Holy writings

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Apocalypse 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; the space in which one is born is brought from the Kingdom of Heaven; and all the nature in which you live is brought from there; Space, like all elements of the living Universe, possesses free will; that is why, when it comes to justice, space also participates in such justice; Space, like all elements, was born with the same rights; no one is lesser before the Father; rights are within their own laws; and they possess infinite quality and essence. the quality and the caliber explain the infinite variety in the feelings of beings; they are sentimental variations; sensations of spiritual thinking; and every sensation that your spirit feels has space; You therefore have space both inside and outside; the inside explains your spiritual principle; because everything small, microscopic, and humble is first in the Kingdom; to everything first is given the ability to explain the origin of things; the inner space is the space that saturates your free will; and your ideas contain such space; Everything large and everything small possesses the same laws; in the large, more developed, and in the small, less developed; but in my creation, all are reached; because they possess free will; space is one of the living virtues of space; its form is infinite; it has no end; and it is understood according to the salt of life of each one; according to their evolution; space contracts and expands; each one creates their own space; because each one creates their own heaven; and just as one creature is different from another, there exist spaces in quality and essence, just as there are individualities; every space forms an alliance with each creature; and all creatures have conversed in the Kingdom of Heaven, with their space; from the very moment one is born, the alliance with a temporal and earthly space begins; in the Kingdom or in the celestial world, spiritual time reigns; celestial time belongs to the Macrocosm; it is characteristic of the gigantic suns; from where I am, you cannot go; my Firstborn Solar Son Christ said so; he referred to the Macrocosm with its solar or celestial time; and the creatures of the microcosm like you cannot enter the macro; you must be born again; and in a number as vast as the grains of sand contained in a desert; Certainly, reaching the Macrocosm takes sweat and effort; it requires hard work.-

Yes, my son; This heavenly drawing demonstrates that divine Justice is present in every space; the measure with which you measure will be the measure you receive; the Measure is the Morality of my Commandments; and that each one should have cultivated it in life. if it was not cultivated for a microscopic instant, one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; In every act performed by your mind, space enters; Ideas have pauses; and pauses are space and time; and philosophy; Space has a psychology that awaits spiritual action; and it is open to all thoughts; Space is the same for matter and spirit; it also begins microscopically; like all the living creation of the Father; Every space possesses physical and spiritual laws; Your science knows something about the physics of space; and of time; Physics makes use of space and time in mental calculations, as well as the space and time that correspond to the external world. here is one of the causes of human imperfection; It makes calculations in which eternity does not participate; The human mind is a vibrant octave of a microscopic Omega circle; this means it is a replica emerging from a solar circle; The number eight represents a fleeting philosophy; because the eighth vibration returns to its center; every human spirit is a detachment from a solar fire; and its distance includes time and space; the vibrating octave is a journey of the spirit through a dimension; whose elements also belong to the same center of solar fire; there was a moment when every spirit conversed in spiritual time, with the same constitutive elements of earthly nature; this understanding is known in the Kingdom of Heaven as the Alpha principle of an Ark in the Materialization of Alliances; On Earth, it is known as reincarnation; and my divine Word refers to it as being born again; A law can be expressed in many ways; it remains the same law; in every rebirth, for the human spirit, 318 living virtues participate; this collection of virtues is called an Ark of the Covenant; or thinking of a human spirit; The Ark of the Covenant was known to the ancient world; in the Ark of the Covenant, all of creation enters; all the elements of the Universe; and everything that the mind can imagine; because everything exists in the creation of the Father; and nothing is impossible in the greatest Creator of creators; for no one surpasses Father Jehovah; Time and space are part of the whole of everything; because nothing would exist without them; There are spaces and times, like worlds that exist in the Universe; and their variety is as infinite as the number of grains of sand in a desert; the living makes the expansive; everyone has the right to infinity; and no one is disinherited; space and time unite according to their free wills; just as you are together in the world; and just as one molecule is next to another; No one is random; because such a philosophy is prone to wandering; just as those who defend Satan stray; because the cursed one believes he is in charge; the entire universe of Light wants nothing to do with him; and whoever teaches a philosophy that does not take my divine Commandments into account goes astray; because they do not enter the Kingdom of Light; such is the fate of the yoke of the Earth; called capitalism; and which in the Kingdom is known as the great beast; a cursed philosophy that has been enslaving the worlds of Light since ancient times; None of these exploiting demons will remain; for there is no space or time that does not come to fruition; even your physical existence has its physical end. Every capitalist spirit or any other immorality will have to confront its 318 living virtues. All of them asked in the Kingdom not to violate the Law; and they asked to live on a distant planet called Earth, the highest Morality that any mind can conceive; the unique Morality of my Commandments; all your virtues were never seen in life; for your humility is the most sublime model of perfection; being invisible in your own thoughts, they are great in the Kingdom; the Creator of life listens to them first; and your spirit is the last to be heard; Weren’t you taught to be humble? There in the Kingdom, this virtue is the queen among all; and whoever did not live in humility does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the virtues take on colossal proportions; And your spirit appears like a microbe of dust; in the spirits that did not cultivate humility, fear takes hold of them; because they feel that darkness and Light are contending for them; every humble person feels a spiritual peace; because in life they served a Lord; they served a cause; and they did not divide themselves; those who serve two masters serve two causes; serve two philosophical thoughts; that is why, when they arrive in the Kingdom to face the Judgment of life, their spirit is driven to a struggle; a struggle in which darkness tries to draw them in; because in the living Universe of the Kingdom of Heaven, there exist laws of living possession; your origin was taken from the darkness of the Macrocosm; because there is everything in the flock of the Father; the test of your life is a test in which you yourselves choose the outcome; did you not have free will in life? “And weren’t you given the Holy Scriptures and Commandments?” What did you do with them? I know that you are under a yoke; imposed by the demons of ambition; however, you yourselves chose to take the risk; here lies the cause of all risks in life; no demon that provoked risks in life will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; and the worst of the risks, from which all others arise, is the harm done to others; exploiting others is the great risk; from this demonic philosophy comes the very ruin of humanity; for none of you will enter the Kingdom; Just a microscopic second or less of violation, and one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; space denies its philosophy to those who fight against the Father; to those who employ demonic ideas; to those who pursue with their darkness; to those who allow themselves to be led by it; to those who sow pain; And it happens that infinite spirits wander through space because no virtue of Light grants them its divine assistance; No one wishes to join a demon; only the divine intervention of the Father achieves that. Almost all the spirits of your world have gone through this painful experience; caused by the living violation of my living Word; such is the fate of those who have divided my children into rich and poor; One cannot and should not serve philosophies other than the Commandments; because every act has repercussions in the very laws of creation. To understand it better, you must never forget that it is the same elements of nature that will judge you in the Kingdom of Heaven; and everything humble among the humble, judges the whole over the whole; Humility silences the great of the Kingdom; for no one surpasses it in power; all the living wonders of the Kingdom appear diminished before it. To become great in humility is to reach the very Dwelling of the Father; every great one has their own universes, where their respective philosophy prevails; and within their laws, they magnify the Father; just as you believe you magnify Him with your faith. what is above is the same as what is below; Without faith, no one creates a heaven of light; without faith, worlds of darkness are made; because your ideas possess both quality and essence. The salt of life requires faith; without it, you will never enter the Kingdom. and there is no faith that does not have space and time; The writing was: Faith moves mountains; a parable for the laws of matter and spirit; because matter and spirit are one and the same; both stemming from a single God alone; And every molecule possesses spirituality; matter and spirit have the same rights; because no one is lesser before the Father; This Revelation will undermine all earthly philosophy; because it is the only one that unifies what appears to be divided: matter and spirit. you ignore how things were done; you live in them; because you will be judged by them; In your voluntary forgetfulness of how things were made, the divine Father placed the Scriptures in your present; the Scriptures represent the will of the Father; one of His infinite ways of expressing Himself through His divine free will; The psychology of the Scriptures is the living will of the Father; and through its hierarchy, it tests your individualities; for every spirit is tested; space is also present in the readings; and every reading has a hierarchy; each reading is a psychology in the expression of understanding; and among all the readings you can conceive, that of the Scriptures is of the highest hierarchy; and thus, if a spirit is condemned to darkness, a second reading of my divine Word saves him; for your Creator is grateful to those who seek Him; and His rewards are infinite; they have no limits;

because nothing in Him has it; every second of reading you have had in your existence is judged in the Kingdom; if you were taught that your Creator is above all things, it means that He is above all readings; in your preferences; and this law applies to all human thought; Have you studied your Creator second by second in your existences? If that is the case, be assured that you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for you have fulfilled the divine mandate; you have dedicated your free time to understanding the Father above all things; this phrase: Above all things, will be the greatest weeping and gnashing of teeth of an ungrateful humanity; Such a thing happened because of the way of life that was given to you, the demons of capitalism; because all the seconds that have passed throughout your existences were illusions; they did not serve the Father above all things; they served an ephemeral philosophy; whose laws did not emerge from the Kingdom of Light; but rather stem from the imperfections of the demons of ambition; All the virtues that are in your spirit will accuse the spirit of having deceived them; of having an influence that is not eternity in the Light; they will feel divided; because they were allowed a heaven; the promise was made by your spirit; because it has responsibility; if the deluded do not enter the Kingdom, even less will the guilty enter; those who cause the illusion; the demons that sustain capitalism; the damned creators of the rich and the poor; the children of Satan; the members of their damned legions; human suffering is due to these damned ones; who believe they interpret a story; only the story of the humble is eternal; because the new world belongs to them; No exploiter will remain in the world; because the conception of their exploitative philosophies is ephemeral; it does not bear the seal of the eternity of the Father; the fall of these demons will be the fall of the beast; which has many eyes; the eyes of espionage; with which it has taken vengeance on my humble ones; Space will be denied to these demons; both above and below; humanity will likewise take its vengeance on them; with the measure you use, you will be measured. that is how it is and how it will be forever and ever; space is also judged at the very moment when the creatures are judged; And this is how changes happen in each person’s destiny; each destiny called for the law of justice; and it was granted to them; All justice surprises the spirit; it can touch it from above or below; whether it be an embodied creature or a spirit waiting to be reborn; wherever it may be in the vastness of the Universe, justice reaches it; the whole of everything is within it; it exists in the living Universe, a whole network of communications; that envelops everything; a fascinating chapter that will be told to the world; a divine Revelation that will make you shudder; these celestial communications are even faster than the speeds of silver ships; they are so immense that they precede the birth of a future world; Be, little son, that you see daily how the solar parents communicate; Such is divine Father Jehovah; I see by your divine grace colossal phones; one of them wouldn’t fit on Earth; What immense sizes! They are creatures larger than planet Earth! That’s right, my child; they are creatures of the Macrocosm; and you haven’t seen it all; because the whole of the whole has no end; your ability to penetrate the living Universe is increasing; because everything has growth; everything starts from the most microscopic; everything begins from the invisible to the visible; here lies the origin of spirituality; all prophets and all firstborns see the invisible; and extract doctrines towards the visible; because the Trinity is everywhere; space and time, just like you, also have their trinity; because no one is disinherited; All time is composed of infinite cherubs of time; they are what provoke the sensation of living in a time; and all time and space are a detachment of magnetic force that acts upon matter and spirit; Time and space are geometric; they adapt to the thinking creature; they are what the creature feels; In every breath of every creature, a microscopic eternity is formed; it exists within the very present; that is to say, every present is a spark of an eternity that momentarily thinks of a present; the sensible is the cause of the geometric; matter and spirit transform at every instant while breathing; and with each moment, one ages; making use of such microscopic space and time that no one notices the microscopic aging; because no one ages in an instant; you must make use of the time and space that you requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; along with the other virtues; one is born aging; all the virtues asked for equality of time and space; an equality that should have been emulated by your spirit; no one is more, nor is anyone less; you are all equal before the Creator; In a world of trials, humility was set before you as a model of salvation; for every neglect in the requests of life brings risks; and the greatest of all is straying from the commandments of the Father; for the whole world falls into immorality; is this not what is happening to your world? Everything has a cause that stems from an intention; and the cause of your downfall is the demons of capitalism; the only culprits. Those who continue to serve the exploiting demon will not be resurrected as a child in the year 2001; because every promise of the Father is fulfilled. You have two paths in your free will; either continue serving gold, or serve God. there is no middle ground; You cannot serve two masters; you cannot serve two philosophies; because the spirit is divided between Light and darkness; To continue serving gold is to perpetuate ambition; and to pass it on to your children is what has been happening since the very moment the damned pharaohs taught the people of Israel the greed for gold, to the extent of turning this rock into a way of life; which has deceived the world; making this world of trials a world of rogues; because there is no rich person who has not deceived their peers. From these demons has emerged the distrust that you all carry. I truly tell you, that all those who felt distrust towards their brother will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Distrust, in any degree, is unknown in the Kingdom; for no one who is distrustful has ever entered it. and all the immorality you have felt in life due to material possession is unknown in the Kingdom; None of you will enter; for you are accomplices in violating your own promises in the Kingdom; you all promised the Father not to break the Law; and you have done so; great are the fighters and idealists in the eyes of the Father; everyone unjust needs them; and everyone progresses because of them; Poor are those who are blind for the sake of comfort! Poor those who ignored the call of my humble ones! Poor are the comfortable ones of the world! Poor indifferent ones! because of them is the weeping and gnashing of teeth; every act you have done in life possesses time and space; and philosophy; and each act possesses 318 living virtues; and according to your tendencies, so will be your salt of life; thus will be your future physical body in a new birth; you are the geometric result of living knowledge; and you yourselves give shape to your being; because each one creates their own heaven; and you are not alone in life; as many believe; the responsibility your spirit feels is not casual; it was given to you because there was a reason for it; And the greatest responsibility is not believing in oneself; because one would live in eternal disbelief; Trusting in your strengths is one thing; however, believing that you were made only to live is another thing. The first is the cultivation of security; the second is the cultivation of a belief lacking evidence; no one knows its origin because you all asked for it that way; and so it was granted to you; Only a Solar Firstborn gives you Light; for in everything there is a first; millions of beings in this world believe that things happened by themselves; truly I tell you, unbelievers, that you too will wander alone through space; because no living element of the Universe will open its doors to you; whoever doubts the Father doubts the Universe itself; for the Universe is in Him; and He in the Universe; only those who have cultivated faith have company in space; every belief is like a request that becomes reality; and every unbeliever rejects all reality; no unbeliever will enter my Kingdom; nor will any of them be resurrected as a child in the year 2001; because they did not believe in the law; they do not receive the law; all the times and spaces of an unbeliever turn against him; for they accuse him of his own unbeliefs; of his own delays; it is the ultimate test of the spirit; and every spirit must confront the 318 virtues with which it committed to come into alliance with life;

Every spirit is a miniature solar father; and all the virtues of thought are subjected to be tested by the solar spirit. You have evidence both inside and outside; the inside consists of the first causes; the outside is your final cause; the inside is the spiritual proof; the invisible; the outside is the material proof; your judgment made material. No one reaches the subject if they haven’t been microscopic. The entire Universe has this principle; one must be small and humble to become great in the Kingdoms of Heaven; everyone has their Revelations; for no one is disinherited. All planetary dwellings are the result of living requests; of microscopic acts; because everything grows in the living Universe of the Father; it undergoes transformations from the microscopic to the colossal; and in every transformation, time and space pass; everything that has a physical idea is possessed by a planet; because rights exist in all; in the microscopic and in the colossal; rights manifest themselves in the spiritual causes of each one; and many times it happens that what seems like an aberration is not so from the point of view of intention; only the Father knows the intention behind every thought; because it lies in the intention itself; Were you not taught that God is everywhere? and it is in everything unknown and known; in the visible and the invisible; all space and time cry out against those who applied hypocritical justice; because every injustice suffered by the spirit reverberates in the virtues that complement it; and the virtues seek the cause of the violation; and thus, if an earthly judge unjustly punishes, the virtues of the condemned will follow him for all eternity; here lies the cause of many spiritual evils in beings; evils that succeed through many existences; This law is due to the fact that a mandate was given to everyone to fulfill; when this mandate is not fulfilled, its consequences extend throughout the Universe; the most microscopic violation becomes infinite; because the cause that exists in all is infinite; the same happens when the law has been fulfilled; The awards follow many existences; that is why it was written: Because they have already received their rewards; because behind each reward, there are many worlds in which life was lived; every spirit is reborn; Without having lived, there would be neither reward nor punishment; And if there are infinite situations in each person’s life, it is because you lived before; and their consequences are now visible; what is not given in one existence is given in the other; In the Kingdom of Heaven, haste is unknown; haste is a product of human selfishness; one lives enslaved by it; except for the urgency to fulfill what belongs to the Father, no hurried person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; your Creator rewards spiritual courtesy. It was written that your Creator is first in all your matters; haste is a law of darkness; for it is easier for a spirit who cultivated serenity in life to enter the Kingdom than for one who lived in haste. Moreover, hurrying to serve another is rewarded in my Kingdom; he who serves another with the intention of charity serves the Father; for being everywhere, I am also in the mind of every servant; all haste is born from the same philosophy that prevented your entry into the Kingdom; it has emerged from the exploitative capitalism; and it only serves it. The beast’s hurry does not serve the Father; because it does not take it into account; if it did take it into account, it would abolish the hurry; and it would teach to cultivate serenity; there are many bad habits and immoralities that the beast transmitted to you; and even if it had only been a single fault, it is enough to prevent entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; The beast or capitalism, by disregarding my Scriptures, condemned all of humanity; that is why it was written: Let the left be wary of what the right does; is it not the case that the left refers to the people, the exploited, the humble? And isn’t the oppressor, the exploiter, the rich person called the right? Let the humble beware of the immoralities of the rich. because it becomes more difficult for them to enter the Kingdom; because it is easier for one who has realized in time to enter than for one who, seeing, let themselves be carried away; With each passing moment, you drift further from the Kingdom; it is up to you to break free from the world’s exploitation; either you follow the devil, or you follow the light that the Father sends you; remember that you cannot serve two masters; whoever wants to be saved must renounce the illusion with which you were deceived; your free will must choose; No one lacks the Father; He only lovingly demands that sincerity comes forth from you; for in your customs, you have not cultivated true sincerity; nor any virtue stemming from My Commandments; you have cultivated self-serving virtues, which do not align with eternity in the Father. It is for this reason that the inheritance you received from the exploiting demons divides you in the Final Judgment; it divides you above and it divides you below; Above, you are divided between darkness and light; and below, into rich and poor. The world of the future belongs to the humble; for every humble person is first in the Kingdom; all underdeveloped nations will unite around the Lamb of God; they will come together through His Doctrine; and it will constitute the greatest power ever known and that will be known on Earth; only then will the proud understand the power of God; which is expressed first through living Doctrine; and later in nature; every new Law must first be taught; and then executed; to do otherwise would bring chaos to the world; for everyone is deluded; many would commit suicide; believing that the end of the world has come; no children; there is no such thing; what exists is the Final Judgment on a way of life; on a way of life that is not of the Kingdom of Heaven; it is not in my Commandments; and it will be uprooted in human evolution; by judging what the Father did not teach, their followers are also judged; Only your repentance will prevent you from being among the legions of exploitative demons; for no imitator of Satan will enter the Kingdom; by changing your way of life, the principle of repentance will be born in you; which will be taken into divine account; for it is easier for a repentant person to enter the Kingdom than for a proud one. I truly tell you, that no one is greater in the Kingdom, but he who has known repentance; for he had faith and they played with his faith; that is what capitalism has done to you; supported by the rock of human selfishness; backed by the so-called Catholic Church; the same that blesses in my name the damned weapons with which you kill each other; do these exploiters of faith not know that my divine Word says: You shall not kill? Certainly they know; however, they believe they will never be held accountable to anyone; these false prophets of my Word do not understand what is coming for them; every selfish rock that has emerged from their hearts will be shattered; just as they divided my flock into many beliefs; with only one God, just one Creator; why did they do it? They did it out of ambition; because material comfort took hold of them; they should never have done such a thing; no comfortable person enters the Kingdom of Heaven; while millions and millions of beings have nothing to live on, these comfortable and exploitative individuals of faith surround themselves with luxurious temples and cathedrals; Shame on the Universal Trinity! Just like it was in the pharaonic era! It is an immorality according to my divine Law; only the humble have the right to such things; for they are the first; and no humble person would do it. the rock of human selfishness will be the first to be judged; because they have not hesitated to use the same Father to divide the world; they should never have followed the footprints of capitalism; Illusion and exploitation are the two beasts. two living demons who requested philosophical proof in the Kingdom of Heaven; This story of the beasts will shake everyone who has understanding; for everything has come from the Kingdom; and all Light comes from it; The world called Christian will know its future through Telepathic Scripture, just as it happened in the ancient world; every spirit requested this in the Kingdom, and thus it will be granted. An intellectual war or controversy will arise between East and West, over the cause of the Lamb of God; The critics could not be absent; those who think they know everything, yet know nothing; because none of them have been granted the knowledge of the origin of things; nor any doctrine to transform the world; for every critic must first look within themselves, at the beam in their own eye, before pointing out the speck in someone else’s. All the Revelation of the Lamb of God will be made on rolls of cardstock and fine paper; so that the Scripture given to the world may be fulfilled; The scrolls are mentioned in one of the visions of the Scriptures; and their knowledge is limitless; By the fruit, the tree is known; by the power of transformation, the entire Doctrine that comes from God is recognized. And it is enough that a doctrine leads to good, and it is of God; everything contrary to good is evil; it is of the darkness; No doctrine will compare to the Doctrine of the Lamb of God; for none has been given the authority to judge the world; because in the eternal living Word of God, everything possesses hierarchy; a divine order exists in all creation; each doctrine has its time and space in relation to the time and space of creatures; and every doctrine also has its quality and essence; and the qualities and essences of all the doctrines of the Earth will recognize the quality and essence of the Doctrine of the Lamb; for all have come forth from the same source; the Seal of the Lamb of God is in all things; for everything was created; and everything will be; space and time were created following a loving order of solar merit; the eternal succession of times; Everyone left your salt of life; from your sky made of knowledge; because your ideas that travel through space carry the time and space of a philosophy that will expand in both the material and the spiritual. Every idea of yours carries your mark; and according to your thoughts, that is what will be in eternity; it can be a future hell or a future paradise; it all depends on your intention; this Revelation will make demons tremble; for they themselves will have to redeem their worlds; Every creation comes from a living cause and matures in the living; you possess that cause; for no one is disinherited; you are microscopic children of an infinite Father; who can do everything and gives everything; do you not have thinking life? Don’t you travel with her everywhere? Just as the stars move? What is above is the same as what is below; stars and creatures emerged from the same God; and they manifest according to their free wills; they gain experiences by seeking new forms of life; and all return to the Father; this return is included by spiritual request; because no one is disinherited; no one is abandoned; the love of the Father is in everyone; and you are all in the Father; because He is everywhere and does not reveal Himself; He sees everything; yet, He allows everything to unfold in the microscopic dimension of the dust-world; He is divinely accustomed to observing planets and lands, which are like the sands contained in a desert.-



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