Holy writings

Genesis 1:27 “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Apocalypse 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

What will come


Telepathic Scroll


Yes, little one; ideas were born at the same point where matter and spirit were born; that place was the Alpha sun of the Trino galaxy; ideas were fertilized by the Omega sun; Alpha and Omega made a single sun; it is the law that was given to you, it was also given above; to you it was said: And they will make one flesh; one marriage; one Trinity; and the suns began to create; just as you create in your loving relationships; what is above is the same as what is below; when two solar parents unite, they do so for all eternity; just as you in your microscopic existence; because solar time is eternal time; in which a second of celestial time corresponds to a terrestrial century; what has happened to you in centuries, is for the Kingdom, only a few moments; that is the time in the place where you were created; and your first idea was an innocent idea; it had no philosophy; it was white as milk; and it shone like a ruby; when you asked to experience life in distant worlds, you did so by imitation; no one forced you; you saw infinite crowds of spirits, marching to distant worlds; spirits belonging to other infinite pairs of suns; whose number is like the number of sands in a desert; and in which each sand is a desert; in the midst of a fire like you will never see, your ideas were born; there the gigantic quality and quantity of the suns create the infinite dimensions; which are proportions to whose form you call planets; in the Kingdom they are called dots; because everything colossal that you can imagine, looks microscopic from above; and it is necessary to increase your size; on the gigantic screens of solar television; only the Father sees what no one sees; because what is not seen, was created by the Father; all imperfection or difficulty was created by the Father; just as perfection was created, imperfection is also originally from the spirits who are beginning to know universal life; and to that category you belong; your ideas are passing through the microscopic of what will become colossal; the beginning of everything colossal was microscopic; because the law of being small and humble is for the whole universe; all are equal before the Creator; matter and spirit come from His divine will that does not divide; it perfects and unifies.-

Yes, little one; thoughts are the galaxies of ideas; that is to say, every thought is a future galaxy; a cluster of worlds; in which each world came from an idea; here is the cause of the similarities of worlds; in spiritual and physical laws; thus the galactic family is born; a product of the heaven that each one makes; every idea that your mind has generated, becomes eternal and never perishes; it belongs to your salt of life; every idea is an omega magnetic wave that in its beginning was an alpha line; every idea contains your thinking and your way of being; it contains your philosophy; your intentions; your favorite colors; your individuality; just as the solar parents impregnate their solar individuality in the metal of flying saucers, so do you, impregnate your individuality in your ideas; what is above is the same as what is below; what is of the solar parents is colossal; and what is of you is microscopic; but, the law is the same; the first idea was formed by external geometry; by impression; by what entered through the eyes; because the mind in a state of innocence, ignores everything; the first idea begins as a little dot that takes the shape of a spiral; every idea follows an ascending geometry; because every idea has the expansive inheritance of the Father; matter and spirit expand equally; because neither is disinherited; the idea expands as a planet expands; that was an idea; the whole universe was and will be, the beginning of an idea; the idea is the law of all creation in eternity; one is born by solar idea; because when one creates, one does so with knowledge of cause; and all knowledge is composed of ideas; every idea has a creator; which is yourselves; and you are responsible for your future worlds; here is the future responsible for each one; here is the salt of life; here is where all the philosophies that your free will has created stop; because they all subordinate to the law of revelation; here is your intellectual judgment; and truly I tell you, that only the philosophy of a child retains its innocence; and it is easier for a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than the most famous philosopher of your world; because all human philosophy does not recognize the laws it promised to fulfill on Earth; and the law of laws says: You shall worship your god and Creator, above all things; and your Creator adds: above all philosophy; above all entertainment; above every moment; above every illusion; second by second throughout your existence; as you see, children of the Earth, your mental capacity was not able to fulfill what you promised in the Kingdom; you fell in the test of life; and your fall was due to living immorality; in the material and the spiritual; in the material by your scandals; sustained by your way of life; indecent fashions that were like a slap to the Father’s morality; and in the spiritual by ingratitude towards the scriptures; towards what is of the Father; the material chosen by you, sank you more; because it deluded and entertained you; while the moments, the seconds passed and you moved away from the Kingdom of Heaven; because every second or moment in violation, corresponds to an existence that must be fulfilled outside the Kingdom; the idea within the moment, should not have been an idea in ignorance towards what is of the Father; because just one moment less than a second of violation, and one does not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; even if the rest of the existence is a model; but, very close to the Kingdom it is; that is to say, the longer a life had violating the law of the Father, the further it moves away from the Kingdom of Heaven; and the less time of the fall, the closer the spirit is to the Kingdom; everything is proportional to the intention contained in the idea; you place the ideas, in infinite scales of positions with respect to the Kingdom of Heaven; with respect to the distance and philosophy in which the idea was placed; because it is the one that received as a living whole, the breath of life that came out of you; and that microscopic breath of life possesses the inheritance that contains your quality and character; and when your idea becomes a colossal planet, with thinking creatures, they, in thinking, will generate their ideas; which have the influence of your seal; of your quality and character; and so for all eternity; and truly I tell you, that all who were bad, vicious, deceitful, false, hypocritical, scandalous, mean, exploitative, slanderous, lazy, vain, rude, will have created in their ideas, future hells; of which they are the creator; and all those who cultivated humility, joy, sweetness, kindness, patience, indulgence, hope, spirituality, will have created in their ideas, future paradises; whose thinking creatures, fulfilling the same expansive law, will eternalize the paradises; here is a truth of the divine word; everything that exists in its quality and character, is due to the expansive thought of the Father’s creatures; creations of the children; because the Father’s has no limit; the children do not conceive it; and that is why one is born, seeking the Father; trying to reach his beginning; and never has it been reached nor will it be reached; but, the Father is everywhere; and if the child does not reach the Father, the Father reaches the child; because being in all things, he is also in the child; he converses with the child; and to converse with the child, it has to be with one who is first among the multitude of spirits; here are the firstborn children; the elders than you; and since you still do not converse with the Father, it is that every firstborn gives you doctrines; living word coming from two free wills, manifested by one; the one within the other; here is the thinking Trinity in mental communism; here is the philosophy of the future; a philosophy that is not divided by whims of the spirit; here is the beginning of the qualities and characters of the idea of the new seed in the world; a philosophy that should have existed from the beginning of the world; and if it did not happen that way, it was because demon-spirits were born to divide the world; demons who asked the Father, to know and try a life of light; whose quality and character, is known as human life; here is the cause of your sufferings in human organization; because being all equal before god, the demons of ambition made you unequal; are you not divided into rich and poor? truly I tell you, that the causes of the division of my children, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor any philosophy that divides the world; like the so-called religions; which as such, are unknown in the Kingdom of Heaven; because only satan divides himself; the idea transforms into infinite geometries; passing through the most microscopic; because even the invisible idea, fulfills the divine parable: One must be tiny and humble, to become great in the Kingdom of Heaven; to become a colossal planet; the idea that comes out of your mind and that you do not see, is of bright colors; similar to the reflections of a ruby; that emanates 318 colors; these colors correspond to your 318 virtues of your thinking; in every idea you emanate, goes a microscopic piece of you; goes an impregnation; because you are expansive at any point in the universe; the inheritance when it has violated the law, is transmitted up to the fourth generation from the present that is lived; while thinking in violation, it multiplies moment by moment; and when the human spirit leaves the Earth, it sees in the universe its violations that float in space; and a terror of guilt shakes it; each spirit recognizes by itself, its inheritance;

what came out of himself; a very deep intuition tells him; because having left the Earth, he is no longer confined to a body of flesh, he feels a pleasant freedom that expands his faculties; and he sees microscopic things that he never saw when he had a body; the idea advances through space at a speed three times the concept of speed that the creature who generated the idea had; because all the concepts that the spirit had, are impregnated in the idea; and the inheritance is multiplied by three because its Trinity is expansive three times per breath of the creature that generated the idea; one speed is called Alpha; two speeds Bitrino; and three speeds Trino; one speed is when the idea leaves the planet; it is the alpha or beginning speed; two speeds when it recognizes the beginning of the universe; and the influence of human-mental magnetism is left behind; the greater the distance traveled, the fainter the influence from which it came; three speeds when the idea is guided by the magnetism of flying saucers; which have the sublime mission of guiding and locating the idea, at a certain point in space; and start its growth and development; your ideas are treated and cared for as a baby is treated and cared for; and this divine process was done with your planet; and it has been done for eternities past; when terrestrial humanity was not known and did not exist; because you were never the first nor will you be the last; the idea is watched over during its development; even when it has become a planet with a certain evolution like yours; do you now understand, children of the Earth, why the presence of flying saucers; they have nothing to learn from you; because they already learned it; they were human monkeys eternities ago; they went through that salt of life; and they passed through scales of worlds that are not of the flesh; because there is everything in the universal flock of the Father; many of you have seen them; and others have not; those who have seen them, it is because they asked for it in the Kingdom of Heaven and it was granted to them; those who have seen nothing, it is because they did not ask for it; have you not been taught, that everything is asked for in the Kingdom? that even the smallest gesture and idea is asked for? truly I tell you, that everyone who denied this own right of the Father, denied his own point or place of origin; and cannot return to it; cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; he can enter after paying the debt of disbelief of his place of creation; a debt of considerable ingratitude; and every renegade of himself, must add up all the seconds that have passed, from the very moment he denied; and if he denied his entire existence, he must calculate the number of living seconds that the years of life he has contain; and each second corresponds to an existence that must be fulfilled outside the Kingdom of Heaven; and truly I tell you, that many of you are on Earth paying debts of disbelief; you denied your origin in distant worlds; because every spirit is born again; and many existences it has had and will have; existences have no limits; because the spirit does not have it; because it came from an eternal Father; its inheritance makes it eternal; it is as eternal as the universe itself; the idea has a free will as your spirit has; it is free like you; and its creatures will think a philosophy identical to yours; and as ideas are variable within a thinking philosophy, and retain their qualities and characters, so too will those creatures have infinite variety in their individualities; without departing from the philosophy that corresponds to them by inheritance; and if the thinking creature that generated the idea, was primitive, its inheritance will be the same; the spiritual progress of the creatures, is relative to themselves; the quality and character that came out of their minds, is controlled by the mental intention; the mental intention is a retraction of all virtues, before the excesses of free will; in your world you speak of cavemen; their own free will for self-preservation, located the caves; and adapted to them; here the retreat of primitive ideas, are influenced by the magnetism of natural ignorance; here virtues are not yet developed; they are awakening at a very slow rate; every primitive creature asks in the Kingdom to start with the most elementary; to know it; and truly I tell you that everyone who started with the most difficult in any order of life, is a great one in the Kingdom of Heaven; is a fighting spirit; who seeks difficulties to overcome them; and everyone who seeks finds; the one who is comfortable and avoided difficulties in life, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because he avoided the: You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow; his quality and character descended in his idea; which should please the Father above all things; his quality and character descended below the quality and character of the idea that created the Commandments; all the mandates of your Father, are reduced to the most perfect simplicity that your mind can imagine; and that simplicity is the word goodness; if you are kind in life, you are fulfilling in your character, the mandates of the Father; an honest and humble kind life, is worth more than all the riches of the Earth; because such a life, enters the Kingdom of the Father; and those who enjoyed worldly riches and honors, none enter; because they did the opposite of the humility they themselves promised in the Kingdom; they are renegades of their own promises; ideas when traveling to the cosmos successively, do so making geometric lines; here is the origin of the whimsical shapes of galaxies and conglomerates of celestial bodies; here is the divine cause that served as inspiration to your Creator when he said: Every tree that the divine Father did not plant, will be uprooted; I meant to tell you every idea that came from a creature that violates my law; because the geometric figures that ideas make in their development through space, are infinite; and among them there are those that have shapes of plants, trees, animals, etc.; and truly I tell you, that everything you have thought in past existences, what you think now and what you will think, is drawn in the sky; here is the all over the all; what is of the spirit affects matter; and what is of matter affects the spirit; ideas are spirit-matter; they are an alliance between the two; it is composed of virtues and molecules; pores and elements; and every idea is an ark of alliances of a future world; every idea is classified according to its spiritual value; according to its quality and character; every idea is part of an infinite garden; in which the planets are seeds that are drying; they are maturing passing through microscopic epochs; for you they are microscopic; because you know death; the limit; and they are at the same time gigantic; because your thinking asked to feel such a sensation, in front of the colossal; be it time, space or tangible matter; your individuality asked for relativity in matter and in itself; here is one of the causes of the diversity of opinions that exist about a thing; and truly I tell you, that no philosophy like that of the Lamb of God, will provoke so much controversy; because his word is universal; you all have a spirit; that awaits its light on the destiny it will have; even the unbelievers have a spirit that possesses that quality and character; and truly I tell you, that no knowledge coming from the human mind, will provoke such a revolution in the world, as the word of the Father; expressed once again, in living doctrine; and it will be the last revolution of the world; it will be your final judgment; and truly I tell you that this world will enter the beginning of the universal government; known in the Kingdom of Heaven, as the Omega era; and by you the Millennium of Peace; the universal government will be headed by the Lamb of God; who will have power over all the elements of the universe; were you not taught that the truth would come in glory and majesty? the power of every solar Trinity, is in the universe; and from the elements of the universe, you men created demonic weapons; violating the law of the Father; were you not commanded not to kill? truly I tell you that no arms manufacturer will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; nor any spirit that formed in the legions of satan; which you call armed forces; as the quality of the Solar Firstborn is expansive, the elements with which you made the cursed weapons, are subordinated to his power; the demonic cherubim of the molecules of your cursed weapons, obey the solar Father; you were tested to know an unknown matter; you have science and you do not know why you have it; here is one more light, so that you may understand the divine quality and character of the free will of your Creator, with respect to your planet; what was said corresponds to the divine parable: And not a hair of his head will be touched; it means that there is no human force, that can prevent the action of a solar Father, who asked for the living glory in the Kingdom of Heaven, to judge a distant and unknown planet called Earth; and truly I tell you, that if my Firstborn Son allowed himself to be killed in his past reincarnation, it was because he asked for it in the Kingdom; and that constitutes the most sublime sacrifice for the Father; obedience to the Father, is above all the universe; the known and unknown; and truly I tell you, that you will know the true story of my Firstborn Son; because his divine free will is among you; much has been written about my Solar Son; you were tested in your interpretations towards the divine; and truly I tell you, that all those who mocked the divinity of my son, in the most microscopic form, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; because they mocked the same one who will resurrect all flesh; mockery has never been rewarded in the Kingdom; it is easier for one who was mocked to enter, than the demon who mocked; the Trinity is among you; by its intellectual fruit you will know it.-



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