Colossians 1:16-17 “For in him all things were created, things in heaven and things on earth, visible and invisible; be thrones, be dominions, be principalities, be powers; everything was created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things consist.”
Job 38:4-7 “Where were you when I founded the earth? Let me know, if you have intelligence. Who ordered his measurements, if you know? Or who stretched the line upon it? On what are its bases founded? Or who laid its cornerstone, when all the morning stars praised, and all the children of God rejoiced?”
Yes, little one; we will talk about your own planetary abode; about planet Earth; which belongs to the Trino galaxy; of yellow dwarf sun; of the worlds of fleshly creatures; worlds called dusts, in the Kingdom of Heaven; Earth belongs to the microscopic worlds; in such a way that it is unknown in most of the universe; only the divine Father knows the name of all the worlds, suns, and galaxies; and he knows them even before they are born into material life; Earth belongs to the micro-cosmos; to a dimension so microscopic that the silver ships have to shrink; for there exist flying saucers, larger than Earth itself; my expansive and thinking divine creation has no limit; neither in number, distance, shape, weight, nor dimension; nor will it ever have; from every thinking creature, colossal material worlds are born; the divine inheritance of the divine Father Jehovah is possessed by all his children of the universe; starting with the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; these first ones are the so-called animals; for the divine Father, there are no animals; there are children; whatever form they have; when someone creates something, and that something is living, they praise it; they exalt it, and do not belittle it; they call it their daughter or their son; my divine love is common to all; it is the same for all; and the whole universe knows me as the first communist of love; even my sacred scriptures demonstrate this; if the world had been guided by them to govern itself, the world would not know money; it would be a paradise-planet; and it would not have to face a final judgment; for no one would exploit anyone, there would have been a single government for many centuries; the patriarchal government; in which the wisest, the oldest, and the humblest should govern; no one has the right to govern unless they are humble; the divine parable has been announcing it for many centuries: The humble are the first; on Earth, as in the Kingdom of Heaven; whoever does not cultivate the humility and joy of a child in their character, does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; whoever enriched themselves on Earth by exploiting their brothers is rejected in the Kingdom of Heaven; whoever never tried to study and understand their divine Creator, does not know eternal glory; they go to worlds whose philosophy is ingratitude; whoever denied me on Earth will be denied in Heaven; they will be denied by all divine hierarchy and received by the king of darkness; for one cannot serve two masters.- Yes, son; this celestial drawing explains the following: The solar spark from which Earth was and is, came from the Alpha and Omega suns; Alpha means the beginning of all life; Omega means the End of a beginning; that is, the end of a system of life on Earth; the end of exploitative materialism; divine justice; the Alpha and Omega suns make one sun; when they are creating; that is, when they launch solar sparks; of what will be future planets; these suns still launch sparks; for there reigns celestial time; in which one celestial second corresponds to a terrestrial century; each spark brings within itself its own germ of its future nature; there is condensed material time; material space; gravity; density; molecular cohesion; and everything that human intelligence has studied and discovered; all the elements of planetary natures were and are divine alliances of divine intelligences from the solar luminaries; everything is a loving product of solar heat; here is the divine origin of the expansive thinking universe; it could not be otherwise; the divine Father Jehovah is divine living fire; and the whole universe carries his divine inheritance; nothing exists if it has not had temperature; death itself struggles with it; there can be no death while the spirit sustains spiritual heat; each spirit is a product of solar knowledge; and each act in the life of every creature becomes temperature; behind magnetism is the mandate of divine alliances; these divine alliances are living virtues; that every spirit feels; but does not know how to explain them, in most cases; one lives and does not know why one lives; one cannot define oneself; only a divine Revelation can explain the inexplicable; for the mystery itself is living magnetism with a philosophy of mystery; which reduced to its own causes, reaches the divine alliances; that are behind living magnetism; and long before it materialized in a present dimension; magnetism develops, it begins starting from the suns themselves; and each sun receives it by inheritance from another sun; and this one from another; and so on, as far as the mind can imagine; magnetism is not the same in each world, it never will be; for there cannot exist free wills that evolve equally; the human creature who studies magnetism, as explained by the divine Revelation, must never forget that the entire universe is living; that everything has its own life, that death itself does not exist; that what is known as death is only a transformation; birth into life is also a transformation in the spirit; one is born to learn and understand life more; one comes to life and returns from life; human life and that of all worlds are like courses of study for every spirit; the spirit feels the magnetic and irresistible force to know more; they are the great researchers of the universe; How differently a spirit thinks when it is in the celestial world! in this world, it has no forgetfulness of its past; it remembers and even sees the solar abodes; it feels attracted to them; and according to the degree of its purity, it falls into divine ecstasy of reverie; and believes it is living in a living dream; which is as real as life itself; this was made known to the world many centuries ago: Every spirit sleeps the eternal sleep; with the divine novelty that it is not like the sleep of Earth; for on Earth, sleep is subject to the rest of the fleshly body; it is tied to the free will of the body; it is subject to physical laws; in the celestial world, such a limit does not exist; the spirit according to its magnetic purity encompasses the infinite; it moves through it at the speed of human thought; this speed is one of the slowest known in the universe; one of the fastest would be the divine thought of the solar luminaries; these speeds are relative to solar purities; or solar hierarchies, magnetism is a living calorie; it produces all the phenomena of nature; nothing exists that does not have magnetism; without magnetism nothing would exist; neither matter nor spirit; light itself is magnetism; and no molecule escapes its influence; light matures nature; makes infinite transformations; makes a gigantic tree sprout from a seed; and from a microscopic spark, a colossal planet emerges; the principle of magnetism is not in the planets themselves; nor in the suns themselves; they only cooperate to express it in their own natures; the origin of magnetism comes from the Father; it comes from the 1; and turns the 1 into infinity; and all return to the 1; after living in their own flesh, a living magnetism; which is equivalent to living a living philosophy; magnetism is spirit; living force coming from God; what his creatures do when they are born again is to test and experience new magnetisms; by approaching the divine Father, they acquire magnetic vibrations so high that if those creatures were on Earth, they would displace the balance of the planet; everything would transform; they would make the inert molecule regain its living life; their germs of solar innocence would feel shaken and would feel like a sweet call, the strong magnetic vibration;
at any point in the universe, a similar event can occur; and it is what will happen when the Firstborn Solar comes to Earth, Brilliant as a sun of wisdom; his divine magnetism will shake the elements of nature; who recognize in him, the divine Father; they recognize him by the magnetism of love, made mandate; no molecule on Earth will be able to escape his divine influence; only the Holy Trinity can awaken the original intelligence contained in matter; if matter did not have intelligence, it would not let anyone live; the terrestrials would not have planet Earth; everything would be chaos; and it would be a world of darkness; only in the worlds of light does living order exist; their divine alliances obey a single plan; no one divides anyone; the truth being one, is expressed in different forms; forms called thinking destinies; which will never have any limits; each molecule of matter is also an intelligence; it is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; for it was humble and silent on a distant planet; molecules acquire colossal proportions; this happens when a world has finished its life trial; everything has its time; both in matter and in spirit; a world and its spiritual creatures are made to the perfect measure; they are inseparable destinies; one contains the other; and both end in the Kingdom of Heaven; they reach the same point from where they left; only a few celestial moments ago; for a celestial second corresponds to a terrestrial century; and meanwhile, in the elapsed time that goes from a second to a century, infinite solar sparks have been born; which will give rise to other planets; but with different times, magnetisms, space, and different philosophy; the characteristics of the differences are infinite; for each future molecule will never be the same as another; neither in its own world, nor in comparison with another planet; it happens perfectly the same with human creatures; there is no individuality the same as another; the diversity and variety of the creation of the divine Father Jehovah begins with the most microscopic; and the same scenes are never repeated; this shows that each creature by emanating ideas is creating new magnetisms; it is creating its own heaven; for according to its own works, is the purity or impurity of its magnetism; this magnetism is its future destiny; with it, the future world in which it will be born again will be created; it is thus, for example, that the scandalous ones who mocked the morality of the divine Commandments, exhibiting and ridiculing the microscopic pores of the flesh, exposing them to the contemplation and malice of the world; these unfortunate creatures do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; scandal has never led to it; these creatures, worthy of pity, will curse even having been born; these beings go to worlds of their own philosophy; driven by their own magnetisms of scandalous philosophy; and perpetuate for eternities, entering the Kingdom of Heaven; magnetism is spirit; and spirit is magnetism; being both the same thing, they attract each other wherever they are; they are inseparable; magnetism feels attracted by the knowledge that nourishes the spirit, it transforms at every moment; while the spirit acquires experience in a sensation called Life; magnetism gives power to the spirit; and the spirit governs that power; to achieve this, every spirit has to define itself in its own intentions; one cannot serve two masters; two powers; either one serves the demon or one serves God; one is demonic power, or one is divine power; one is the magnetism of darkness, or one is the magnetism of light; the latter being the first in all eternity; magnetism is alive; it separates from the spirit in the Kingdom of Heaven; this happens when every spirit is called to account for its life; that moment lived on a microscopic planet; when a spirit is before the divine Father, it is completely naked; there is nothing hidden there; everything around it has life; it is living matter; and this delight of conversing with living matter is proportional to the humility of the spirit itself; it is proportional to its beliefs; to its morals; when the spirit has been unbelieving in planetary life, its presence in the Kingdom of Heaven causes infinite pity; and the very real presence of a living Heaven causes the spirit to be frightened, its own conscience accuses it; it asks for justice; it is innocent of the pride of a proud spirit; who denied it in life, such sublime truth; the conscience also possesses free will; as does the spirit; and as does every microscopic pore of the flesh; which by this divine law, are great in the Kingdom of Heaven; it was written: Every humble one is a great virtue in the Kingdom of Heaven; and theirs is the destiny of every paradise that has come from the Father; for being humble, their magnetisms assimilate without difficulty, with the divine light; the divine magnetism attracts all magnetism according to its purity; a spirit that has violated even in a microscopic way, the divine law, ceases to be pure; it ceases to have power in the Kingdom of Heaven; its own magnetism feels rejected; its accumulation of knowledge has the committed fault; the 318 virtues of which the human spirit is composed, are impregnated with a certain degree of darkness created magnetically by the spirit; these 318 virtues are divine alliances of divine cherubim; they represent 318 virtues-philosophies; and every spirit making use of its living free will, chooses in each idea emanated by the mind, and unconsciously, one of them; not knowing this on the part of the spirit, constitutes the divine spiritual mechanism, of every test that occurred in life; therefore, every spirit is tested living a present; if the spirit knew the future, the Earth would not be a world in trial; in distant galaxies, this happens; they are worlds more advanced than Earth; they possess other evolutions; and other divine scriptures, for the principle of my creation was simultaneous; to an infinite degree; no one in the universe knowing who was first; one must be born again to know it; and the universe is just being born; therefore it is a matter of perfection in the creature; no one is first before the Father, but he who has been humble; he who has never scandalized in any of its forms; he who is first before the divine Father, is so by his own merit; there is no law of exception in divine perfection; what is called the law of exception on Earth, is still a test of double intention; for it can be a temporary reward, or a temporary punishment; it all depends on the intentions and conscience of the spirit; every conscience is living magnetism; that needs time to initiate a determination; and to put into mental play, one of the 318 divine virtues; and it needs another time to mix by mental inertia, the spirit and its magnetism; forming an idea; that encloses a realization; this realization reverberates around the body; it reverberates in its very nature; in its very eternal essence; that is why it is recorded in the magnetism of the spirit; which is a microscopic television; which being small and humble, is great in the Kingdom of Heaven; this means that every spirit upon arriving at the abode of the divine Father, its spiritual-magnetic television, acquires gigantic proportions; and the spirit is shown naked before god; every spirit sees in amazement, that its own scenes in which it participated in life, acquire life; they are living creatures; and that they possess laws, which he as a spirit, never suspected; needless to say, the wicked are filled with dread; and the good feel they have found, the divine reward; for here no one lives the false; the artificial; what is hidden; as the demon hides in all occult science; the divine Father creates his divine laws, in the light of the whole universe; he hides nothing from his children; his creation hides nothing from Creation; whoever hides a truth from his brothers, hides it from the divine Father; for it is in the mind of every deceived one; it is written that the Lord is everywhere; therefore there can be nothing hidden; much less, a cursed science that belonged to the worst executioners, that the planet Earth has known.-
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