Holy writings

Proverbs 8:27-30 “When I formed the heavens, there I was; when he traced the circle on the face of the abyss; when he established the heavens above, when he established the sources of the abyss; when he gave the sea its commandment, so that the waters would not transgress his commandment; When he established the foundations of the earth, I was with him ordering everything.”
Apocalipse 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my little one; the right angle of 90 degrees is the first angle of knowledge; when the spark of fire that is the Earth emerged from the Alpha sun, it did so after following a path shaped like this angle; inside the suns, just as you see it, the sparks of what will become future planets make geometric paths due to their free wills; and these geometric paths are infinite; your number is like the sands contained in a desert; and as you see, even the Alpha and Omega suns continue to create; they keep throwing solar sparks; they keep populating the universe with future planets of flesh; and they will do so for all eternity; In the Kingdom of Heaven, there is celestial time; in which one second of celestial time corresponds to a century of earthly time. therefore your Earth represents a moment in the macrocosm; the right angle of 90° was born at the same time as a tiny point; the microscopic place where the spark emerged; a place of celestial birth, in the Solar Mother; in every sun, events occur, just as they do on Earth; because what is above is like what is below; and so it is that multitudes of solar creatures celebrate, like in an immense carnival, the birth of each world; these creatures are the divine cherubs; solar fathers and mothers; who, entering microscopic dimensions, penetrate the colossal; thus is the Trinity in the Trinity; thus is the whole over the whole; the living communism is in your point of origin; and it is in spirits and molecules; and it will be forevermore; This Revelation means that human selfishness is temporary; it is a philosophy tested for a moment in human eternity; that is why it was written: The Earth will pass away; but my words will not pass away; this refers to the Earth and its exploitative materialism; it does not correspond to the destruction of the planet; because the Father does not destroy His creation; The right angle of 90 degrees is a geometric Trinity; because no one is disinherited; the Solar Trinity of Father Jehovah is everywhere; it is in matter and spirit; All the spirits of exploitative materialism are trinities of darkness; because there is everything in the flock of the Lord. The requests for life made in the Kingdom of Heaven are infinite; even those from worlds of darkness are favored; because nothing is impossible for the Creator of light and darkness. the latest, because the Father allows it; the darkness corresponds to experiences that the spirits underwent in their requests for trials; every trial is an entire infinite universe; because the living universe of the Father has no limits; there exists the universe of errors; and that is darkness; There are infinite kinds of darkness; just as there are infinite kinds of light; or infinite kinds of virtues; just think about it and it exists; the right angle of 90° is a law of all creation; you and your microbes possess your inheritance; and all the elements of nature; nothing exists without having been point, angle, and circle; here is the divine Trinity in infinite triceptation; Trinity means work in spirituality; and trisecting a right angle of 90° in the Trinity has no end; here is the supreme revelation that will shake the world; All the science of the Lamb of God arises from the eternal trisection of this angle; which continues to create new worlds and new sciences; varying the quality and the essence of infinite angles; resulting in infinite sciences in infinite and different ways of thinking; Upon being reborn, each spirit varies its right angle of 90°; because its salt of life or acquired knowledge has changed. the eternal succession of existences brings with it an eternal succession of angles; and each spirit earns its own spiritual hierarchy; The spiritual hierarchy represents the creative power of each individual in the universe; all power is inherited from the Father; and every child aspires to a certain kind of power; and there exists an infinite variety of powers; quality and caliber; There was a power on Earth that was torn away by Father Jehovah; a power of a quality and essence that belonged to another galaxy. This power was known to the world as the pharaonic era; which was and still is the same Satan of the Earth; because these demons created the worship of matter, starting with gold. From this lineage of darkness, capitalism was born; whose spirits date back to this time; because every spirit is reborn; seeks a new existence; and often carries its spiritual inclination to other times on Earth; the inheritance is transmitted.-

Yes, my son; this celestial drawing teaches infinite laws of how the Earth was born in the distant suns Alpha and Omega; these suns belong to the Trino galaxy; a galaxy almost unknown among the countless ones that exist in the infinite; whose number is like the number of grains of sand in a desert; the Trino galaxy has existed for infinite eternities before the Earth; the number of planets in this microscopic galaxy is likewise like the number of grains of sand in a desert; and the galaxies are still expanding; It is the inheritance that everyone possesses; Each creature, by generating ideas at every moment of its existence, perpetuates its own galaxy; its own nature; because each one creates its own sky; thus, galaxies have their origin in their own creatures; that is why it was taught to you: You are the salt of life; because from your knowledge, the expansion of the very galaxy emerges; the expansion comes from itself; within you lies eternity; your galaxy Trino was created from three solar magnetic lines; and from this truth the word Trinity is born; which means the magnetism of Trino in spirituality; Trino represents the cause of a solar cause; it was an event that occurred in the macrocosm, which gave rise to the galaxy Trino; to which your world belongs; Trino is a galaxy of flesh; one of the infinite lives that exist in the universe; flesh is a living philosophy with infinite variety; it is a whole sensation, with infinite lesser sensations; the greater sensation is in the Alpha and Omega suns; and the lesser ones in infinite Earth-like planets; What is above is the same as what is below; because what is above was as what is below; everything great was small; the Alpha and Omega suns continue to create worlds. All your solar system came from Alpha and Omega; and everything that your telescopic instruments can see; and they see nothing; you will never see the limit of your galaxy; because in a short span, you must be reborn; return to another existence; and your free will leads your spiritual destiny to other worlds; to other dwellings; because the Father has many planetary abodes; And even if you are born on Earth countless times, you will never be able to see the edge of your galaxy; because the expansive universe of Father Jehovah moves forward at every moment; in all the times of the worlds; both above and below; The entire Trino galaxy has the inheritance of the right angle of 90 degrees; and so it shall be for all eternity; and within the angle itself, it possesses galactic inheritance; because the quality and nature of thought is infinite; just as your individuality is infinite; and each individual separately creates universes that, stemming from their own idea, possess creatures with the characteristics of that same individual; and this law is fulfilled throughout nature; everything that nature produces came from the thoughts of the Alpha and Omega suns; the characteristics you possess in your spirits and physiques are a microscopic geometric-solar principle; you are just at the first three lines of the infinite that the Solar Trinity possesses; you are just beginning to recognize yourselves; you are an inheritance that has come from above; and your fruit being below is microscopic; you are still of the dust-planets; and you are growing in knowledge; to become a great sun in the Kingdom, you must be reborn again; just as you have been doing since your creation; and many of you deny this law; the same one that gave you the opportunity to become human beings; Nothing should be denied in the Father; because He is infinite; Anyone who denies what belongs to the Father, even if it’s a microscopic denial, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; the renegades in their own laws are unknown in the Kingdom; the Trino galaxy is a galaxy where countless of its worlds have come into contact; and these are worlds older than Earth; because there is everything in the galactic flock of the Father; and the quality and nature of the philosophy of those worlds is also infinite; And there are those who, in ancient times, violated the law of the Father; and they were judged; others did not violate the law; they are the worlds-paradises; your Earth is in the category of a world in atonement and awaits a final judgment; the wait is coming to an end; And this doctrine is your final judgment because you asked for intellectual and physical judgment in the Kingdom of Heaven; the physical judgment includes the resurrection of all flesh; and it was granted to you; just as to the spirits of the ancient world, who asked for physical judgment of waters; and they were granted the flood; others asked for judgment by fire; like Sodom and Gomorrah; there have been infinite judgments on Earth; requested by the same spirits; individual requests and collective requests; and all are granted; here is a law that has been a mystery for human understanding; a law that was requested as supreme justice and supreme test; deaths from accidents and deaths from natural disasters; Every judgment, of whatever kind, is made in agreement; in alliance with the elements of nature; an agreement between matter and spirit; because no one is lesser in progress; matter and spirit have the same rights; when your spirits, which have been momentarily confined in a galaxy of flesh, begin their return, countless cherubs of matter accompany them; the living concept that was held of matter goes with them; because every concept that the spirit has lived is judged in the Kingdom; and material concepts become elements; they become matter; because the Father renews all things; and many times, announcing first with a judgment, the future violation; just as it happened with this humanity; the judgment that this doctrine represents was announced to you from the beginning of the world; the scriptures have many centuries; and many years as well; because an ancient judgment is the same as a modern judgment; the eternal word of the Father does not change; creatures change; because their free wills are changeable; it was only a few celestial moments ago that the Earth was created; a second of celestial time corresponds to a century of earthly time; the Trino galaxy is the same one you are used to seeing on starry nights; from countless worlds, they observe you; just as you observe them; What is above is the same as what is below; and the same is said in those worlds; your science seeks to reach other worlds; I truly tell you, that none of you will reach any planet; until the last letter of my writings has been fulfilled; no one acts alone in the universe; And if you reached your satellite Moon, it was because you asked for it that way; and it was granted to you; it was a request from living intelligence; to demonstrate that with intelligence one can go far; Even more: I truly tell you, it would have been better for you not to have ever traveled to your satellite; if at the moments you did, there was a violation of my law; was there not hunger in your world when you left it? Certainly, there have been and still are great calamities; and I truly tell you, that none of those who reached the Moon will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor any scientist of earthly science; so it is and so it will be until the end of this world; the Trino galaxy is a galaxy that emerged from a tiny spark, from an ancient time, simply terrifying; the current universes did not exist; and those that did, did not either; and the universes that did not exist are as numerous as the grains of sand in a desert; No earthly science will be able to tell others about its own past; for none of you asked for the memory of the past; just as you did not ask for the memory of your existences; nor the memory of how your world was made; because your philosophy is a philosophy of trial; which includes forgetting yourselves; and you did not ask to know the future; except for microscopic requests; which do not influence the mandates of the Father; And woe to him who, having powers of clairvoyance or any other spiritual power, has traded it; who has made a living from it; because no merchant of the spiritual will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; everything will be known; for along with the final judgment, you asked for the knowledge of how things were made; and you were granted the Science of the Lamb; the same that is in the scriptures; the Scroll and the Lamb; the Scroll refers to the celestial plans; and the Lamb, a solar philosophy that comes from the Father; No one more gentle and humble in creation than the Lamb of God; and no one more just and joyful than the philosophy of the Lamb; divine saying in the Macrocosm also called the Kingdom of Heaven; this Kingdom governs all the kingdoms of the universe; these kingdoms are as numerous as the grains of sand in a desert; each of your ideas constitutes a kingdom; that expands in space, throughout eternity; the kingdoms are the heavens; because each world is surrounded by a space called heaven; and the heavens have no limit; only the Father knows the limit; and knows the names of all the worlds; of those that have been, are, and will be; The Trino galaxy has a magnetism composed of three magnetic lines per cherub;

new and unknown concept of matter; Do not be surprised by this; wasn’t the coming of a new world announced to you? New World means new laws in the material and spiritual realms; which translates into new morals; new concepts; what was believed to be so, falls away; Because the limit of your tests is the same principle of the doctrine of the Lamb of God; and it is at the same time the principle of principles; because new principles begin. The doctrine of the Lamb of God has no end; for the one who writes it is from an eternity before you; there is everything in the flock of the Lord; and by the fruit, the tree is known; by the content of a doctrine, it is known whether it comes from God or not. the science of the Lamb will unify the world; For it is written that this world will never be unified by weapons; for he who kills by the sword will die by the sword; because by killing, hatred is perpetuated and new massacres are prepared. Poor are those who prepared to kill their fellow beings! Poor those who joined the metal and the shrapnel! Poor those who belonged to the sinister armed forces! because they are forces of darkness; no demon dressed in this philosophy enters the Kingdom of Heaven; and none of those who have departed have entered; I truly tell you, that the weeping and gnashing of teeth begins in this world; and no creature that had malice in life enters the Kingdom of the Father; Evil, even in the most microscopic degree, is unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; and because you human spirits asked to adhere to the highest moral standards; a morality identical to the morality of the Father’s Commandments; this morality must be upheld at every moment of your life; second by second; and not for a second or less should it be abandoned; he who fulfilled what was instructed shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; And if you don’t enter, it means the mandate was violated; violated in a millisecond or less; this strictness, you asked for it. and it was granted to you; the microscopic aspects of matter and spirit also partake in the justice of the Father; they have the same rights as the colossal. what is above is the same as what is below; And in the heavenly orders, everyone participates; boys and girls, regardless of their shape; all are equal before the Father; therefore, do not complain about what is to come; You were given free will; and control and responsibility over it; the intention for good and the intention for evil came from yourselves; no one forced you; And if you were induced, you are entitled to a third of a whole; and the three thirds belong to the demon that led you to evil; this law applies equally to every violation in itself; that is to say, if the body was abused for the sake of abuse, the living molecules of your body will claim three thirds of a whole; and this is molecule by molecule; because one molecule possesses free will, different from another; and there are trillions of them; the molecules of your flesh also possess sex; and that is why you all have crossovers in your sexual feelings; More, you were given only one sex; a living sex; which also possesses free will, just as your spirit does; woe to those who scandalously displayed their sex! It would have been better for you not to have asked to know human life; for you would be in the Kingdom of Heaven; and woe to those who displayed their bodies or parts of them in photographs, film, magazines, or television! For you will be cursed by the generation; woe to you, demons of scandal, if the innocence of any child saw what was forbidden to him before leaving the Kingdom! you will be cut off from all future life; spawn of immorality; the last damned legion of Satan; Yes, my child; I know you think about these demons; I know you see the horror of these damned ones; In distant worlds, they did the same; they left immorality to other creatures; because every imitator does not enter the Kingdom; and I see that the imitators are on the rise. I truly tell you that all scandalous humanity does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for nudity and exhibitionism do not know each other. I truly tell you, you will curse your customs; and you will curse your parents; and the parents will curse their parents; amidst weeping and gnashing of teeth; because every custom comes from someone; and if you had a father and mother, the blame falls upon them; and woe to the parents who did not teach their children the first of the readings! because the Kingdom does not belong to them; the first of the readings is the sacred scripture; “Weren’t you taught, materialistic and illusioned parents in the ephemeral, that one should first please the Father above all things?” Why did you not teach your heritage, my divine word? Because of your selfishness, your children will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for what they promised to the Father was not fulfilled; you turned them into violators of their own promises; truly I tell you, that every custom not taught by the Father does not enter the Kingdom; for it is unknown in spiritual requests; Every request for life is written in the solar books; and your life is a living writing; the smallest details are recorded; even the number of your breaths; and the number of your pores, cells, hairs, etc.; Nothing is left to chance in living writing; because everything is created from the living word of the Father; From the very moment the Father said: Let there be light, and light was made, the colossal suns of the expansive thinking universe began to generate magnetism; born from their solar fires; and amidst living multitudes of all the geometric shapes you can imagine, emerged the spark that is today the Earth; which still retains the hereditary fire of that spark; a microscopic fire that matured, just as your fruits do; in the maturity of the primordial fire, water and earth emerged; all elements possess hierarchy; and from the greater come the lesser; your fire was first; water second and earth third; to help you understand, imagine a welding in a state of boiling; during the liquid state, many laws occur; many gases move; transport yourselves with your mind to the colossal; and from a microscopic welding in boiling, you have a burning lava; one process is very short; the other immense; because it employs everything to a greater degree; yet, the greater was born from the lesser; the spark was the size of a pinhead; even more; it came from the invisible to the visible; but it did not come from nothing; because you would be nothing; the beginning of the Earth was fire in transformation; and that transformation continues; you do not realize the current transformation; but I will tell you that one day passed is not the same as another; although it may seem so; because at every moment the temperature of the central fire of your planet varies in microscopic degrees; this variation has been occurring since the beginning of the world; and it is the beginning of the very slow aging of the Earth; an aging of which you are unaware; and from the very moment this slow process began, the deviation of the Earth’s polar axis started; a deviation that runs parallel to the spiritual deviation of creatures; because what happens in the spirit reverberates in matter; when the world was created in the Kingdom of Heaven, it was created from matter and spirit; there were divine alliances between the two; known in the Kingdom as the Ark of the Covenant; an ark that starts from a microscopic spark; from a dust-world; from a tiny point lost in the vastness of space; and conceived by colossal creatures; who have no limits in their forms; nor in their bodies, philosophies, and destinies; the Kingdom of Heaven, see worlds like yours as tiny dots suspended in the infinite; because no one is greater, but the Father; what is necessary is to amplify them; to enlarge them; just as you do with microbes; What is above is the same as what is below; and this divine process takes place in colossal solar televisions; which have no limits; because we must attend to worlds and creatures that do not have a fixed limit; and they are found at sidereal distances; With the entire universe, there is a colossal task; just like in your world, one must tend to and care for a beautiful valley; putting this in and taking that out; improving the land; perfecting its plants; the same happens with regard to other worlds; what is above is the same as what is below; every scene that occurs in your world occurs in others; because your ideas are legacies made into planets; that is why it was written: you are the salt of the earth; and what you have, others have already had; because Earth is neither the first nor will it be the last; for there is everything in the Lord’s flock; and since the Creator is infinite, that everything translates into infinite worlds; the seed of ideas is the galactic inheritance that endures everything; because your planet Earth will come to an end, and your seed will be germinating in space; giving rise to microscopic planets; And alongside this law, there are your materialist philosophies; ephemeral knowledge; because no materialist science will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; for it was born from a principle that did not take the eternal into account; materialism is a philosophy that was tested by your Creator; and that is why the doctrine of the Lamb of God judges it; it is a judgment that the very materialist spirits requested in the Kingdom; because what happened above was a challenge to the Father; a challenge that is not of your psychology; but a living truth born in the living and tested in a matter that, while having movement in its entirety, was inert within; the materialist spirits were deluded by the smallness that their eyes could grasp; that was the error of these spirits; they believed they knew everything and know nothing.-



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