rather very immoral; the first immorality among the immoralities is to forget the law of God; any forgetfulness towards the Father brings tragedies for the creature; and any acknowledgment of what belongs to the Father brings rewards. and it couldn’t be any other way; the Creator is Light and not darkness; To ignore the Father is darkness; You cannot serve two masters. one cannot serve two philosophies; you cannot serve your shameful way of life and at the same time serve God; you fall into hypocrisy; Every good deed you have done in life is nullified at every moment because you are living a way of life that did not take into account what the Father said. this is serving the devil; You well know that this system of life divides you into rich and poor; and only Satan divides and divides himself in this way; the Father divides no one; All divided thought does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you that any system of life that is not governed by the Father causes tragedy. Just as it happened in the ancient world, because this world has had many judgments; your final judgment is the last one; truly, I tell you, that every judgment is requested in the Kingdom, by the very children themselves; in the Kingdom of Heaven, everything is requested; including judgments; judgments typical of imperfect worlds; and truly, I tell you, that there is no one in the universe of the Father who has not experienced a judgment; because all have gone through imperfection; no one is born wise; even divinity has gone through such an experience; And truly I tell you, it is easier for one who has had more experience to enter the Kingdom than for another; even when it comes to judgments; This is because even the smallest microscopic effort is rewarded in the Kingdom; and even the slightest violation is punished; I truly tell you that in your judgment, your 318 virtues participate. the elements that witnessed your birth participate; your Ark of the Covenant participates; I truly tell you that each one of you is a chest full of surprises; because the Ark of the Covenant is you yourselves; everything comes from you; because each one creates their own heaven, including the traits of the final judgment. I truly tell you that just as there is everything in the Father’s flock, there are many who do not believe in His judgment or in that of others; the law is fulfilled just the same. It’s just that in these unbelievers, the weeping and gnashing of teeth is much greater; the final judgment takes on the characteristics of what each one did in life; second by second; moment by moment; molecule by molecule; cell by cell; eye for an eye; and tooth for a tooth; virtue for virtue; because both matter and spirit are judged; I truly tell you that even your excrement came from the Father; its living philosophy is to maintain the internal process of your body. Without excrement, you would all rot alive; your body would burst with gases. I truly tell you that all those who ridiculed their own excrement with words will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for all are equal before the Father; every offended party seeks justice; whether it be spirit or matter; no one should ever ridicule anyone; for it was commanded to be humble above all things; I truly tell you that if you cease to be humble for even a second, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who was humble for just a second to enter the Kingdom than for one who was not; that is to say, humility can achieve everything in the Kingdom of Heaven; and its power is such that if a blessed one ceases to be humble, even for less than a second, that blessed one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they must pay their debt by being born again in another existence; and truly I tell you, for every second of violation of any of the virtues, one pays with another existence; because you promised to uphold the law of the Father above all things; the Father’s will knows no limits; it is for this divine reason that the judgment you requested for yourselves is rigorous; In the divine opinion of the Father, you asked for something far beyond your capabilities; you were not able to reject a shameful way of life; If everyone without exception had been revolutionary, such a system would not be known in this world; This revelation elevates every revolutionary who sought justice, giving even their lives for others; my Firstborn Son is for you, the First Revolutionary, who tried to leave in this world a Doctrine from the Kingdom of Heaven; a divine Doctrine; and fulfilled the same law as those who created human doctrines; no greater sacrifice will exist in this world; because my Firstborn Son had solar powers; your nature was subordinate to him; did he not command the winds to be still? Did the already dead flesh not resurrect? more, he did not want to use his divine powers against you;

He preferred the divine will of the Father; if human revolutionaries give their lives for their ideals, how could the Son of the Trinity not do the same? I truly tell you that the infinite Trinities that go to the infinite worlds are the first to fulfill the laws of sacrifices in those worlds; because the Trinities are the highest expression after the Father. I truly tell you that the elements are also Trinities in their laws; because matter and spirit have the same rights before the Father. The calendar that will replace the current one is the product of your works; everything that you are is the result of your knowledge; you are the salt of life; because all knowledge gained shines like salt exposed to the sun; and you are miniature suns. you are so small that you can’t even see your own shine; More, you will see the brightness of my Firstborn Son; he will come into the world, shining like a sun of wisdom; for you will see the glow on his Face; you will see a Solar Father; one of the infinites that exist in the universe; for the Father has neither beginning nor end; there are solar firstborns, just as there are suns in the universe; and all the Solar Trinities are akin to one; the Father is in all; and the children in the Father; what belongs to the Father belongs to the Son; and what belongs to the Son belongs to the Father; here is the celestial communism in the Solar Trinity; in the Kingdom of Heaven, celestial communism reigns, with a childlike philosophy; there, perpetual joy reigns; and those who did not pass the tests of life, with the joy of a child, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you, that you yourselves asked in the Kingdom, to imitate on Earth, the philosophy of the Kingdom; Moreover, the demons that gave you an unjust way of life transformed what should have always been joy; they turned you into bitter beings filled with distrust among one another; here is the fruit and the influence of a way of life based on ambition; here is the demon and its work; for none who has forgotten joy will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who was joyful to enter the kingdom than for one who allowed himself to be downcast; because every spirit is tested in life; and he promised the Father to face his trials with joy, imitating the joyful philosophy of the Kingdom of Heaven. I truly tell you, it is quite difficult to live in joy when one lives in an unjust system; for bitterness envelops the spirit; due to the injustice of a few; I truly tell you, that such few who subjugate the world are condemned; the world will know them; because the very world to which they bequeathed bitterness and injustice will crush them; the same world will measure them with the same yardstick they used; and these ambitious and selfish individuals who uphold a way of life based on gold will find themselves in the greatest poverty; individuals and nations; I will spread poverty and ruin over them; for that is what they asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; I truly tell you that the world knows its oppressors; where there is prosperity, there is the devil. There are many kinds of demons. the oldest in its exploitative philosophy, is the head of the serpent; the same as that of the earthly paradise; truly I tell you, that through these will begin the weeping and gnashing of teeth; because they asked to be the first; first in abundance and comfort; and first in the final judgment; truly I tell you, that every beginning is a request for life; and every request transforms into life; both above and below; because the worlds are above and below; they are infinite; truly I tell you, that in infinite worlds, which can never be counted, their creatures express themselves above and below; and it is not the only way to express the principle and origin of divinity; because there is everything in the vineyard of the Lord; I truly tell you that every living beginning, like you are, came from you; it emerged from your own ideas, which you generated in other existences; in other births; because every spirit is born anew; it asks and keeps asking for existences from the Father; because with just one existence, the spirit will never know everything; knowing everything is eternally relative; only the Father knows everything; before all is born; the galactic organization exists in the universe; just as you have it in your world; as above, so below; I truly tell you that your world will come into contact with other planetary dwellings; and these contacts will be led by the Firstborn Son; because as you were taught, He is the first in everything; that everything escapes the human mind; because the divine hierarchy of the Firstborn Son is solar; it is of the Son Trinity in the Father Trinity; it possesses knowledge that has neither beginning nor end; because what is of the Father is of the Son; here is a new and unknown concept of the Trinity; a concept that you yourselves requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Father can do all things; everything imagined that comes from His creatures, He turns into reality; He transforms it into universes; and your requests for life became the planet you inhabit; I truly tell you that whoever does not believe denies the Father, who created everything; to deny is to deny oneself; because everything exists. that is why it was said to you: You shall worship your Creator, God and Lord, above all things; more, there are many ways to worship; And I truly tell you, that the most sublime for the Father is when He is worshipped through work; it is the supreme worship; because the Father is exalted, and the Son is exalted; the Father is elevated, and the Son gains merit; it is the only worship that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven; because it is easier for one who worked in my name to enter the Kingdom than for one who worshipped me in temples; the former fulfilled the Father’s law; the latter fulfilled his own law; The writing was: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; I wanted to tell you: You will earn your bread through your work; just like the Father, who with His divine work created the universes, and those who have not worked in life, as commanded, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of those who never worked; of those who lived off exploitation; of the comfortable; of those who only lived at the expense of others; I truly tell you, that none of these demons will remain in this world; the law of the final judgment, which begins with a Doctrine, was requested by these demons, in case they fell into violation; and they fell since they did not work; since they defended a libertinism that is a strange morality in the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you that the concept of freedom in this world is a strange morality in the Kingdom of Heaven; because it is a freedom, born from a way of life, that did not recognize the Father above all things; it departed from living violation; that freedom has ended in libertinism; This quality and essence of this freedom in this world demonstrates the consequences that arise from straying away from the Father’s commandments; What is of God does not corrupt; what is of the devil corrupts and divides. I truly tell you that everyone who lived and defended this corrupted libertinism will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for someone who has not known freedom born of violation to enter the Kingdom than for someone who has known it and lived it. the first one didn’t cause a scandal; the last one really did. I truly tell you that the Doctrine of the Lamb of God will set things right. false concepts, like that of defending a corrupted freedom, will fall; only the righteous will remain in this world; To believe oneself just, one should have lived only for the brother; not for oneself; your way of life prevented you from practicing such a law; because every effort made in life was driven by self-interest, calculation, and cunning; you progressed, being indifferent towards others; I truly tell you, it would have been better for you not to have progressed if at the same time you violate the law of the Father; you nullify yourselves; because you cannot serve two masters; either you serve God by serving your brothers, or you do not serve Him; I truly tell you, that the lord of entertainment and the lord of illusion have led you astray; you let the living seconds slip away; you lost the opportunity to enter again into the Kingdom of Heaven.-



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