Holy writings

Psalm 8:3-4 “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have created, I ask myself: What is man that you think of him? What is the human being, so that you take it into account?
Isaiah 40:15 “The nations are but a drop in the bucket, they are like dust in the balance; The coasts of the islands are like grains of sand. “He lifts up the islands as if they were dust.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

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Yes, my child; planet Earth is a planet born from the loving dialogue of the Alpha and Omega suns; when Earth was born, the Omega sun expanded and sent a microscopic spark into space; which, over time, also underwent expansive development; the Alpha and Omega suns continue to create sparks of future planets. the Earth will come to an end and these solar lights will not cease to create worlds; Here I only mention a pair of suns without considering the infinite others in the Universe; which for endless eternities have been creating planets; the Earth is therefore neither the first nor the last; No planet in the Universe is the first or the last; because the creation of the Father has neither beginning nor end; The Alpha sun is masculine; and the Omega sun is feminine; because what exists below also exists above; In the infinity where the human creature will never reach, events and occurrences take place, just as they do on Earth; the difference is that the infinite is gigantic; so gigantic that it escapes all human imagination; More than that, the entire Universe, whatever its dimension, emerged from a single law; it is the eternal transformations of worlds that make the difference; every planet progresses ceaselessly; and its creatures do too; this place of the gigantic is the macrocosm; where everything imagined exists; the Macrocosm is also called the Kingdom of Heaven; because from the macro comes the micro; the small is born; from the macro your planet Earth was born; one of the infinites of the Universe; There are so many planets in the Universe that they can never be counted. and your planet is unknown; only Father Jehovah, Mother Solar Omega, and certain solar fathers who were prophets on Earth know your world; Twin worlds to yours exist infinitely; and unequal worlds are the same thing; Nothing in the universal creation can be calculated; the Expanding Thinking Universe does not cease for a moment to expand more and more. it will never have any fixed limit; In a world and its creatures, the same thing happens; they never stop generating ideas; from which future planets will be born; because each one creates their own heavens. just as the suns create in a colossal way, so too do microscopic creatures create; What is above is the same as what is below; no one is disinherited; neither matter nor spirit; the Earth you inhabit is a product of solar fire; my Firstborn Son told you: I am the Alpha and the Omega; I am the beginning of your life and your end; because my Firstborn Son is a Solar Father; who would visit you, shining like a sun of wisdom; I truly tell you that all my messengers and prophets come from the Alpha and Omega suns; they come from the same place where you came from; it was there that you first encountered the light of life. before that, you were sleeping inside the suns; Here is a Revelation that will astonish the earthly world; the veil that covered your galactic origin is being lifted; this forgetfulness came from within you; for you asked the Father for a life of trial that included forgetting the past; truly, I tell you, this Revelation will make all existing philosophies disappear; for they have already fulfilled their time of trial; just as creatures are tested, so too are events; because no one is lesser in the eyes of the Father; neither creature nor event; both have the same right; the Earth, in its Final Judgment that it requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; asked to be judged in all that is imagined; in deeds and in thoughts; its judgment is for both spirit and matter; nothing will remain that is not judged; even your microbes asked to be judged; The planet Earth is a world that, in its development, will enter a new era; an era never suspected before; your so-called materialistic world is coming to an end; for it too asked to be tested as a system of life; and it fell as such before God; because it strayed from the Scriptures of the Father; it did not take them into account above all things.-

Yes, my son; the Alpha and Omega suns continue to create solar sparks; which are the seeds of future planets; there, celestial time reigns; A second of celestial time is equivalent to a century of earthly time; eternity in the suns causes the created worlds to vanish first; because times, like those of the earthly planets, are relative; depending on the quality and nature of their requests in their Arks of the Alliances; between matter and spirit; the Earth began with microbes; with expansive circular growth; everything on Earth was born microscopic; molecules, wind, water, fire, vegetation, etc. etc.; the growth of the Earth was a transformation from fire to matter; After a fire, aren’t there ashes left? the Earth’s crust is ash; the seas are temperatures released from fire; because in the beginning, everything was fire; the seas are the result of the highest temperature reached by the fire of the beginning; it was a temperature that escapes your imagination; there were, in the beginning, elements you have never known; transformations that human eyes have never seen; but yes, other creatures saw them; and these creatures did not see what others saw; I truly tell you that the number of creatures that have passed through this world escapes all human calculation; you are of recent creation; for your planet has as many centuries of antiquity as there are molecules in your planet; therefore, you are not the only ones, not even in your own world; no one is unique; only the Father is unique; nor are you unique as a inhabited world; because what belongs to the Father has neither beginning nor end; there are as many inhabited worlds as there are grains of sand in a desert; I truly tell you that your planet is called dust-planet; because it is so tiny that no one knows you; that is why it was written: From dust you are, and to dust you shall return; you are of the microscopic and to the microscopic you return; because every spirit is born anew, without leaving the microcosm; your planet belongs to the Trino galaxy; a galaxy whose limits you will never know; And your galaxy Trino is also unknown; because the living universe of Father Jehovah is so infinite that not all worlds are known; and at the same time, they are known; at both ends lies infinity; your planet was born from three solar magnetic lines; which correspond to the primary geometry of: length, width, and height; a dimension of materialized evolution; This geometry is the product of your salt of life; or of your knowledge learned in other existences; because every spirit is reborn; it has had and will have many existences. I truly tell you that the salt of life comes from within itself; your planet Earth is a product of the salt of life, of the Alpha and Omega suns; as above, so below; there is life above and life below; in any direction where the mind may go; I truly tell you that no one on Earth has been able to find their own planetary origin; because they have strayed from the Scriptures of the Father. Every materialistic wise person, when trying to explain the origin of their planet, always goes for the grand scale; despite only calculating what their eyes can see. The earthly wise person did not witness the beginning of your planet; they were not present at such events; they live in the present. and countless presents have passed; so many that the human mind will never be able to calculate them; your planet has had infinite geometric shapes; as many as the mind can imagine; It went through countless sizes; from the size of a pinhead; to reaching the current size of the Earth; Here is the meaning of the divine parable that says: One must be humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; the telepathic concept of revelation tells you: One must be humble, tiny, and microscopic to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; to become a colossal planet; This parable went unnoticed by the wise of the world; they did not delve into it; they seek the truth everywhere; except where they should be looking for it; in the Scriptures above all things; in the Holy Scriptures is everything that men have sought for centuries; it is written halfway; because when you asked for the proof of life in the Kingdom of Heaven, you also asked for proof in intellectual understanding; starting with the very interpretation of the Scriptures of the Father; You are tested by interpreting according to your own faith; you are tested by the same difficulties that your mind and individuality experience when trying to understand the Scriptures of the Father; the Scriptures of the Father represent His free will; it is His living word; the wise of the world fell short of what they themselves asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; everything is requested in the kingdom; life and its smallest details; the wise, like the rest of the creatures of the world, asked to fulfill the mandates of the Father above all things; the term “above all things” means all things that your mind can imagine; it is by your promise that it was written: You shall worship your God and Lord above all things; above yourself; The wise, by not considering the Scriptures of the Father in their searches, have fallen before the Father; It is easier for a wise man who sought wisdom in the written words of the Father to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who did not seek it. It is for this reason that no wise person in this world has been granted the glory of universally explaining the origin of their planet; I truly tell you, that no wise man of this world will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; First and above all, one must be wise in the Scriptures of the Father; for it is precisely above all things. the Earth has gone through three-quarters of its total life; it is entering planetary old age; more, they have infinite centuries left; as many centuries as there are molecules in a quarter of an omega circle; I truly tell you that the transformations and judgments that this world has undergone, by the divinity, are infinite; they account for three quarters of the planet’s existence. your Final Judgment marks the beginning of a New Era; the Era of the Reign of the Firstborn Son; the Omega Era; a new world rises from the one that departs; the one that departs is the world of beginnings; the alpha world or materialistic world; the world that asked in its thoughtful philosophies to be tested by Father Jehovah; Every trial has its verdict; the Final Judgment written by the Doctrine of the Lamb of God is an Intellectual Judgment; that you yourselves requested when you asked for life; everything is requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; even self-judgments. When you asked for your judgment, you asked for it with knowledge of the matter; you sought to understand how all things were made; here is the Telepathic Scripture, which will explain everything; The Creation of the Father has neither beginning nor end; and its explanation is the same; explaining the universe has no end; here is a living power that will transform everything; here is the revelation made flesh; here is the surprise of the world; the surprise that you yourselves asked for; the surprise caused by a thief at night; Here is the revelation that comes to the world; just as the free will of the Father desires it; and not as men would want it;

What is of God is God’s; what is of men is men’s; behold, all your customs will be judged; moment by moment; second by second; molecule by molecule; pore by pore; cell by cell; eye for eye; tooth for tooth; because matter and spirit are equal in rights before God; before the Father, no one is lesser; neither matter nor spirit; His love and affection are universal; because He created everything; all is made in His image and likeness; because He is everywhere; the image and likeness is not only for human beings; for what belongs to the Father is not represented in just one world; the image and likeness is the universe itself; If your God is everywhere and in all things, His image and likeness are in everything; truly I tell you, whoever doubted in life that their Creator was everywhere will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who had infinite knowledge of God to enter the kingdom than for one who did not have it; the one who had it sought and found; the one who did not have it found nothing; here is a struggle with knowledge, which everyone asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; this struggle was requested by all in their own individualities; in their quality and essence; in their philosophies and hierarchies; the mental difficulty to understand their Creator is felt by each in their own way; because mental difficulty is controlled by free will; if the mental difficulty were the same for everyone, in their quality and essence, there would be a universal concept of God; and truly I tell you, you would not have known the so-called religions; which are commercial institutions; because they speak of God, calculating material gain; they are the false prophets of the Scriptures; they teach about the Father with a knowledge based on matter; this knowledge has borne them a strange morality; because that way of interpreting the Scriptures is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; In the macrocosm, it is an infinite legend that the humble and simple of heart lead the knowledge of the Father in the worlds; The writing was: “All humble people are first before God; in other words, the humble govern everything; for it is enough to be first before the Creator, and one is first at any point in the universe; what belongs to God has neither beginning nor end.” Here arises a divine question to the world; if the humble are the first in everything, why do the humble not govern this world? Aren’t they the first in the Kingdom of Heaven? Here arises the greatest usurpation of power; those who govern this world are not precisely the first of the Father; they are the last; the most backward in their evolution; the least knowledgeable about the laws of the spirit; the most ignorant who have passed through this world; because nothing will remain of them; those who only live for the world and not for eternity; because those who govern this world have despised the Scriptures of the Father; they did not take it into account to create the immoral system of life called capitalism; if they had taken it into account, I truly tell you, there would be neither rich nor poor in this world; because none of that is taught in the Scriptures of the Father; whoever despises the Father should expect nothing from the Father. just as they despised the living mandate of the Father, so they will be despised at any point in the universe; what is above is the same as what is below; your world will experience the weeping and gnashing of teeth that comes from having violated the law of God; Because of those who gave you a way of life that took no account of the Creator, none of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; It is easier for one who lived a way of life, who respected the Creator above all things, to enter the kingdom than for one who lived a way of life and did not recognize Him. To everyone were given the commandments of the Father; so that no one would fall into sin; your way of life has plunged you into sin; starting with the contempt for the Scriptures of the Father; you are marked for all eternity; all that remains for you is regret; because everything is possible in the Father; Here is an era that has been announced to you for centuries and centuries; the Era of Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth; a prelude to the coming of the resurrection of all flesh; this is the Final Judgment; for an entire world and its customs comes to an end; thus says Father Jehovah; the end of your world is not the destruction of the world; it is the downfall of the vice created by yourselves; your downfall was initiated by the very system of life; it was the starting point of your decline; your destinies were influenced by Satan; who disregarded the Father’s will; divided you according to his interests; deceived and misled you; I truly tell you that only Satan divides in the worlds; your world was divided into rich and poor; and no spirit that lived, felt, or contemplated any division will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the moment awaited by the generations of the world has arrived; and it has fallen to you; the others live the awaited moment in other parts of the universe; because what is above is like what is below; Every judgment that comes from the Father is pre-existent to everything; it goes beyond death; beyond the existences of the spirit; beyond being born again; beyond your reincarnations; The judgment that is approaching you is an Intellectual Judgment; requested by yourselves; because everything is requested in the kingdom; the Final Judgment will extend across the Earth; the Telepathic Scriptures of the Lamb of God will be translated into all the languages of the Earth; because what is of the Father is eternal; all are children of the same God, and the judgment reaches all; because all are equal before God; here lies the infinite difference between what is of men and what is of God; the works of men are subordinate to the Father; Every work produced by men is accountable to the Father. what comes from the Father transforms the worlds; it brings down the false; it conquers the demon of the worlds; whatever form it may take; In your world, the devil took the form of a way of life; it led you away from the commandment; since it is more important for you to become rich than to have a perfect mastery of the content of the Father’s Scriptures; truly I tell you, there will be no one in this world who will not weep before spiritual reality; no one desires the condemnation of their soul; only those who have truly despised the Firstborn Son; these demons you call Freemasons; they are the purest, emerging from the legions of Satan; truly I tell you, that all those who practiced rites that do not teach the commandments of the Father, none will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is easier for one who has honored the Father in simplicity to enter the kingdom than for one who practiced rites; the former fulfills the law of the Father; the latter fulfills the law of Satan. All those who practiced rituals must add up all the seconds that elapsed during the time they practiced such rituals; Every second of violation equates to a future existence outside the Kingdom of Heaven; the same law must apply to those called religious who practiced and taught material worship; pharaonic worship of a strange morality; so strange to the morality of the Father that none of them remained on Earth; The same thing will happen to everyone who practiced strange morals in life; Everyone was taught a single morality; stemming from a single God; expressed in a single Scripture; given in a single commandment; and tested in millions and millions of thinking beings; who asked to be tested in a life that included the forgetting of the past; this plea for life included the difficulty that each one feels when trying to understand the meaning of the parables in the Scriptures; sublime difficulty; because it represents the greatest reward of life; Whoever has read and studied all the Scripture of the Father enters the Kingdom of Heaven; your Father Jehovah is moved when a child shows interest in Him; just as you are moved when someone praises you; what you have, the Father also has; what is above is the same as what is below.-



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