Holy writings

Proverbs 8:27-29 “When I formed the heavens, there I was; when he traced the circle on the face of the abyss; when he established the heavens above, when he established the sources of the abyss; when he gave the sea its commandment, so that the waters would not transgress his commandment; “when he laid the foundations of the earth.”
Psalms 19:1-2 “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of his hands. “One day he utters word to another day, and one night to another night he declares wisdom.”
Matthew 10:30 “But even your hairs are all numbered.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; I will explain to you the living number; everything imagined is living; all theories, causes, laws of nature, equations, and even doubt; and all because ideas do not die; they travel through space to form future families of worlds; the number is in the very creature; it carries it in its creation; in past existences, each spirit studied mathematics; and from that mathematics came its future body; to think of anything is calculation; it is a numerical thought expressed in the quality and essence of thought; they are the spiritual mathematics; the mathematics created in distant suns; and whose germ is possessed by all spirits; and is passed down from father to son; spiritual mathematics are infinite; their quality and essence go from sun to sun; Material mathematics is finite; it is subordinated to a microscopic evolution; its quality is not enough to communicate with nature; to command the winds; to calm the storms; to open the oceans of water; to turn liquids into what one desires; There is no understanding between matter and spirit; spiritual mathematics are destined to replace material mathematics; everything has its time; and there is a place for everything in the flock of the Lord; the mathematics of creation were announced by my divine Firstborn Son; when He said: I am the Alpha and the Omega; I am the beginning and the end of life; Alpha represents the beginning of material life; these are material mathematics; and Omega represents spiritual mathematics; the mathematics of the Final Judgment; the end of material life; a new world emerges; a new law; a new philosophy; a new concept of the universe; A millennium of unheard-of peace begins; until it transforms into a universal government; this will be due to the philosophy of children; it is innocence that will bring peace to the world; the so-called adults with materialistic ideas will be mere spectators; they had more than enough time to make this world a paradise; but they succumbed to the God of money; and in the Kingdom of Heaven, they promised not to touch it; they promised to lead a pure life; any system of coexistence; except for temptation; they were tempted by the science of good; the same that will cause them to weep and gnash their teeth; Whoever has succumbed to temptation shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the materialistic world is a world rotten on the inside; and shining on the outside; The divine parable has been saying for centuries and centuries: The cup is clean on the outside and dirty on the inside; what is outside are the violations of the spirit in the very human laws; and what is inside are the violations of spiritual laws; the divine commandments.-

Yes, my son; this celestial drawing like all the others, is written in the Kingdom of Heaven; you requested it before being born into human life; before making your entrance into the fleshly body; while your spirit was free in the colossal suns; this entry of the spirit into a fleshly body is known in the Kingdom of Heaven as incarnation; I know, little son, that on Earth, advanced spirits teach this; what is above is the same as what is below; The laws of the Father are transmitted from world to world; There are creatures on your planet that deny this loving law; the only one that makes them move towards me; they are selfish spirits; who think they know everything; and know nothing; they don’t even know their own origin; They should be more humble, since they do not know what the future holds for them. if they deny such a loving law that explains the continuity of eternity, they will also be denied in the Kingdom of Heaven; no paradise of eternal philosophy welcomes those who deny its philosophy; The divine Father is the creator not only of human eternity, but of all eternities, which are infinite, as many as there are worlds in the universe; for every concept of eternity is relative and at the same time infinite; nothing in the Father’s creation has limits; nothing that any mind in the universe can conceive; the human number refers to its very creation; what elements came into play for the creation of human life; whatever the creature from any world, its principle was fire; solar fire; the divine Father is also fire; and from that fire, suns have emerged; you are destined to become suns; for the divine inheritance is the same for all. microscopic suns; suns of the microcosm; suns of the dust-planets; and as microscopic as you are, you still do not see your own brightness; Opaque suns or those of flesh; and your planet Earth will also become a sun; matter and spirit are living beings and both seek destinies in the Kingdom of Heaven; and the divine Creator grants everything; no one is lesser before Him; neither matter nor spirit; were you not taught that the divine Father is infinite? Are you going to doubt this divine revelation, knowing that it is infinite? Certainly, you lack infinite imagination to understand the infinite creation of the Father; you must also add to this the comfortable ignorance you have imposed on yourselves; The writing was that he who seeks finds; he gains in imagination; if you have not sought anything throughout your life, you will have gained nothing; you will only have worldly experience; knowledge of the world; and not of heaven; Worldly knowledge is experience; yet, no worldly person enters the Kingdom of Heaven unless they have fulfilled the divine mandate: to be a model of humility above all things; for humility is the Father; to mention it is to mention Him; the worldly experience has its celestial score; this score is microscopic compared to another score; I refer to the score dedicated to the study of the Creator Himself; was it not taught to you that your divine Father is the first, above all things? Certainly you know this; but you did not give it the importance it deserves; however, I tell you: it is easier for a child who has read me for a second in life to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for one who has never read me; for the divine Father is moved as you are moved; everything you have, the Father has; what is above is the same as what is below; every little celestial point earned in the unit of time called a second has its value in the Kingdom of Heaven; and the score that pertains to the divine free will of your Creator belongs to Him; and the prize is unparalleled; it is infinite; for its creations, including its divine awards, are also infinite; In the divine Father, there are no limits in anything; never in the eternity of your existences will you know any limit in the Father; that is why it was written: You must be born again to see the Kingdom of God; for having left an existence on a distant planet, you return to request another in the dwelling of the Father; thus, you have a brief opportunity to witness the living wonders of the Kingdom of Heaven; for you have spiritual free will; you wander freely around the suns; you have no commitments to the bonds of flesh; it is a state similar to the one you had before asking for the philosophical trial called human life; it is a state of thinking fire; formed by all your knowledge that you learned in your existences; including what you learned on Earth; this law reveals that you are not unique; As many backward spirits believe, the living universe is communal; for it is known sooner or later, the future of things; the Earth has not yet reached this stage; inheritance needs time to mature; when worlds strictly adhere to the fulfillment of their Sacred Scriptures, evolution progresses more rapidly; for they turn the planet into a paradise; and multitudes of geniuses long to be reborn in that world; The spirits, by virtue of their free will, choose perfect worlds; where they can work without any yoke. When one is in the Kingdom of Heaven, everyone longs for equality; everyone imitates the shining lights; the living virtues; Everyone sees celestial communism as men have always dreamed of it—those who seek equality and justice; extraordinary spirits who, with their doctrines, rescue worlds from slavery; sublime ideas that promised to be fulfilled in the Kingdom of Heaven; When the revolutionary spirits arrive in the Kingdom to account for their deeds, it dresses in celebration; for every fighter whose philosophy is light is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; your philosophies, which are microscopic, have their followers in the ranks of creators in the macrocosm; as above, so below; all your thinking as individuals has its solar parents; and you will become the same, preserving your philosophical thinking; in other words, you have infinite living replicas that think like you. Before coming to life, you are lovingly influenced by the Solar Trinity; everyone is interested in expanding their philosophies across the worlds; just as you expand your legacies; as above, so below; that is why the universe is called: a thinking expansive universe; for all philosophy is born from thought; which produces living ideas that travel through space; creating your own heaven for you; Every spiritual hierarchy possesses its own universes; its worlds where its own philosophy reigns. Yes, my child; that’s right; I see a question in your mind; you wonder how far philosophies reach into eternity; I will tell you, my child, that they have no end. more, they go from relativity to relativity; preserving the philosophical quality; from which quality is born; The quality in philosophy is its independence from its ancient galactic trunk. Thus it happened with the cursed pharaoh gods; they detached themselves from their evolutionary trunk; and asked in the Kingdom of Heaven to guide the worlds of flesh; In the beginning and in distant galaxies, they did well; they adhered to the laws of Father Jehovah; however, they yielded to ambition; they began to enslave worlds; among them was Earth; these cursed creatures are the cause of human suffering; they left as a legacy from their passage through Earth the worship of gold; a tendency that was passed on to humanity; from the worship of gold, slavery was born; men have been and still are subject to ambition; the demons of ambition leave no other room for the world; possession resides within them; To be rich is to be possessed; ambition possesses the rich and leads them astray in the Kingdom of Heaven; for ambition, like all other virtues, is as alive as the spirit itself; and when the spirit reaches the Kingdom of Heaven, ambition claims it; this claim fills the possessed spirit with dread; only the divine Father can rescue it; To be consumed by ambition is to live in worlds of darkness; it distances one further and further from the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why it was written: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; all the ambitious people of the world will gather to confront the doctrine of the Lamb of God; because they will see that the world is transforming in its customs; they will end up becoming isolated. Materialism divides itself; for its cause rests on a violation of the divine commandments. they created a powerful world within relativity; The biggest mistake of materialism is not having followed the law of the Father; they calculated according to human laws, which are eternally subordinate to the divine ones; the divine hierarchy of the Trinity erases from the worlds all relative philosophy. When the time comes; it always happens the same way; it has been happening since before the worlds of flesh were born; and it will happen forevermore; the divine Final Judgment is to restore what was enjoyed in violation of divine law; the first question your Creator asks you is: who invented money? Do my divine commandments teach it? Why are there rich and poor people? Who created them? Why are my humble ones not the first? Why don’t they govern the world? Why has the opposite been done? Why do people kill themselves? Why are my first meat creations being eaten? Why is there such a scandal over the fleshly body? Why do you violate the morals of your own sex? Why do you play scandalously with sacred love? Why do you make a pact with philosophies that the divine Father did not plant? Yes, my child; that’s right; the questions for those responsible for human suffering are endless; More will be known; for to restore, it is necessary to judge; no injustice will go unpunished. It was written that Satan would be tested and judged; for I tell you that Satan is your own bad inclinations; your sins; your deceptions; your falsehoods; By telling you that each one creates their own heaven, it includes your mistakes; they are your darkness. every violation is alive; it accompanies the spirit that created it; from yourselves come both the bad and the good; the darkness and the light; It was written that there is everything in the Lord’s flock; the mistakes are debts that you yourselves created; you are the masters of your own destinies; of your own future; no one forced you; except those who paid debts; debts are paid up and down;

in the planets and in the celestial world; events will come that will shake you; and no one will be exempt from them; because no one wants to lose their soul; For the first time, humanity will see the glory and power of God; for the first time in your generation; because this is what you asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; you asked to be judged by the doctrine of the Lamb of God; this is what all of humanity requested; this is what the living and the free spirits desired; that is why it was written: And He will judge the living and the dead; the dead live; only the fleshly shell dies; didn’t my Firstborn Son demonstrate that? Did he not rise on the third day? Did it not demonstrate that death is merely a transformation? Certainly, you have shown little interest in your own origin; however, I tell you that you will find the same little interest on your journey to the suns; whoever despises themselves despises the Father who is within them. Not studying the Divine Father is to despise Him; it is to give preference to another philosophy. It is written that I am the jealous one; thus is your divine Father Jehovah known in the macrocosm; and these jealousies are unmatched; for I am infinite in all; and I am the creator of love; let each one see if they have the right to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; if they have fulfilled the following: Have they stopped thinking of the divine Father even for a second of life? This is equivalent to the supreme mandate that was given to you. You shall love your Lord above all things; it is enough that you have stopped thinking of me for just a second, and you have already violated my divine command; do not forget: Above all things; that is to say, you must have given me importance, even the most microscopic moment of thought; for I am in the microscopic; have you been scandalized in life? Have you shown the world your flesh body? Even the most microscopic pore of flesh exposed in scandal will accuse you in the Kingdom of Heaven; have you been wicked in life? Until the last molecule of smoked tobacco, you will be condemned; and your condemnation is greater if you have smoked in the presence of children; and you must add up all the seconds in your life that the vice lasted; from the first to the last cigarette; your Creator reminds you that no one was born smoking; did you eat any flesh of your brother? Knowing that my divine Commandment says: You shall not kill; and you can add: do not eat each other; don’t you realize that you are all my children? Do the little cow, the birds, the lamb, the piglet, and all the flesh beings like you come to life to learn? How are you all doing? Why are you blind to your evolution? Everyone who, having knowledge and understanding, has eaten the flesh of innocent blood, will likewise pay in other worlds; eye for eye and tooth for tooth; none shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; your Creator reminds you that no one is born eating meat; one is born taking milk; and when your Father restores all things, a world of children will be born; where milk and honey will flow; and the lion and the lamb will graze together; it was written that of children is the heaven that will surround the new world; because innocence is purer than your selfish philosophies; those that were tested by your Creator; for every spirit is tested in what it asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; have you been scandalized by your fashions? Have you run over your own gender? Have you ever dressed as a woman while being a man? Have you dressed as a man while being a woman? Have you worn long hair as a man? One cannot demonstrate morality while serving two sexes; in the Kingdom of Heaven, you asked to be a man; and to respect the sacred law of sex; one is either a man or a woman; this is called in divine justice, immorality in the requested sexes; have you exposed your naked body on the beaches? Did the kids see you? Is it the innocence chosen by the Creator to govern the new world? That’s how I see it; but, woe to you! You will curse for corrupting my innocent children! Every custom is imitated and transmitted; poor are the immoral of the world! It would have been better for you not to have asked for the test of life; it would have been better for you to continue wandering in the spaces, immoral and worldly spirits; have you given shelter to those who needed it? Have you fed the beggar? because I tell you: every hungry person; every beggar and every unfortunate soul in life, who crossed your paths, is because you asked for it in the Kingdom of Heaven; and you promised to be humble and needy with them; it would have been better for you if your eyes had never met these beings who volunteered for the test; everything you have done will be read in your minds; scandals in public repentance will arise; in the midst of weeping and gnashing of teeth; divine justice will transform the world; as no doctrine ever did; it is then that you will understand the divine parable: By the fruit, the tree is known; only divine power can rescue a world from immorality; There is no other power; and if it existed, it would be subordinate to the Solar Trinity; All the doctrines of every prophet fulfill this law; they have their mission; and their purpose was to shed light on spirituality. divine psychology; the sole cause of the existence of materiality; The prophets never exalted the ephemeral; that which is destined to disappear; like exploitative materialism; they never paid tribute to money; they never caused scandal; because my divine telepathic light made them see the future; they prophesied with knowledge of cause; They knew that there were other creatures in the universe; they knew more than what the beings of their time knew; every prophecy and every allegory will be explained by the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; Your Creator has made use of allegories and parables to fulfill the law that you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; were you not taught that you are being tested? Every spirit is tested; tested in everything it asked for; nothing is outside of this law; even your character and individuality are tested; The way in which the Holy Scripture was written has no other purpose; even the nature that surrounds you is silent, being as alive as yourselves; this divine revelation makes all human philosophy disappear; for it has already been tested; now it is time for it to be judged; because that is what was requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; only the divine scripture will remain in the world, which will unify the world under a single planetary government; just as it should have been many centuries ago; if money had not been invented, the Earth would be a world of justice; which is equivalent to a paradise on Earth; money is the greatest demon; it governs all the evil of the Earth, starting from ambition itself; As long as there are ambitious people, there will never be peace in the world; that is why every attempt at peace throughout the centuries ends in resounding failure; and all its challengers are nothing more than puppets of the world’s owners; these demons of corruption mock; they revel because they hold the power; a damned power that has its days numbered; the wrath of nature will crush them; These demons forget that my universe is alive; and it is enough for them to receive a telepathic order from a Solar Father, and the contained fury within it is unleashed; just as my Firstborn Solar Son Christ demonstrated; who is among you; he asked to be born again in humility; he told you: And I will be with you until the end of the ages; he is born as you are born; what is above is like what is below; all power from heaven is first announced with doctrine; it explains first; then it acts; the living word precedes the living universe; and both form alliances in understanding between matter and spirit; without which, nothing would exist; matter thinks and expresses itself before the magnetism of a Solar Father; thus acted my divine Firstborn Solar Christ; and he promised to return shining like a sun of wisdom; not only for his infinite knowledge; but because he is the second divine fire after the Father; all divine fire is living and survives everything; The meaning of “brilliant as a sun of wisdom” signifies being the first; first in all perfection; first in commanding with one’s mind, nature. the first in glory; an unknown glory in the human race; a glory that will eclipse and crush every earthly proud person; those who think they know everything, and know nothing; they neither know nor understand their own origin in the universe; the living glory of the Solar Firstborn will break all records that men strive for; to such an extent that human psychology will never return; It is a world that falls; one of the many that the Trinity has seen fall; whose number is infinite; The Final Judgment is justice for the humble; and the downfall of exploiters in all their forms; the exploiters are the same as Satan; and there is no other. Through these spirits, true executioners of worlds, the Final Judgment for planet Earth was written; this revelation will spark a dispute between materialistic West and spiritualist East. there will be no more war; because that is what the living Trinity on Earth wants; When the Son of the Trinity is incarnated in some world, it complements the Father Trinity; and a new doctrine arises in the world; this happened in the past; and it will happen forevermore; Everything unfolds in the usual way; no one notices; the most divine surprise is being born; the surprise that has been awaited and announced for centuries and centuries; this silence of the Firstborn is because he is subject to the Father; the Father instructs him, and both instruct the world; this silence of a nascent glory corresponds to the divine parable that says: One must be small and humble to be great before the Father; this applies to both matter and spirit; the transformation of the Firstborn into a brilliant sun is already taking place among you; you will know divine levitation; and you will understand that by levitating, one reaches immense heights in space; and astonishing speeds are acquired; and he will be seen in the heavens, in glory and majesty; behold the arrival of my divine son to the world; only that he is already in the world; For a reason He told you: I will be among you until the end of the ages; it means that He is born and reborn among you and does not make Himself known; He has free will; just as you do; in this existence of your present, He made Himself known, and was despised; and even treated as a madman; it happened that His divine solar germ is in its first time of maturity; He appears like any mortal; because that is how He requested it in the Kingdom of Heaven; it has always been this way; after your divine Father, comes my Firstborn Son in humility; because humility and simplicity constitute the true creative force in the Kingdom of Heaven.-


Write: The Alpha and the Omega.-

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