Holy writings

Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters.”
Malachi 4:1 “For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud and all who do evil will be stubble; “That day that is coming will burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, and he will leave them neither root nor branch.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my son; This celestial drawing is what comes closest to my divine free will; for, existing the relativity both in matter and in spirit, my divine free will is within them; for I am everywhere; I am infinitely expandable and at the same time contractible; I am in all places and in the most microscopic; in human evolution, the most microscopic are its own ideas; these can be felt but not seen; I am also in them; I am in their very relativity; and I am in their free wills; I am in the 318 living virtues of the human spirit; I am up and down; I am in matter and in spirit; I am in life and in death; I am in the whole of everything; I am in the thought and the unthought; in the imagined and the unimaginable; My divine Essence is divine Fire; a Fire from which the entire Universe has emerged; the Universe is a microscopic variation of my divine Fire; you all have my divine inheritance; you all possess temperature; you possess electricity in your bodies; creatures and planets; there is nothing that does not show signs of fire; the suns and the microbes; the entire Expansive Thinking Universe; and so it shall be for all eternity; living eternity is also fire; which has unheard vibrations for human understanding; fire also has hierarchy; degrees of purity; just like the individualities that are also of fire; and every spirit shines like the fire of a ruby; it shines like a microscopic sun; all are electric; with the flesh being the outer wrapping of the radiant source; meat is also fire; it is an abstract and living product of solar fire; By saying abstract, I mean transient; for the flesh accompanies the spirit only for the journey through life; it is a partnership, in which they march together to gain experiences in the life of the planets; both do so with full awareness; both promise in the Kingdom of Heaven to fulfill the divine Commandments; both belong to the living Universe; both experience one of the infinite forms of life that exist in the Universe; a number that creatures will never be able to calculate; only the Eternal Father knows it; the matter that surrounds man is neither the only one nor will it be; each world formed is made of different matter; its salt is different; Sal means the exit he had from such or such solar philosophy; Ida means Spirituality in a galactic journey; the human body returns to what it once was; the magnetic essence of the Universe itself; Magnetism is matter itself; both are of the eternal fire; human life feels pain and joy; both are also magnetism. And all their virtues are; they are forces of nature; temporarily enclosed in a body; once the body is left behind, all the virtues seek their own infinity; from where they came; before uniting with the spirit; Just as the suns unite with the worlds, so too do virtues unite with a spirit; what is above is like what is below; spirits are microscopic suns; they possess brightness in their relative proportion; they are known in the Kingdom of Heaven as Spirit-suns; suns that are just beginning; they are still so microscopic that even their owners do not see their own brightness; The human spirit is shaped according to its own intentions; if it does not progress according to the Commandments, it remains as a backward spirit; in relation to the time it lives in the Universe; a living time that began in the very suns; for it emerged from there; it came from a greater fire; and it will return to be, too, a brilliant sun of wisdom; it will return to be the same inheritance that was given to it; this teaches that the entire Universe is an infinite hierarchy; and everything is measured by the knowledge attained by each one. this infinite hierarchy is so infinite that not everyone knows each other; a world comes to an end with a marvelous science, and that world disappears from space without being known by the rest; and they are colossal worlds; that by their sizes would fill the human creature with dread; for a molecule of those worlds is infinitely larger than the Earth; just as the Earth you inhabit is unknown to the infinite; And even more: They don’t give you the slightest importance; these beings know that you are a planet – dust; just as they once were; many suns ago; they were small and humble, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; it is the so-called galactic indifference; where the most abysmal creatures and living philosophies are confused; where the impossible exists in infinite degree; they are worlds that have the skies open; and communicate with each other; just as the Earth was in the beginning; just as it was in the paradise known by Adam and Eve; the first human couple; there arrived the silver ships; the ones you call flying saucers; In these worlds, they possess more evolved concepts; They ceased to be flesh creatures many suns ago; ambition, typical of flesh beings, does not exist in them; nor do they possess sentimentality, as they have already gone through that; it is for this reason that they understand the rest of the creatures of space. they are indifferent and loving; they lack human warmth; they have no interests; they are common in their laws; They do not know death; but they have gone through it; when they were creatures of flesh; they know it; and they understand that it is a transformation that spirits undergo; for them, spirits are suns of the microcosm; they are suns that in the future eternity will be like them; they are creatures that have been born more times than the human creature; for they are infinitely older; for the creation of the divine Father has no beginning and no end; however, each child has a beginning and a destiny; within the beginning that is the Father, there are the relative principles of worlds and creatures; all principles strive to reach the principle of the Father; from the very moment the divine Father said:

Let there be Light, and Light was made; it was one of the infinite times He said it; He always utters divine Words when He commands the solar lights to expand and create; Solar Creation is the great Revelation for the world; it explains the origin of all things, both matter and spirit; it explains the origin of the living Universe from the divine Father; it is the Alpha and the Omega of all knowledge; for everything that is known emerged from the same Universe; it came forth by the command of the Kingdom of Heaven, which in turn originated from the same principle that brought forth the Earth and its creatures. What is above is the same as what is below; my divine free will has gone through what you are just experiencing and what you will experience. I was what you are and will be; and I was to such a degree that your own mind can imagine. Everything you feel, the Father felt; for a reason it was taught that your Creator is infinite; an infinity that cannot be understood in just one existence; that is why it was written; one must be born again to see the Kingdom of God; every number carries my divine creative inheritance; not only the earthly number; but all the numbers of all worlds; of those that have been, are, and will be; Every number is alive; every number accompanies an individuality-sun; it accompanies a mind; every number is expansive; every number came from the Father and returns to the Father; every number, when united with a mind, seeks a new destiny; every number possesses free will; just as the spirit does; every number freely chooses its numerical destiny; every number is a microscopic Creator of numerical universes; every number is numerical philosophy; every number is a Creator of spirits; every number is matter and spirit; every number possesses numerical hierarchy; every number knows its Creator; every number possesses solar innocence; every number has its Lamb of God; every number judges; every number possesses a divine Rod; every number came from a numerical trinity; every number attends to all living creation in the Kingdom of Heaven; every number reincarnates; every number has its Final Judgment; every number undergoes trials in earthly life; every number has its divine Commandments; every number possesses its Sacred Scriptures; every number is relative; every number has inheritance; every number guides a way of thinking; Every number knows the formation of meat; Every earthly being knows and distinguishes between good and evil; Every number is part of the whole about the whole; Every number is above and below; every number possesses virtue; every human number possesses 318 virtues; every number participates in final judgments; every number has feelings; every number possesses humility and repentance; every number is revolutionary; all science makes use of them; every number creates sciences; every number is worldly and spiritual; every number forms galaxies of calculation; every number uses the divine Rod in its actions; every number possesses sensitivity; every number participates in the judgment of every spirit; they calculated the pores and ideas of an incarnate spirit; every number is a judge awaiting commands; every number has its own Kingdom of Heaven; it has its own philosophical reign. Every virtue also has its own realm. the Kingdom of Heaven is infinite; the Heavens have no limits; nor will they ever have; The Kingdom of Heaven is the Macrocosm at its highest expression; all beings, while they think, are creating germs of heavens; every virtue that exists within thought has its heaven; every idea that emanates possesses its heaven; the divine Father possesses infinite numbering; this infinite numbering is only a microscopic part of his divine free will; it possesses other infinite calculations; which, due to its eternity, cease to be numerical; they are solar calculations; they are calculations that correspond to intelligences unknown to the rest of the Universe; they are the divine solar Lambs; who possess the same power as the Creator; It is the divine Trinity in the Trinity; it is the primogeniture in the Trinity of the Father; There is no living power that surpasses the divine Lamb of God; it is the same divine innocence of the divine Father Jehovah. the divine Lamb multiplies in a number unknown to the rest of the Universe; not even all intelligences combined will be able to calculate the divine vibration in which the Lamb of God unfolds; nor will that ever happen; The expansion of the Universe is the result of the Father’s inheritance; the Universe exists because He wants it to exist; He wants everyone to be like Him; that by understanding the laws of evolution through evolution, they come to be like the Father. Builder of colossal worlds; not those microscopic worlds; in which their creatures reside; but in worlds whose sizes could not contain one of them, in the entire known universe; worlds that, if visited by human beings, would fill them with dread; because their inhabitants would not see them; and if they did see them, they would pay them no mind; it would be the same indifference that humans feel towards an ant; Moreover, those creatures could step on them; that is to say, they could trample them; and they wouldn’t even realize that they killed some. creatures that have come from a very distant life system; coming from a dust-planet called Earth; this has happened and still happens; they are other planetary stories; and they have been happening since before your dust planet was born; the numbers follow one after another just like the worlds; In the Kingdom of Heaven of numbers, there exists the calculating philosophy; a philosophy as ancient as the Universe itself; her divine inheritance is in everyone; There is no one who does not have measurements; everyone possesses numerical calculation; creatures and worlds; the above and the below; the macrocosm and the microcosm; the visible and the invisible; light and darkness; the microbe and the suns; Even the divine Creator makes use of numerical calculations; being the creator of them, He forms divine alliances with living numbers; He does not infringe upon their free wills; just as He would not like His own to be infringed upon; that is why it was written: Do not do to others what you would not like done to you; this warning refers to the free will of each individual; the living free wills accuse in the Kingdom of Heaven; they accuse when they have been infringed upon; Being in the Abode of the Divine Father, all their memories of experiences come to them; and they are the first to be heard by the Divine Father. free will is the innocence that tests a certain philosophy;

Before leaving the Kingdom of Heaven, every free will promises to respect the other free wills; and all promise each other mutual respect; Many parables aim to teach free will; and all teachings of my Sacred Scriptures were made with a psychology of testing; which is still present in the very interpretation of my commandments; therefore, there are tests in intellect and tests in everyday life; tests in the spirit and tests in the flesh; visible tests and invisible tests; All human thought has a constant difficulty; even in earthly happiness; for happiness is also tested. The most common lack of happiness is the little gratitude towards the Creator of all living happiness; the forgetfulness of the one who gave happiness; the one who gave the breath of life; the one who gave a destiny; From this, it is deduced that all human happiness inevitably ends in weeping and gnashing of teeth; Earthly happiness does not grant eternity; It is a worldly prize; one that must be accounted for; just as every act performed in life must be accounted for; for every act of your mind also asked to be tested in life; no one is lesser before the Father; not even the most microscopic act; everything is alive in the Kingdom of Heaven; everything is life; a life that you are far from understanding; because a momentary forgetfulness of your past was placed upon you; yet, you make this forgetfulness deeper; for your own earthly comfort; you were given Sacred Scriptures and you do not delve into them; few are the children who seek; he who seeks finds; says my divine Word; I have allowed the Scriptures to reach your so-called modern times; I have allowed you to have them at hand; and yet, the unbelieving humanity persists in a voluntary ignorance; my divine Solar Son Christ gave His life to explain to you what this eternal life consists of; which is outside of Earth; my divine Son would have taught you much; but you killed Him; you truncated your own eternities; better is a creature that has not stained its hands with innocent blood; than one that has stained them with sinful blood; and still, no one should stain their hands with blood; for my divine Commandment orders not to kill; la primera interpretación no corresponde para este mundo; es de un mundo más evolucionado que la Tierra; pero que aún está dentro de la imperfección; es sólo un ejemplo para el conocimiento humano; mi divina Bola de Fuego Depurador posee todas las potencias numéricas que vuestra mente pueda imaginar; mi divino Fuego que todo lo arrasa es como vuestra microscópica mente; que bién sabéis es un fuego blanquecino que muchos hijos investigadores llaman Fósforo Mental; y no podía ser de otra manera; pues todo lo he creado; y todo lleva mi divina herencia; lo de arriba es igual a lo de abajo; en sus principios nacientes; los soles son fuegos mentales vivientes; como lo es vuestra mente; ellos poseen libre albedrío e individualidad como lo poseéis vosotros; lo de arriba es igual a lo de abajo; ellos también cumplen leyes; ellos dan Luz a los mundos; entre otras infinitas obligaciones; y reciben órdenes del Reino de los Cielos; ellos flotan en el espacio como flotáis vosotros en vuestro microscópico planeta; lo que sucede en los lejanos soles, lo escribiremos en futuros Planos; es una divina historia que no tiene fín; pues al empezar a contar la historia vivida por un sol, habría que empezar cuando fué un sol-bebé; es decir espíritu-sol; empezando por sus primeros nacimientos o reencarnaciones; es lo mismo; en sus primeros pasos iniciales; cuando empezó siendo un microbio en un lejano mundo; un mundo que por su antiguidad, ya no está en el espacio; pues hasta los mundos poseen vejez; y mueren; tal como las criaturas; lo de arriba es igual a lo de abajo; The suns have always exerted a fascination on the creatures of the planets; they are confused with the Creator Himself; this has led, more than anything else, to the birth of material worship; a worship that had its glorious eras; They were laws that were requested by the spirits of antiquity; they were shown the setbacks this would bring; but they insisted; they insisted on knowing the unknown; they insisted on the cause of their causes; on the cause of their own destinies; and everything was granted to them; asking in the Kingdom of Heaven has eternal significance for the one who asks; to ask there is to seek to know new lives; new worlds; new philosophies; new heavens; new laws; in other words, it is to be reborn to draw closer to the Kingdom of God; this means that the heavens are relative; and the creatures that inhabit them know this; and they desire to conquer higher Hierarchies of Heavens; these creatures know that the highest existence in the Universe is the Dwelling of the divine Father; And they know that to draw near to him, it can only be achieved through wisdom, through knowledge; for work; and there is no other law for it; everything else is vanity born of trials and their imperfections; everything else is a momentary illusion; ephemeral; it belongs to the worlds; and it is called worldly; for one enjoys it while being on a planet; All earthly glory fades into oblivion; only divine doctrines are immortal; they change the very course of evolution; all planets receive the visitation of the Divinity; for the Divinity is responsible for its creations; My divine Firstborn Son was and is a Solar Father; this term should not be confused with Father Jehovah. Everywhere there are parents of their own inheritances; just as on Earth there are earthly parents; who should not be confused with the Eternal Father; What is above is the same as what is below; the divine Father is infinite; and the earthly fathers are finite. Every father has his own philosophy; it’s like saying that every earthly father has his own way of thinking; whatever that way of thinking may be, he remains a father; this means that every creature is responsible for an inheritance; they are responsible for a reincarnation; for when one marries, one is responsible for becoming one flesh; this divine Revelation will shake the great world; where the greatest immoralities are seen; where for a handful of gold, they trample on the divine law of marriage; Woe to you, scandalous ones of love! Poor those who, out of mere whim, tried meat! It would be better for you not to have been born; none of you demons of scandal will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

you will curse one another; you will curse having known each other; from you comes the weeping and gnashing of teeth; no one commanded you to be scandalized; you had free will; Divine Father, what punishment awaits those who are scandalous in love? I will tell you, my child; they will have to pay second by second for the duration of the scandal; plus the time of misfortune caused in their children; this time extends through their influence, up to the third generation; therefore, wealthy in art, you will not be able to carry the Silver Lamb; a symbol of innocence; a symbol of spiritual humility; I truly tell you that no scandalous person will be taken; for no scandalous person will be resurrected as a twelve-year-old child; the year 2001; those who do the deed pay the price; how is it that my humble children, who are exploited by human ambition, do not fall into these violations? You who have great fortunes and boast about it, you will not have the longed-for eternity; to dust you shall return; how you will curse the damned money! Thus you asked in the Kingdom of Heaven; and thus it was granted to you; you had free will in your request; just as in all human requests; let no one complain; life was given to you so that you could gain in morality; and not in immorality; for this, the divine Commandments were given to you; divine mandates for all; for all asked to experience human life; there are no exceptions here; as in the law of death, all must comply; between each one’s destinies and the divine Commandments lies the Alpha and the Omega of all destiny; Human life was chosen in free will by all of you; no one came here forced to experience this kind of life; you were all enlightened in the Kingdom of Heaven; you all saw your own future difficulties; and you all promised to fulfill it until your last breath; even the forgetting of the past was approved by your free wills; therefore, the Final Judgment is also part of your recognition; you entered into a divine alliance with the divine cherubim of final judgments; they are the same divine beings who will resurrect you in new flesh; a flesh that is not born of procreation; it is a flesh born of solar magnetism; a flesh that has a divine alliance with eternity, immortal flesh; flesh that corresponds to the second birth; to the second time; and to the second heaven; my divine Solar Son Christ said: I am life and I am death; he meant: I can replace your mortal flesh with immortal flesh; because everything came from me; what is of my Father is also of the Son; my divine Father is in me, and I in him; my Father and I form one flesh; one spirit; one living command; my Father and I form the thinking communism of the supreme Trinity; all of that and more, my divine Son wanted to tell you in that immortal parable; immortal in the past; and immortal in the present and the future; for the divine Scriptures acquire a new dimension in human knowledge; with the Science of the Lamb of God, the last chapter closes on this microscopic planet called Earth; My divine Son also wanted to announce this to you; when he said: I am the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end; he wanted to tell you: I start every truth with Doctrine, and I end it with Doctrine; for all Doctrine is a living Word, coming from my divine Father; a living God; for a reason my divine Father said: Let there be Light and Light was made; also living words; through them the living universes were born; and you are one of those living essences; Yes, children of the Earth; my divine Solar Son wanted to tell you many things; more, you killed him; I do not blame you; rather, I blame your parents who came before you; The blame falls on those who plotted his death; and not on any race; it is the divine Father who judges; and not men; who neither act with honesty, nor uphold their own earthly justice; fleeting justice; crafted with demonic calculation; for my humble children are not taken into account; for they do not possess enough money; from such justice, not a stone will remain upon another of their building; that is to say, no inheritance will remain of it; my divine Purifying Fire is in all. Well, you possess innocence; your duty in life was to have preserved such innocence unscathed; whatever doctrine you chose as your destiny; to maintain this innocence amidst the temptations of life is the ultimate goal of your spirit; thus you promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; All your thoughts weigh heavily in divine Justice; no thought you had in life is excluded from this divine Justice; you asked for it this way as well; and you also asked that a part of divine Justice be carried out on this Earth; That’s why many punish themselves; others reward themselves. they are pending awards from the past; What is not given in one existence is given in another; If a wrongdoing is not punished or a debt is not paid in this existence, the law is fulfilled in the next; that is the only reason for the infinite variety of destinies seen on Earth. It has always been this way; since the beginning of the world; even Adam and Eve also followed this law; they had many pending laws of destiny; their fall into disobedience was not the first; nor will it be the last; it is a whole galactic history; that the world will know for the first time now; just let it be known about Adam and Eve what was necessary to know about them; It should not be forgotten that the philosophy of Earth is a philosophy of trial; it is not granted to know everything; if it knew everything during the trial period, this philosophy sought by human spirits would be distorted. There are many human beings who criticize how the Divine Father did things; some even rebel; they are ignorant spirits, attached to the present and their comforts; they want to shape the Universe to their whims. They do not know, these spirits of ignorance, that for them to be living, unheard-of events occurred; that there was a colossal sacrifice on the part of the Living Virtues; that the Universe was set in motion and continues to move. These ignorant and ungrateful spirits do not know that just as there are human mothers, there are also solar mothers who create spirits. What is above is the same as what is below; when they know and see it, they will beat their chests in the midst of weeping and gnashing of teeth. everything that was created had a beginning; And every beginning is difficult; nothing is easy in the Universe; there are births of life in the Sky and births of life on Earth; both above and below; The law of creation is universal; it is the same for everyone; the varieties of destinies are created by each individual. awareness of it; On the journey back to true life, which is eternal, every spirit sees with astonishment and shame that beyond human life, there exists an overwhelming activity; an activity that is between worlds; between sun and sun; and if it is an enlightened spirit, it sees and understands with emotion the mission of my divine Firstborn Son; there it comprehends his divine message, whose Doctrine referred to what its spiritual eyes are seeing; the eternity taught and announced by my divine Son is shown equally to all; believers and non-believers alike; the spirit makes the return journey by the same path it took when it reincarnated as a human baby; the same happens with the first spirits; with the spirits that asked to experience living philosophy in other families; and that you call animals; for I must tell you that many of them were human beings in distant worlds; yet, they did not know the philosophy they are living; by virtue of their free will, they asked and it was granted to them; there is everything in the flock of the Lord; and that everything knows no bounds; nothing is impossible for the Creator of your lives; just as He created you, so He created before you the Expansive Thinking Universe; to deny His divine existence is to deny oneself.-



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