Holy writings

Ezekiel 1:10 “As for the shape of their faces, the four had the faces of men; and a lion’s face on the right side of the four; and they had the face of an ox on the left on all four of them; They also had the face of an eagle.”
Colossians 1:16 “For in him all things were created, things in heaven and things on earth, visible and invisible; be thrones, be dominions, be principalities, be powers; everything was created through him and for him.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, my child; the cherubim are living essences; this means that they control the molecules of the material universe with knowledge of the cause; The life of cherubim is one of their qualities; for they are inseparable for all eternity; the story of the cherubim is the story of the free will of the Father Himself; because eternity has no beginning or end; because its antiquity cannot be calculated by anyone; If everything came from a Father who has no end, then His creation also has no end; In all the worlds of the universe, the same thing is discussed: the origin of what has been created; there exists in all the evolutions of the universe, a knowledge yet to be understood; there exists a search; no matter how advanced the sciences of the worlds may be; this is equivalent to the parable: those who seek will find; everything that was given to you in scriptures was also given to the universe; for you are not the only ones; you will never be. only the Father is unique; The laws of the Father not only refer to one world; because in it, everything is infinite; it has no limits in anything; your science is microscopic to understand the infinite; one must be born again to begin to comprehend the infinity of God; no one is born knowing everything; because such a creature does not exist; only the Father knows everything; knowing everything is the goal of thinking beings; it is because of this desire that the expansive thinking universe exists; the cherubim are creatures that know enough to govern among living molecules; you would not place a novice in positions of responsibility; this is how it is with these solar children; You have the power of intelligence; however, you are just beginning; the cherubim started when there was no material universe; when there was no desire to seek; they had already sought; and they had found; what for you is a recent beginning, for the cherubim is a past; an experience already lived; they are the alpha and the omega of all that exists; because their salts of life give them such powers; to become matter is for them, as for you, to become human spirit.- Yes, my son; the celestial drawing explains infinite laws of the universe; The suns are also connected by a solar cord; just as you have an umbilical cord; what is above is like what is below; eternity itself is like a cord; in which worlds and suns shine like pearls; and form in the universe the most whimsical shapes; they are the galaxies; each galaxy is a celestial mandate that was requested by the very elements of the universe; matter has the same rights as spirit; you requested a body of flesh, so does matter; its essence is living matter; which develops and grows, just as you develop and grow; matter was born along with you; your origin is solar and with infinite alliances; no one is only spirit nor is anyone only matter; you are both; and you cannot deny it; since you live it; the cherubim are magnetic lines that participate in all that is created; it is a hierarchy that is the same solar trinity; the origin of the universe that you ignore is composed of these magnetic lines; If your science could transcend the visible, it would reach the magnetic lines; it would reach the spiritual world; it would reach the world of the eternal; to the world where it was created; to the invisible world; don’t forget that to achieve it, you must go through the transformation process called Death; Death is the cessation of the physical activity of a spirit in a certain dimension; many of you are frightened by death; you asked for fear in all your virtues; and it was granted to you; death is also a philosophy just as life is; matter and spirit are living philosophies; because no one is disinherited; death is not the end; because everything that the Father Jehovah creates is eternal; in its quality and essence; the end is known by the Father as He knows every beginning; no creature in the universe knows the beginning and the end; because they do not have sufficient knowledge for that; since the material universe has existed, the search has been the same; the eternity of the Father has neither beginning nor end; Your philosophies, the ones you teach in your universities, are microscopic philosophies before the Father; and truly I tell you that any philosophy and any knowledge that did not take the Father into account will not allow its creators and followers to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because whatever knowledge or philosophy you followed in the worlds, you always return to the same point of origin; every philosophy that came to you along the path of your life was requested in the Kingdom; and it was granted to you; and not only the knowledge or instruction that was given to you; but every idea; moment by moment; even your gestures and your way of being; none of your philosophies will remain; because they are not trees planted by the Father; and by their roots they will be uprooted from human evolution; every request made in the Kingdom has its time; just like every scene in creatures; even your life has its time; and truly I tell you, that anyone who provoked scandalous scenes in life will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; None of your philosophies have such power; for they stem from the legalized immorality of materialism. The cherubim of knowledge and philosophies will accuse you before the Father of not fulfilling your promise, which you yourselves made in the Kingdom of Heaven; did you not promise to uphold the laws of the Father above all else? The term: Above all things, includes above all philosophy; do your philosophies have the scriptures of the Father as their foundation? Certainly not; because if that were the case, this world would not be divided; for the Father’s Commandments were given to all, with the divine intention of unifying human philosophy; they are the libertines of the world, the ones responsible for the lack of harmony in this world; I truly tell you that every libertine who took the liberty of creating philosophies or knowledge without considering the laws of the Father will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Not fulfilling what one promises to the Creator of life is to deny the Father; one must fulfill, not just in words but in deeds. Here is an accusation for a world that claims to be Christian in words but not in deeds; the true Christian studies the scriptures, and studies them above all things, above all readings, above all philosophies, above all knowledge; because he who seeks, finds; he who calls himself a Christian and does not care about the laws of the Father is a false prophet of my word; and he does not make himself worthy for the Creator to grant him spiritual powers; the ignorant is never rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven; and along with being a false prophet of my word, he is an anti-Christ; because it is enough to violate even a microscopic part of my divine law to already be an anti-Christ; every doctrine possesses a whole over the whole;

It is the complete promise of what you promised; thus demands the perfection of the Father, within your living imperfection; the cherubim of the promise feel deceived; and they seek justice from the Father; behold the weeping and gnashing of teeth, of an entire religious world; that was led by the blind of the laws of the spirit; blind guides of the blind; because the error of the blind created in the Christian world, millions and millions of blind; a false concept of the Father’s laws; a falsehood that will cost this world its entry into the Kingdom of Heaven; the cherubs await in the Kingdom, your return; one by one, you are called to be judged; And I truly tell you, that no religion which divides the faith of my humble ones is known in the Kingdom; nor any philosophy that has divided the world; Only Satan divides himself; in the Kingdom, no one is divided; there exists celestial communism; with a child’s philosophy; And I truly tell you, that even you are strangers; this is because in the Kingdom, there is no limit; everything is infinite; and no one knows where it ends; only the Father knows; were you not taught that you are from dust and to dust you shall return? It is the same; because you are microscopic and no one sees you in the infinite; and there are infinite Earth-like planets that are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; their number is like the number of grains of sand in a desert; here is the greatest revelation that thinking spirits can receive; weeping and gnashing of teeth await you; give thanks for this to those who divided your faith; it is the religious rock; the rock of spiritual selfishness; The rock is a term used to denote selfishness in the Kingdom of Heaven; the rock has never been synonymous with eternity; for there is no rock that does not turn to dust; the divine Father, anticipating all future events, foresaw the fall of the so-called Catholic Church; that is why the term rock represents, in many centuries of foresight, the fall of the religious rock; and similarly, the term beast signifies the future fall of the exploitative philosophy called capitalism. He who exploits a fellow being cannot be an angel in the Kingdom; It is from the hierarchy of darkness called the beast; a galactic story that represents the past and eternity of many materialistic spirits; the less evolved spirits of the Kingdom; those who confine and isolate themselves in a single present; here are others blind to life; they created a science, which is a complete illusion; a fleeting comfort that diverted your destinies; just as the religious rock did; by teaching you material worship; a worship that is not pleasing to Father Jehovah; because you were taught: You shall not worship any image, temple, or likeness; the true worship that pleases the Father is the practice of work; the spiritual merit; and truly I tell you, there is no more eternal temple in the entire universe than the temple of work; you could never have known any religion, for work is the salt of life; the term son of man, and the teaching of being humble in life, proclaim work as the philosophy of eternity; and your Creator is the first worker of the universe; since He created everything; yes, children of the world; It is sad for you, the revelation; yet, the pain came from within yourselves; you had the opportunity; a whole life; just as you asked for in the Kingdom; the Father fulfilled by giving you life; you did not fulfill; since you do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; Blessed are those who tried to be humble; amidst the corruption of a world; for spiritual merit is greater; Blessed be those who were exploited; blessed be those who were despised; blessed be those who were deceived; Blessed are the humble of heart; for theirs is the resurrection of their flesh in the year 2001. because all will be resurrected as twelve-year-old children; it was written that theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven; theirs is the Millennium of Peace; theirs is the Universal Government; the innocence of children triumphs over all the philosophies of those who called themselves adults; here is the fall of human error; here is the mistake of a world; here is the beginning and the end of two causes; the end of an illusory world; and the beginning of the humble; the beginning of true spirituality; the spirituality born from the humble; the first among the first, before the Creator; a right that was momentarily halted by a group of demons of ambition; who created a dynasty called the world’s wealthy; an inheritance from Satan; a group of spirits emerged from the shadows to test a philosophy in a world of light; a challenge in the macrocosm, and tested in the microcosm; what is above is the same as what is below; In your past, events have occurred similar to what you are experiencing in the present; because all eternity is an eternal succession of existences; and you do not remember them because you yourselves asked for forgetfulness of the past; a forgetfulness that is relative to each person’s intuition; one is born intuitive because that is what you asked for; only intuition penetrates into different and infinite degrees, your past; those who believe they do not have developed intuition do so because that is what they requested; In the laws of the spirit, you know nothing; because you do not know what your origin is; how it was born; what happened. And I truly tell you that every unknown event came from the known; because everything emerged from the same original point; because your Creator does not need to create difficulties in His own work; were you not taught that He was and is infinite? its way of creation knows no bounds; here is one of the infinite ways in which you were tested; the uncertainty that each one carried in their life regarding their origin; an uncertainty that you yourselves requested; it is part of the same forgetfulness of your past; you asked to live a present; a present in the flesh; which is a form almost unknown in the universe; Life forms have no limits; nor will they ever have. worlds succeed one another like creatures; There exists an infinite materialized in what you think; everything exists; infinity itself nullifies importance; here lies the cause of the simplicity and humility of every Prophet and every Firstborn Son; because they see the infinite; they see what the rest of mortals do not see; the fact that some see and others do not is part of the evolution within yourselves; those who see did not see in the past; and those who do not see will see in another rebirth; in another existence; in another moment of life; Seeds have infinite qualities and characteristics; some are more recent than others; some bear one fruit, while others bear another fruit; for there is everything in the flock of the Father; here lies the quality and characteristic of the whole over the whole; what each thought contains; what you are and will be; because from your entirety comes the entirety of your future; and being in the entirety of your future, made present, you are creating for the next entirety; here is the form you will have in each rebirth; from yourselves comes the quality and characteristic in your alliances with the elements of nature.-


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