Holy writings

Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters.”
Genesis 2:7 “Then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my little son; I will explain to you how the first molecule on planet Earth was born; but first of all, I must tell you that Earth is not unique; it never has been; Before her, there were a trillion trillion trillion Earth-like planets; this amount is divinely calculated; when the Earth was still a divine solar spark; and was still under the power of Mother Solar Omega; Just as you see it with your divine mind; what you see, for the first time, is seen by human eyes; we will draw it for the wonder of the world; the number of worlds is no longer the same; With every second that has passed since the spark that was Earth left its solar mother Omega, it has increased to such a degree that it can never be calculated by any offspring. Only the divine Father Jehovah knows. I have spoken to you about a world of the carnal series and about human evolution. I haven’t mentioned to you the other categories of worlds; which, being paradises, do not belong to the Kingdom of Heaven; and without taking into account the worlds that were and are no longer; I haven’t mentioned to you the gigantic worlds of the macrocosm; they are of such colossal sizes that they would fill human beings with dread. If a ship from Earth were to arrive at one of those worlds, it would be less than an ant; no one would notice the arrival of one of these gigantic beings; the one who wouldn’t even realize that it stepped on a microscopic ship from a microscopic galaxy; the divine Father has not allowed it. Well, if any Earthling were to see one of these worlds, they would feel a terrible sense of inferiority; and the human being would go mad with fear; the heart would not withstand the terrible impression of being a microbe to those creatures; And these gigantic creatures are, at the same time, microscopic in comparison to others; and these to others; and so, as far as the mind can imagine; Earth is one of those worlds known as dust; for Earth, viewed from the Kingdom of Heaven, is like a speck of dust; it must be magnified with divine power in order to be seen. The writing goes: “For dust you are, and to dust you shall return;” it means that both matter and spirit are judged equally; both return to the same place from which they came; they return to the Kingdom of Heaven; where everything is gigantic; where nothing has limits; where the divine sparks follow one after another; in a quantity as vast as the mind can imagine; the alpha and omega suns continue to create worlds and suns; and they will do so forever and ever; I have mentioned only a couple of creator suns to you; I have not mentioned the infinite others, which also produce sparks of future planetary natures. There are suns of every imaginable color; and at every moment, new and unknown creations are born; for infinite variety reigns in the Expansive Thinking Universe; a variety that gives rise to another variety.- Yes, my son; this light blue drawing shows how the first molecule was born; it all started in the Alpha Sun and ended in the Omega Sun; the right angle of 90º of the Alpha Sun indicates infinite events; the solar spark is expansive; and even on Earth, that development continues. the angle itself was an opening created in the sun; through it passed and still pass, infinite little sparks; of what will be infinite planets and lands; the solar spark; it carried within itself, the first molecule of Earth; it was an infant molecule; it floated in a milky gas; it had the shape of a microscopic triangle; it possessed its own space and time; thus, each particular molecule has its own time and space; in addition to material time and space; the first molecule had expansive and magnetic properties; It was temperature changes that transformed the spark into solid crust; it was and still is a drop in temperature; the spark’s fire split into two directions; one descended to the most infinite degree; passing through all the temperature scales; And from this drop in temperature, the first molecule of water was born; therefore, the Earth and water were born from fire; both are products of the maturity of temperature; and the temperature is the result of a solar fire in infinite decline; Here, all the eras that the Earth has gone through are explained. The man with Adam and Eve at the forefront is recent; humanity begins with them; but they are not the only ones; There is everything in the Lord’s flock. Before Adam and Eve, there were other creatures; corresponding to other flocks; to other life trials; to other spiritual hierarchies; to other divine plans of evolution; they were other dimensions; No creature is exclusive to the planets; all were tiny and microscopic to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven. No human being has seen the Earth’s past; the Earth science that studies it does so on a microscopic level; it does so in its dimension; and the human dimension is but a sigh in the face of the Earth’s geological past; terrestrial science will never be able to calculate the kinds of life that existed on Earth; There were races far superior to the current human race; superior in science; in knowledge; races that did not know money; they had more evolved philosophies; most of the past races did not choose, by virtue of free will, to come back to Earth; except for those who had outstanding spiritual debts. And many of them saw that in a future of the Earth, demons would appear, creating a terrible yoke; this yoke is money; the ambition to place value on what is fleeting; and they did not look back at the Earth, so as not to be corrupted by this demon; They did well; for they are still in the Kingdom of Heaven; the history of the Earth is unknown, even to the wisest; this ignorance of their own planet is part of the test of life for every human spirit; Only divine Revelation can provide the light; and Celestial Science offers it, as no human science ever could. the divine Lamb of God is infinite knowledge; it dates back long before the current suns; before the worlds of flesh came to life; Telling the story of a microscopic planet like Earth is nothing more than recalling what the divine Lamb of God has already experienced; a galactic antiquity, which grants him primogeniture before the divine Father; to understand such infinite wisdom, one must be reborn; And as the spirit of the universe, to read and watch on the solar television, which are scattered across the infinite suns; It would indeed be a wonderful experience, one that would never come to an end; the divine telepathy of this humble little worker of the Lord will be the wonder of the world; Well, there is no greater wonder than transforming a world with knowledge; here lies the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven; after the divine Father Jehovah; everything great in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a philosophy that enchants creatures in imperfect worlds; it is a pride characteristic of backward spirits; when a world manages to shake off this yoke, an unprecedented progress comes to that world; this is what will happen to Earth; with the divine revelation that the honorable Dalai Lamas will announce to the world, the yoke of exploitative capitalism will fall; this yoke that has been whipping the spirits of the Lord for centuries will be uprooted; it will be the last struggle of the demon on Earth; then the Millennium of Peace will come; whose generations will hear from the oldest ones a distant and dark galactic tale; of a demon called money; that ravaged the planet for many centuries; this will be after the resurrection of all innocent flesh; the year 2001; in the far east; Yes, my child; that is how it is and how it will be forever and ever; Continuing with the celestial drawing, we see a silver ship; These ships enter and exit in all the suns; they participate to an infinite degree in the eternal creation; they are the divine gardeners of the Expansive Thinking Universe; their magnetic ships carry infinite solar sparkles; they are the galactic seed; they are the future foundations of future worlds; These silver ships, which the children of Earth call flying saucers, possess an unheard-of divine power; they obey solar laws; The construction of these ships will be revealed by the Lamb of God; the silver ships always travel through dimensions; that is to say, they penetrate the skies; the skies are nested within one another; there is no single sky; the skies are born from the invisible to the visible; and their number is infinite;

the heavens have an infinite hierarchy; they are living and expansive universes; they have no limits and will never have any. the skies are of colors; of infinite colors; and within each color, there are shades and colors of twin skies; there are greater skies and micro-skies; infant skies, and adult skies; there are dimensional skies and three-dimensional skies; and of all the geometric shapes that the mind can imagine; and new skies are being born at the same time; Just as the spirit progresses in proportion to the time and space it utilizes in the worlds, so does the Expansive Universe. Thoughtful, it also progresses; The spirit is a living model; but before it, there will already be models in the likeness of God. And those very distant models were not the first either; The first ones were those that are now immense creator suns; and they are of such sizes that the Earthly sun is little more than a microscopic yellow spark; and these are nothing more than, at the same time, so many little sparks of multiple colors before other suns; and so on, as far as the mind can imagine; This demonstrates that any limit in geometric form, of suns and worlds, does not exist; it only exists in its relative time; living molecules, after belonging to a material world, are free to choose again; for they are magnetic forces, in free will; moving from one world to another; acquiring experience in what is called the material universe; and of which they have heard so much about, in the Kingdom of Heaven, it is like the mind of a child; where the impossible becomes an infinite reality; there every virtue is great and glorious, within its own laws; laws inherent to living virtue; there they all compete lovingly to please the divine Father Jehovah; They see unheard-of carnivals of eternal fire; colossal suns move in the divine joy of celestial children; there, sadness is unknown; but they have experienced it in distant worlds; many of which are no longer in space; the Earth of the flesh monkeys is unknown; for the number of worlds, whether of flesh or of another category of life, is infinite; and it escapes even the mental power of the great ones in the Kingdom of Heaven; only the divine Father knows it; and He knows at every moment of time; in that very instant, the divine Father knows of the worlds that are being born, those that are in development, and those that are in agony; even more; he knows of those who will come, even without having been born yet; the divine magnetism of the eternal Father envelops everything; His divine inheritance is in all ideas; from which colossal worlds have emerged; universal magnetism is the vehicle that connects worlds in their respective dimensions; molecules multiply through the same magnetism; from the first molecule, a first pair also emerged; because molecules also possess genders; within their own laws of molecules; they also have their Sacred Scriptures; they also have their prophets; they also have their revelations; they also have their Holy Trinity; they also have a Final Judgment; that is why they are great in the Kingdom of Heaven; each molecule has an ancestor; it has a molecular father and mother; and every separate element follows the same law; this means: no one is disinherited; this “no one” encompasses matter and spirit; after a world disappears from space, the spiritual fluid of the planet remains; this fluid is a force drawn from the events that occurred during the life of the planet; it is known as record; and it is a true planetary television; In the universe, there are infinite records of infinite planets that existed and are no longer here; this record is separate from the record that each creature has in nature; the human spirit also has a living television; there, all the events that occurred during life are recorded for all eternity; moreover, it possesses the spiritual record, other scenes that the spirit has experienced in other fleshly worlds; it holds experiences gained on other planets; the year 2001, year of the resurrection of all flesh, the children will see their own spiritual records; for the trial of human life will have come to an end for the spirits of the Earth; the children will be the first; for they have not violated the divine law; unlike the so-called adults; a child inspires more trust in the divine Father; for being a spirit is freer; they have no inclinations towards money; they live life as it should have been lived by millions and millions of adults; who have not been able to preserve the joy of a child; despite the trials to which the spirit has been subjected; whoever has done so, enters the Kingdom of Heaven; despite being a sinner; Joy is divine innocence; before which all other virtues bow. who suffers with an eternal smile on their lips, suffers for the divine Father; for the eternal Father is also in all joy; infinite joy; for the Eternal Father is an eternal child; from His infinite joy, the universes came forth; when they reach the Kingdoms of Heaven, they equally praise the divine Creator; in the midst of a joy that will never be imitated in any world; there, virtues exist in all their innocence; and what is witnessed there can only be narrated by a celestial messenger; by an envoy of the Lord; just as the divine Firstborn Son came to Earth reincarnated as a humble carpenter’s son, so once again, the Most Holy Trinity expresses itself in a humble little worker of the Lord; The emergence of a new living doctrine was already announced to the world many centuries ago; the solar firstborn proclaimed it: I will send you a divine Comforter; who will announce the arrival of divine truth; its appearance will astonish the world; which shows that the world has forgotten its own eternity; this surprise was also foretold to you; it will come like a thief in the night; catching the world off guard, which has lived by a philosophy of illusion; To be rich; it is the greatest aspiration of almost all human beings; even though being so may violate divine commandments; poor creatures! They don’t know what they’re doing; and if they do know, that’s even worse; It is written that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; therefore, let the left guard against the temptations of the right; for the demons that form the right tempt with their cursed money; and anyone who buys the conscience of their brother, buys from the divine Father; for it is written that the Lord is everywhere. I am therefore in every mind of the universe; poor are those who allow themselves to be tempted by the demon of money; but more deserving of pity are those who, for their causes, had tempters. I mean, my child, the inheritance received from earthly parents; and from the parents of their parents; every creature brought into the world should have found a united world; a world of common love; a world governed by my divine Holy Scriptures; and not a world of rich and poor; the damned philosophy that caused this will be judged; it will be despised; none of its members will carry the divine Silver Lamb; for to carry it, one must be humble; and have a mind and conscience free of all sin; and what greater sin is there than to scandalize with my divine law; which ordered that the humble are the first; here on Earth and there, in the Kingdom of Heaven.-



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