Holy writings

Psalms 19:1-2 “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of his hands. “One day he utters word to another day, and one night to another night he declares wisdom.”
Hebrews 1:3 “He, who is the brightness of his glory, the express image of his substance, and who upholds all things by the word of his power, having purged our sins by himself, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll

Yes, son; we will talk about a topic that constitutes one of the mysteries in human knowledge. In all human eras, man has tried to penetrate magnetism; without it, no spirit would exist, nor any world of any category of life. Magnetism originates from the very suns; and they have a hierarchy based on their power to unify molecules; The worlds emerging from the same cause are not the same; just like creatures; they belong to the same world but do not think alike; this is the case with Earth; the reason for this lies in magnetism; All magnetism is inherited from another. Magnetism means the Greatest in the spirit; in the Kingdom of Heaven; The greatest magnetism belongs to the Father; and after him, there are infinite magnetic hierarchies; the number of which can never be calculated by any mind; only the Father knows; as He knows the name of all the worlds and suns; of those that are, have been, and those that will be; Magnetism is the alpha and omega of the thinking expansive universe; nothing exists without it; But even more so; if the material universe did not exist, magnetism would create other universes; as is currently happening; the variety of universes created by living magnetism is infinite; Just think that with every idea emanating from creatures, a new magnetism is born alongside it; Magnetism arises from a microscopic and invisible idea; it undergoes divine processes carried out by silver ships; which you earthly beings know as flying saucers; for they are also magnetic hierarchies; their own elevated power of magnetism causes them to materialize into eternal ships; There are infinite classes of silver ships, according to their magnetic hierarchies; or also, what is more common, according to their solar hierarchy; The origin of magnetism cannot be explained without mentioning these marvelous ships; through them, you are living; they were the ones that guided the Earth through many skies. when I was just coming out of the Alpha and Omega suns; It was a baby in the form of a microscopic orange spark; that contained within itself all the germs of all living creatures; it was an expansive embryo of a present; it was a future planet; just like a mother of the Earth; who, once her egg is fertilized, carries within it all the inheritance and the shape of her future child; Magnetism is expressed in infinite forms; its divine cause is the same; both above and below, relatively; There is an above and a below, as long as the Earth exists; when the Earth disappears, the concept of above and below disappears.-

Yes, my son; that’s right; magnetism has a solar origin; the Earth came from the Alpha sun of the Trino galaxy; and all the suns and worlds surrounding the Earth are also from the Trino galaxy; The human creature will never reach the birth of its own galaxy; nor the infinite limit that it possesses; there is no fixed limit anywhere; in any galaxy; for all of them belong to the expansive thinking universe; which does not stop for a single moment in eternity; Even if the human creature were to be born again, it would never reach the point of the birth of its own galaxy; it must simply settle for evolving and moving from world to world; for the path to perfection lies in creating new worlds. the same invisible ideas are the seeds of future and colossal worlds; a divine boundary of a world; that disappears before the infinite size of other planets; and the entire expansive thinking universe vanishes before the greatness of the divine Father; for every idea has come from Him; and all of them return to Him; Magnetism, being universal, is not the same in its constitution; magnetism is, according to evolution; having emerged from a single cause, which are the suns, it has matured parallel to the worlds and suns; the human creature must not forget that the entire universe is alive; nothing is inert to the divine eternal Father; what is believed to be dead and lifeless possesses a life much older than the human race itself; Magnetism possesses living electricity; what is in Heaven is the same as what is on Earth; in terms of its origin; the difference lies in the creative power of the same magnetism; the force called gravity on Earth is not the same in the Kingdom of Heaven; In the Kingdom of Heaven, strength is creative power; it is a power that is demonstrated by creating worlds at lightning speed; whoever possesses the highest spiritual hierarchy holds the greatest magnetic power to create matter. but no one is greater than the divine Father Jehovah; for all have come from Him; the divine spiritual hierarchies are infinite; and the highest of all after the divine Father is that of the divine firstborn sons; this divine revelation will shake the world of knowledge; Well, the world has only known one Christ; The world is doing well; Well, the Holy Trinity is also expansive like the universe itself; when an invisible microbe is born, there is its Holy Trinity; just as a colossal world is born; there too is its Holy Trinity; nothing that exists does not have it; the divine inheritance is in everyone; Magnetism is the alpha and omega of the thinking expansive universe. Through magnetism, the Holy Trinity is everywhere; The divine spiritual hierarchies are intelligences of the universe that identify themselves among each other. Every living creature, whatever it may be, possesses its divine spiritual hierarchy; even those wrongly called animals; they are generally spiritual hierarchies that are often higher than that of human beings; this is possible due to the humility and innocence that these creatures possess. It was written many centuries ago that the humble are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; the so-called animals, which millions and millions of human beings despise and even ridicule, are also my children; They are of the same flesh as that of human little monkeys; and whoever has despised or mocked one of my humble ones has mocked the divine Father; for the divine Father is everywhere; I am also in the minds of animals; those called animals, due to human pride and arrogance, are all saved; the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them; they occupy number 2; after number 1; which is the Father; this knowledge governs from what is called Christianity; Well, from that moment on, earthly humanity knew that all living beings are equal before the eternal Father; The generations of the ancient world have already received their reward; they were tested in their own philosophies; their divine justices were in the Old Testament; the Old Testament was written for them; for the customs in their trials were very different from those of the so-called contemporary world. the so-called modern world possesses the New Testament; which began with the divine arrival of the Solar Firstborn on Earth; Can a creature forget all the testaments; all the parables; all the moralistic examples; Moreover, one must never forget the divine Commandments; whoever has violated even one of them, that person will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; The Ten Commandments represent the greatest moral power in the realms of the flesh; this divine law has been fulfilled since eternities ago, when the Trino galaxy, which contains infinite worlds of the flesh, had not yet been born. the divine truth is expressed in commandments; these divine commandments existed long before the respective planet was born; If each world or planet, like a creature, has a destiny, in the Kingdom of Heaven lies the destiny of destinies; for destiny is a living and magnetic intelligence; no one lives without a purpose; the divine law is also a divine destiny; In celestial magnetism lies the explanation for everything that exists; only divine magnetism constitutes the only living eternity; Divine magnetism penetrates the material world; this is brought about by the very ideas that emanate from each creature as it passes through the material planets. Each one creates their own heaven; according to their deeds; according to their ideas; magnetism is invisible, like the idea itself; and there is no idea without magnetism; nor magnetism without idea; this means that everything returns to being everything; that spiritual experience is one; with different and infinite free wills. When a spirit comes to a world, it is shown countless destinies that have already passed through countless spirits; these scenes have been witnessed by all human beings; in the marvelous solar television; which is the divine universal television. Everyone comes into the world with a knowledge of cause; this cause is recorded in infinite solar televisions; this means that every spirit can be judged at any point in space; the divine Father is everywhere; despite this, all spirits return to the same point from which they temporarily departed; this place, no matter how infinite it may be, disappears before the infinite itself; it is lost like microscopic dust; that is why it was written; “From dust you are and to dust you shall return; the spirit returns; the living being, which for a few moments entered into alliance with a microscopic body of flesh; which coexisted with a fleshly envelope; to test; to experiment and to learn a new way of life; which is neither the only one nor will it ever be; for one must be born again, in new bodies; and new worlds; to draw closer to the Kingdom of God;” Magnetism is what draws every living creature closer to the divine Father; to achieve greater magnetism, each creature must earn it; they must advance in knowledge. Wealth does not provide creative magnetism; on the contrary; it was written that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; this is because virtues, being living creatures of each spirit;

magnetic and thinking creatures, the rich did not make them progress, according to the divine Commandments; The virtues of a rich person only know the philosophy of wealth; a philosophy that is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; for wealth is not knowledge for eternity; it belongs to the world; and everything worldly does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; even the most ignorant can be rich. Wealth is a philosophy that every spirit curses after having known it on Earth. Among this multitude of spirits are those called the kings of the Earth; those who were magnates; and a whole breed of exploiting demons; who, with spiritual dread, see that they will never be able to enter eternal glory; Come, for their own spiritual magnetism is laden with darkness; with microscopic creatures that seek justice; These creatures are the divine virtues; as it was written, they are great in the Kingdom of Heaven; and as such, they judge the demonic spirit; for every humble person will judge every exalted one; both in Heaven and on Earth; and this means that the materialism of Earth will be swept away by the spirituality of the divine Lamb of God; this means: The humble are the first; and they are first to such a degree that they will transform a rotten world into their own laws; for all transient laws, such as those of materialism, will pass away; yet, my divine word will not pass away; the so-called materialism or exploitative capitalism is one of the philosophical trees that the divine Father Jehovah did not plant; and it will be uprooted; all accumulation of wealth is excessive ambition; especially in a world that lasts only a breath in space; it is a world of trial; and every trial has its end; my divine Commandments do not command anyone to become rich; on the contrary; they teach moderation and humility; this should have led the world, many centuries ago, to Patriarchal Government; to the government of spiritual knowledge; to a government without one dominating another; to one single family; to one single philosophy; that of the sacred scriptures; none other because all the others pass; The written was: The Earth will pass away; but my words will not pass away; It means that the laws made by men, who have forgotten the first law, which is the divine law; that is, the sacred scriptures, will leave nothing of them. Future generations will remember the era of exploitative materialism as the worst yoke that humanity’s progress has ever known; for it has delayed us by twenty centuries in our moral and spiritual development. Human knowledge must recognize that many geniuses have chosen not to come to Earth due to the reign of exploitation imposed by some demons of ambition. It is by virtue of free will that many luminaries from other worlds have chosen not to incarnate on Earth; Every delay to everyone is judged in the Kingdom of Heaven; therefore, powers of the Earth, do not attempt to dominate anyone; neither by deceit nor by force; It is written: he who kills by the sword, dies by the sword; that is to say, they are judged by the angels of light of the Divine Father; They possess swords of blinding magnetism; comparable to the magnetic rays of silver ships; No one who has debts can withstand them. Thus were Sodom and Gomorrah judged; microscopic cities of the ancient world; thus will be judged the demons who made cursed wealth a cursed reign; to the extent of dividing the flock into the rich and the poor; Only the devil divides; Well, that’s how you sow discord. the divine word of the divine Father Jehovah unifies the worlds; Yes, my child; I know you’re feeling a bit troubled; I have strayed from the divine topic of magnetism; The reason for this is that all spiritual behavior also becomes magnetism; Every act done in life transforms into magnetism; a magnetism that surrounds the physical body; the man, a creature of flesh, cannot see it yet; which indicates that the fascia is coming out of the shadows; All ignorance in knowledge is a degree of darkness; it is part of the experience of each spirit; A spirit that has lived through experience knows more, even one that has emerged from darkness; a spirit that has not known the darkness of ignorance is a more backward spirit, since it is unaware; all darkness is temporary; and only what has been learned from it remains. Thus, the divine parable is fulfilled that says: One must be small and humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; this is how the great living virtues of the Kingdom of Heaven began; this is how every human spirit is beginning; and this is how all the infinite intelligences of the future will begin; The divine law knows no exception; except in the divine scales of all justice; That is why the divine Commandments command us to be humble above all things; without humility, not even the greatest wise person can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. never has anyone entered the eternity of time; therefore, wise ones of the world: Be humble; be honorable in your own knowledge; for all knowledge is weighed in my divine dwelling; just like all human experience; without exception; from the supreme moment a human being is born, divine justice begins to work; second by second; throughout life; until the last breath; and the breaths themselves are also judged; every molecule; every fiber of flesh, the same; every hair; every pore; every drop of blood; for the divine Creator, everything is alive; and everything cries out for justice; thus, every scandalous person is accused by their own flesh; which they exposed to the contemplation and malice of the world; every pore is a living creature; that in the Kingdom of Heaven, becomes gigantic; so gigantic, that it fills the very spirit with dread; and accuses the spirit; and seeks justice for the delay to which he was subjected by the violating spirit; Yes, earthly children; here lies the main cause of your weeping and gnashing of teeth; the one who was announced to you many centuries ago; for the divine Creator of life precedes all future beings. before creatures and worlds are born, the divine Father Jehovah already knows the destiny that each one will have; No one is without a destiny; whatever their way of life; whatever world they belong to; divine magnetism permeates everything; both in the material world and in the spiritual world; Celestial Science is the only science that can explain the laws of eternity; for the divine word of the divine Father Jehovah knows no bounds; in His creation, there is no number; it is infinite in all things; therefore, this divine science will encompass all human knowledge; and surpass it; which means that divine justice is within it; No human science can achieve it; even less can it provide the longed-for eternity; for all earthly science will pass away; as was written many centuries ago: The Earth will pass away; but my words will not pass away; let him who has a mouth speak, and let him who has ears hear; this means that every creature, knowing a divine Revelation, such as the divine Celestial Science, must make it known to all; for my laws are for everyone; by them, all were created; to silence a divine Revelation is to run a great spiritual risk; every selfish person is accused in my divine abode; they are accused by the divine alliances that form the divine intellectuality of every spirit; such a spirit falls into the sin of intellectual selfishness; therefore, every teaching learned must be made known; It should not be taken to the grave; it benefits no one; it is just a heavy burden that costs a cry and gnashing of teeth in the dwelling of the divine Father; for every second of selfish silence weighs heavily on the divine solar scales, subtracting infinite celestial points from one’s own addition.-



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