Holy writings

Genesis 1:16  “And God made the two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; “He also made the stars.”
Genesis 1:14-15  “Then God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them serve as signs for the seasons, for days and years, and be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth. And it was like that.”
Psalms 19:1  “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of his hands.”
John 3:5  “Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; we will continue with the divine theme of the infinite suns; Celestial Science is the only science that can explain what no human eye has seen. It is the only one that can explain, in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, the remote past of the Earth; Not even the honorable Dalai Lamas can explain everything. I, your divine Father Jehovah, arranged for the light of wisdom to be given to the human creature in proportion to its evolution; It is not possible to know everything if one does not simultaneously live their own experience. All knowledge must emerge from the same spirit; and not precede it. Every spirit is a magnetic creative force; It is like a colossal sun; the mental fire of every thinking creature is like a microscopic sun; a miniature; whose goal is to become great and colossal in the Kingdom of Heaven; the great suns were also microscopic; they were tiny sources of fire; they were a human mind; and even less than that; they were tiny and humble, to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; they were creatures of flesh; with a microscopic magnetic power; they lived in worlds that no longer exist; and they were born from world to world; for it is written that one must be born again to see the Kingdom of God in all its splendor; no one approaches the divine Father if they have not been tiny and humble; in other words, an invisible microbe is more important to the divine Father than the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven; and the colossal suns of the macrocosm are precisely that; microbes in eternal expansion; No one is greater in the Kingdom of Heaven than the Father; every sun is a living creature that gives light and physical life to other living beings. Without suns, the worlds of flesh would not exist; for there are forms of life that, existing before the existence of suns, are not of suns; there is everything in the flock of the Lord; every sun began as a microbe; emerging from any puddle of water; from any planet; the same physical principle that the human creature had; and that of any species on the planet; This principle is a principle that comes from distant suns; which at the same time had the same principle; as above, so below; and it is so for all eternity; When one is born into life, one is first born in the suns; and then one is reborn on any planet; one begins to know within oneself, infinite forms of existence; which are forms of life; that lead the spirit to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; this means that every creature without exception was what others are; and those who are currently are will become what others were; that is to say, in the case of the human race, the spirits were all the plant and animal species, and still are; they are little flesh monkeys with a bit more intelligence, and somewhat better organized; nothing more; this species called the human race is the one that must face the divine final judgment; not a physical end; but a moral end; the end of an abominable system of life; of a damnable exploitation; created by a group of demons of ambition; who did nothing to first consult my Sacred Scriptures; before establishing a government of the poor and the rich; oh, the arrogant poor!! The deadline in the tests of life has been met; there is no time that does not come to pass; they will curse a thousand times for having deceived the world!! And these damned ones will be the first to want to be resurrected, in the year 2001 in distant India; but it will not be so; they will not be able to carry the divine Silver Lamb; a living symbol of spiritual innocence; and that means they will not return to being 12-year-old children; the fate of these demons is the grave; they do not deserve anything better; what you do, you pay for; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Yes, my child; this sky-blue drawing shows that from each sun a solar cord emerges; connecting the father sun to the son sun; for the suns have an infinite solar hierarchy. the wisest and most virtuous is the Father; This divine law of living suns is the supreme revelation of Celestial Science; the universe is an expansive, thinking, and living entity; born from an eternal Father, who is the living God; therefore, nothing is without life; the difference lies in that each one lives in their own dimension; under their own laws; in their own alliances; and thus they have their own destiny; here lies the universal reason why no one is exclusive; no one is privileged before the divine Father; If the solar lights are scattered across infinite spaces, it is because they were small and humble; they are in divine glory, because it has also cost them the sweat of their brow. to contemplate the expansive thinking universe is to contemplate knowledge transformed into matter; the diversity of celestial bodies is infinite; because the ideas from which their philosophies emerged are infinite; An idea when traveling through space multiplies; and it never ceases to do so; when a sun is about to give birth to another sun, it is surrounded by other suns; which possess the divine law of instantaneous transformation; that is to say, they have the ability to enter and exit through infinite dimensions; these events occur in the Kingdom of Heaven; that place in the universe, which was mentioned by the Solar Firstborn Christ: From where I am, you cannot go; because you are still little; live in humility and you will enter where the great enter; for in their humility, they are great in the Kingdom of Heaven; No one goes to the Father unless they have been microscopic; all the colossal suns and worlds have complied with this divine law; All knowledge learned on the planets is living knowledge; and it leads to a living God; everyone who shuns work, study, and effort delays their encounter with the divine Father Jehovah; through his own ideas, he finds himself transported to worlds of idleness; he moves from planet to planet consuming eternities of time; The best and perfectly utilized time is that which has been guided by the divine Commandments; It is the only way to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and there is no other; the most microscopic violation of these divine laws is enough to prevent entry into the divine Kingdom; never have the violators of divine laws entered the Kingdom of Heaven; Those who, by inventing philosophies or political parties, have divided the flock have never entered. “Those are the trees that the divine Father did not plant;”

and they will be uprooted from human knowledge; These arrogant ones do not take into account that my law comes first; they forget what they should have never forgotten; By forgetting the eternal Father, they distance themselves from Him; and whoever despises the Father despises their own eternity; they despise their own heaven; that is why every cursed politician who defends a philosophy out of self-interest will face weeping and gnashing of teeth; how they will curse having been so blind! the world will look upon them with infinite pity; Nothing is sadder than knowing that one does not enter my divine abode; Divine law judges everyone equally; and the supreme question posed to every spirit without exception is the same supreme command given to the world: Did you worship your God and Creator above all things? Did you adore it in your way of living? Did you read it above all other readings? Did you try to understand it in your free time? These simple questions constitute the alpha and the omega of all divine justice; in these questions lies everything; they encompass all human destinies; and the fate of their fates; every human being will be held accountable for their actions in life; second by second; from the moment they were born until the very instant of their own awakening; the awakening to eternal reality; the realization that in the year 2001, they will be resurrected from their current state of flesh with a destiny of mortality; for when a body of flesh dies, it is not only the departure of the spirit; but also of countless microscopic creatures; that were their own alliances accompanying them in the trial of life; these microscopic living creatures are more important than the spirit itself, in the Kingdom of Heaven; for they were small and humble and very silent in the life of the spirit; and are therefore great in the Kingdom of Heaven; these microscopic creatures are known as living divine virtues, in the Kingdom of Heaven; and they accuse every violating spirit; thus, the cells and pores of all flesh acquire colossal proportions; and accuse every spirit that scandalized them in life; all those who showed themselves naked to the world; in the sin of scandal, will be accused; there are millions and millions of cells and pores of the flesh that condemn a scandalous spirit!! Each microscopic pore possesses a different free will from the others; and each of them is equivalent to a divine celestial dot; and each dot corresponds to a heaven; in addition to what the divine Father gives to His children; To every scandalous person, as many points will be taken away as there are pores and cells in their own physical body during the test of life; these creatures are filled with dread when they see the infinite skies closing in on them; when they sense the darkness penetrating them; and they see worlds like Earth; worlds of flesh once again; whose destiny is decay; having to be reborn in them; and they are infinite! For every pore or cell that the spirit exposed to the scandal and malice of the world; each planet it touches to live corresponds to a pore or cell; every debt is paid to the last. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; the whole scandal of the fleshly body begins the very moment the spirit wishes to draw the world’s attention; The so-called trends are largely responsible for the greatest weeping and gnashing of teeth of all humanity. About the fleeting and scandalous fashions, it was written: Many are called, but few are chosen; it means: many are called to the trial of human life; and few are the chosen who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. To every spirit, before coming into the life of the planets, it is made clear that worldly fashions lead nowhere; Only work; experience; study and research of my divine laws lead to the Kingdom of Heaven; Fashion is acceptable from a creator’s perspective and necessary for the creative spirit of fashion. but the authors of fashion must never surpass the morality taught by my Commandments; for if those who dress scandalously are punished, even more so are those whose faults have brought about the scandal; every spirit that has scandalized my divine morality in its daily dress will curse every designer; it will curse its own customs; he will curse his own parents; for because of them, who gave him education and all the rules of life, he will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; never has any scandalous person entered; Fashion is for sex; this law cannot be violated; especially in a world that knows it will face a divine judgment; that knows it must account for every last and smallest detail of its ideas; One cannot be both man and woman at the same time; one is either a man or a woman; whoever scandalizes with the opposite fashion will be accused of public scandal; whoever, being a man, wears women’s hair will weep and gnash their teeth. Well, each hair is a living creature; the very scandalous spirit carries it and makes it immoral; it causes the creature and philosophy of hair to progress in moral error; that is how it is and how it will be forever and ever; In divine justice, taught by Celestial Science, every human being will understand with tears in their eyes what the living universe of the divine Father Jehovah consists of; and they will understand the reason for the humility taught in all Sacred Scripture; this humility is not only moral; rather, it connects the creature to the living universe; it is an integral part of it, due to its own expansive ideas. either one is of the light, or one is of the darkness; according to the intention of ideas; one cannot serve two masters; the divine commandments were given to the world as a reminder; for every spirit already knew before being born into life that one cannot serve two masters; the distant suns also followed the divine commandments; for the origin of life predates the current suns; the Earth and the entire Trino galaxy had not yet been born; And there were already in the infinite cosmos, infinite worlds and suns; coming from other infinite lights that have long since extinguished; this demonstrates that universal matter is a metamorphosis; that serves so that all knowledge creates better material worlds; with knowledge being the only thing that preexists material worlds; for all knowledge matures and becomes a brilliant sun of living wisdom; Every sun is an elder child in the Kingdom of Heaven; the suns or distant stars; it is the same, for the human creature is accustomed to seeing them, they are microscopic compared to the colossal suns that populate the Macro-Cosmos; if earthly humanity were to see them, they would be filled with dread; one must be born again to see them as free spirits; and even so, the memory of having seen a colossal sun from the Kingdom of Heaven accompanies the spirit through many existences; it leaves an imprint on the spirit itself, a celestial memory; a divine memory that attracts it; that is like a call; to return to the place from which it came; it is to return to the microscopic point in the Kingdom of Heaven; where the divine promise was made; where the divine alliances were enacted; of the divine cherubim; who are microscopic living virtues; their number is 318; each representing a microscopic magnetic line; that connects it to the sun from which it emerged; just as a human spirit was formed, so were those who are now colossal suns; which in the Holy Scriptures were called expansions; in the divine law of the thinking expansive universe; everything grows and develops in this universe; just as any fruit of Mother Nature grows and develops; in the celestial drawing, many details can be seen; the divine triangle with black dotted lines represents the three magnetic lines with which the Earth was created; hence its name, Trino galaxy; Trinity also means Trinity in one; the Father, the Son, and the Mother; three distinct persons and only one God. the Holy Spirit is the knowledge emanating in every creature; and represented by the sensitivity of the spirit; this translates into an electric current; which everyone feels in their own bodies; this current in the human body is equivalent to a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a solar line;

It means that the human creature is just being born into universal life; it is in the foreground; these are the worlds of the flesh; it has trillions of trillions of worlds left to traverse; in order to become a Firstborn Son; and to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; the Firstborn Son; the Solar Christ child, was also small and humble; he was a little being of flesh; in microscopic worlds that no longer exist; for all the universe that was and is no longer, was traversed by the Firstborn Son; he was born or reincarnated in worlds of all imaginable categories; he suffered for those humanities, in different and infinite forms; according to the nascent wickedness and evolution of those worlds; Everything costs in the universe; even the Firstborn have fulfilled the divine law that says: You shall earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; this is not only for the sustenance of the body; it also applies to every kind of difficulty that all creatures must experience upon coming into the worlds; Everyone needs a Savior; the universal experience of creation proves this; each world has its own galactic history; it has its own Sacred Scripture; its own Commandments to fulfill; and all worlds share the same destiny, according to their own deeds; matter and spirit came from the same place; they manifest differently, depending on the worlds; and they reunite again in the same place from which they emerged; this place is the Kingdom of Heaven; it is there where the destinies of each world and of every creature that makes up the expansive thinking universe are charted; all the theories that wise men try to use to explain the origin of the universe do not correspond to the truth; Those theories are real in other galaxies; for everything exists in the creation of the divine Father Jehovah; it is enough to think of an idea, and that idea is already in the universe; and it exists in an infinite degree; the very expansive immensity of creation makes fantasy a material reality; Everything exists; according to the evolution of the creature; everyone has a limit in knowledge; this must be conquered from existence to existence; every spirit must be born again; to see the Kingdom of God; Advancing in knowledge and wisdom is drawing closer to your own Creator; all teachings aim for that achievement; the divine Father went through the same experiences that His children go through; for a reason He is the first in everything; for a reason it is said that the Lord is everywhere; therefore, the children traverse what the Father already traversed eons ago; in worlds and suns that no longer exist; The divine law is the only perfect one that exists; for it produces the thinking being; and with the passage of time in all worlds, the microscopic creature of flesh will become the divine law; it is a return; that began microscopic; and returns shining like a sun of infinite wisdom; this demonstrates that the laws of the universe are the builders of loving communism; this divine psychology is also possessed by the creature on the planets; they are highly advanced spirits; who wish to share goods equally; Only the selfishness of the transient private property does not see this sublime truth with the eyes of the spirit; it sees and measures everything with the eyes of the flesh; they are certainly very backward spirits within the same human evolution; the eyes of the flesh only see a limited present; they hold themselves back; and create injustices for others; These creatures have their days numbered; for they will not carry the divine Silver Lamb; the only one that grants eternity; the only one that does not confine itself to a limited present; anyone who has renounced eternity will not have eternity; they will continue on their way to the grave; where their own proud ideas lead them. It was written: to each according to their works and according to their ideas; for there is no work that was not first an idea. Every idea that comes from the spirit is heavy in the Kingdom of Heaven; from them arises the divine addition of the Father; this divine addition consists of traveling through the heavens and infinite dimensions; for the rewards of the divine Father Jehovah are limitless. Nothing, absolutely nothing, has limits in its creation; this divine law will provoke the greatest spiritual revolution in the world; amidst weeping and gnashing of teeth, the proud will review in their consciences all the acts of their own lives; every moment; everything they did; second by second; for in this lies the divine addition; their own celestial destiny is at stake; in this lies whether the creature enters or does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; These things will happen very soon; when the Celestial Science is published in all the languages of the world; breaking all publication records; of those that have been, are, and will be; The truth is that no one wants to lose their soul; everyone wants to be saved; but not everyone has lived according to the divine mandate; this spiritual revolution will provoke persecution and hatred towards the rock of human selfishness; The so-called Catholic Church is that rock; for it has hidden the divine truth from the world; It is not the first time she has done this; she is the first violator of my divine law; she will be accused by the Lamb of God; and nothing will remain of her; not a stone upon a stone of her temples; every tree that the divine Father Jehovah did not plant will be uprooted; I have not taught the worship of material things; I gave the world the divine law of work; when I said: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; it means that only what costs has merit; a life of comfort and fleeting vanities has no merit at all; those spirits have wasted their time; they certainly will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; only those who fought, without scandalizing my divine morality, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Heavenly Science, which is divine and telepathic writing dictated by the Eternal Father, is preexistent to everything; that is to say, human philosophies are limited; they do not provide eternity; they do not know how to resurrect a fleshly body; the divine power of the Father, which expresses itself in eternal telepathy, can indeed do so; Celestial Science will serve as a comfort to all of humankind; The writing was: I will send you a divine Comforter; it means: I will send you a divine doctrine; for all divine Revelation translates to doctrine; living doctrine; for living creatures as well; and so that they may understand their Creator of infinite living power; the same Celestial Science contains divine justice; the divine final judgment; for it explains everything; by the fruit, the tree is known; by the content of this telepathic science, you will know if its laws are of God; you are tested until the very last moment; There has never existed nor exists a second of time that has not been tested in intention; every microscopic material time has its spiritual philosophy; for there is no time that does not have an idea; nor any idea that does not have time; time was created; that is to say, before the existence of time, there was the creative idea; which is the Father; the same one who promised a divine judgment to the microscopic planet called Earth; known as planetary dust in the Kingdom of Heaven; recognized by a few; for the dust planets are just beginning to detach from their materials; to enter the concert of colossal worlds; where one does not walk; where all levitate and transport themselves through space; having surpassed the stage of crawling or sliding across the surface of the planet.-



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