Psalm 147:4-5 “He counts the number of the stars; He calls all of them by their names. Great is our Lord, and of much power; His understanding of it is infinite.”
Isaiah 40:26 “Lift up your eyes on high, and see who created these things; he brings out and counts his army; He calls them all by their names; none will be missing; such is the greatness of his strength, and the power of his dominion.”
Yes little one; the origin of the universe was only one; and not for that reason, it ceases to be infinite in variety; this unique principle makes its infinitely expansive quality and quantity, there are infinite principles of universes; principles follow principles; because nothing has limits in the creation of the Father; the principles of worlds are counted by infinites; there are as many principles as worlds contained in the expansive thinking universe; every origin or principle is requested in the Kingdom of Heaven; and every origin is written in the immortal solar books; there is everything that was, is, and will be; because there are also Books of the Future; the number of Solar Books has never been counted; it happens as it happens with the number of planets in the universe; whatever the principles are, they teach the divine existence of only one god; the only god is in all imagined forms; because nothing has limits in the Father; therefore, the conception of the Father is not unique; although it is unique in the teachings of the scriptures; because as spirits are born, infinite concepts of the Creator are born in them; that is why it was written: To see the Kingdom of God, it is necessary to be born again; the Kingdom of Heaven is infinite in heavens; although one never leaves one of them; you human spirits have not left the heavens of the Trino galaxy; because being born again has no end; and future perfection will never have limits; even if worlds are visited, one has not left one’s own heaven; you are in a dimension of which you know little; what you lack is so infinite that you practically know nothing; the infinite itself makes what is known disappear; leaving only the experience; the knowledge; the salt of life; truly I tell you, that whoever stops being born, is stationed in a single form of life; until boredom overcomes him; and he asks to be born again; the succession of existences in a spirit will never end; because what the Father creates has no end; you carry eternity within yourselves; and it is in your ideas; in your thinking; and since there is no idea equal to another, you create future matters; ideas are like individuality; there has never existed nor will there ever exist in this world, an individuality that is equal to another; this is because in the development of free will, in other existences, the same opportunities were not had; the destiny was different in each one; the salt of life, in its quality and quantity, was not the same; here is the reason why you are not equal; neither physically nor spiritually; from your works, your destiny comes out; because each one makes his own destiny; the matter in which you are, came from the Alpha and Omega suns; and you asked the Father to know the quality and quantity of this matter; you asked for a new form of life; one of the many you have had and will have; because every spirit is born again.-
Yes little one; galaxies form families; divine agreements that come from the Kingdom of Heaven; divine planetary alliances; these agreements succeed each other for all eternity; because there has always been a universe; the wise men of Earth search in vain for a beginning of the universe; the beginning is the infinite itself; because no beginning has nor will ever have any limit; and if it is believed to have one, it is relative; which does not prevent it from being infinite; the expansive thinking universe is a swarm of galactic families; just as you form families, so do the worlds; what is above is the same as what is below; the equality that comes from the Father takes on infinite forms; because what is of the Father has no limits in anything; truly I tell you, that in the universe there is no limit; nor will there ever be; the limit that men seek is a product of the very limitation of the world they are in; in each world through which one passes, a certain limitation is known; in its quality and quantity; because nothing has a limit in the Creator; the concepts of the limited are infinite; because one never stops learning in eternity; it has no limits; here is a light for all knowledge; if the creatures of the universe asked to know pure concepts of limits, they would never have limits in it; but, man does not live by limits alone; human life is eternal from the point of view of the worlds; its way of life; and the spirit is so by right and birth; being born in worlds that have no limits, one can ask the Father to go to worlds of humans of other evolutions; if one goes to worlds of lesser knowledge than one knew, the spirit will be a genius in that world; the opposite is to go to learn in a more advanced world; your Earth is a world of trial; hence the cause of your isolation; why other creatures do not visit you; why planetary communications are not established with you permanently; the worlds know that your world and its earthly creatures have a divine mandate to fulfill; they know that you were given Commandments and scriptures; they know that you have a life on trial; and they know that after a trial, judgment comes upon it; truly I tell you, that many creatures have visited you; violating their own laws; and others fulfilling missions; they are within the law; such is the free will of the worlds; just as human free will behaves; what is above is the same as what is below; those creatures that visited you violating the law that was given to them, pay for their mistake; they are called to judgment before the Father; this is what happened to the pharaonic dynasty in your world; those creatures of galactic origin violated the laws entrusted to them by Father Jehovah; they were removed from human evolution; otherwise, you would all be born slaves; here is a test of life, not human, that fell before the Father; here is a story that will fascinate the world; here are the unknown causes of the coming of these beings to this planet; here is a mystery that will cease to be; here is the true story of the beginning of this world; a beginning that was many times falsified; it is easier for one who recognized the microscopic nature of his knowledge to enter the Kingdom, than for one who did not recognize it; for one who did not reveal what he did not know; many researchers and historians have fallen into falsehood; none of them will enter the Kingdom of Heaven; your world belongs to the Trino galaxy; which means Three in One; Father, Son, and Mother; and a single belief in God; because the truth is one; the meaning of Trino is infinite; because its creatures do not think alike; but, all thinking is eternally subordinated to the mandates of the Father; to his scriptures above all things; before God, a concept is equivalent to infinite interpretations; and such a concept is not distorted; it is the intention contained in each idea that matters before God; here is a divine explanation that is all simplicity; that affects all living destinies; the Father does not need cumbersome equations to explain the eternity of his laws; the living word is enough for him; because his own divine Perfection allows it; and from the greatest simplicity you can imagine, the Father explains everything; moreover; he is not subject as you are to the inevitable; because in an instant he can change the history of the Earth; and that change has infinite variety; in its quality and quantity; the Trino galaxy, being infinite, is unknown; because the number of galaxies has no end and will never have; the universe is infinitely expansive; at no moment does it have a limit; it never has; galaxies are eternally renewed; worlds are born and die; just as creatures are born and die; what is above is the same as what is below; the living succession is for matter, as it is for the spirit; both asked for it; because matter and spirit are equal in rights before God; every planet is born again; because nothing has limits in the Father; and nothing is impossible for him; and he is the Creator of the impossible; the Trino galaxy had a solar beginning; this galaxy possesses infinite suns that can never be counted; among the infinite suns are the Alpha and Omega suns; creators of your planet Earth; these suns, like infinite others, continue to create planets; and they will do so for all eternity; truly I tell you, that your planet Earth will end, and the Alpha and Omega suns will still be creating future planets; just as you create inheritance, so it happens above; what is above is the same as what is below; matter creates in the macrocosm; it has the same rights to create as your spirit does; which is not alone; it has flesh-matter; the suns are living creatures, just as you are; my Firstborn Son Christ is a Firstborn sun; first and eldest son; it is by this solar law that it was written: And he will come into the world, shining like a sun of wisdom; a wisdom that is not in any earthly text; a wisdom that will change human knowledge; matter and spirit have new universal concepts; your science achieved what it asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; and it reached its limit; without you ceasing to have free will in your scientific searches; your science becomes living before the Father; and all who had to do with it are judged before the Father; truly I tell you, that all science demands the laws and morals of the Father’s scriptures; everything that exists tries to please the Father, within his laws; matter and spirit rival in this in the Kingdom of Heaven; truly I tell you, that the greatest astonishment is experienced by spirits when they return from distant planets; what scenes are seen!! many regret having known life; they regret having asked for it; this happens to those who never sought the Father in their worlds; the greatest shame takes hold of them; because they experience ingratitude as they never felt it; virtues fight against darkness for the possession of a spirit; ingratitude is the very demon; and whoever was ungrateful to his Creator is exposed to being taken by ingratitude; only repentance can fight against the wrong done; repentance has the same rights as other virtues;
truly I tell you, that it is easier for a repentant person to be saved than for one who did not repent; the one who does not repent is not taken into account; because the same spirit closes its door to the laws of light; darkness easily takes hold of those who have no faith; because faith and repentance themselves are a barrier to darkness; they feel cut off; that is why you were taught to cultivate faith; because faith moves mountains; here is a parable that speaks for all the virtues of the spirit; because every virtue needs faith; and without faith, they would not have accompanied your spirit to know a life; they would not have made alliances with the molecules of your flesh; without faith, your Creator would not have created the universe; because the absence of faith leads to nothing; in your world, there would be no inventors if they did not have faith in their inventions; the same with the Father; what is above is the same as what is below; the powers of the Kingdom are great in the measure of humility and faith; when faith materializes, it tends to be distorted; this is more notable in life systems that are not of the Father; like yours; which is a life system created by men who did not take the scriptures into account to create it; this kind of faith is worldly faith; faith that was born under the influence of interest; an interest not concerned with the things of the Father; there are infinite kinds of interest; the true eternal interest is that which in its quality and quantity, was interested in the things of the Father above all things; above all other interests; above all life systems; above oneself; because the things of the Father are the first in the universe; after the Father, comes everything else; comes an entire hierarchical order that has no end; the destinies of each one are linked to other worlds; because every spirit has been born many times; and it is characteristic that each spirit has debts and pending rewards from other existences it had on other planets; interests it created in distant dwellings; just as it created them on Earth; what is above is the same as what is below; truly I tell you, that every spirit curses with all its might when it is given to live a life system alien to the scriptures of the Father; because it cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven; it is accused of complicity in the violation; because it lived such a system; it shared it; and divided its promise made to the Father before leaving the Kingdom of Heaven; it promised the Father not to divide itself in the slightest; because no divided spirit enters the Kingdom of Heaven; only Satan divides himself; and divides others so that no one returns to the Father; here is a revelation that teaches you that your own life system is the very demon; because you are divided into rich and poor; neither rich nor poor are known in the Kingdom of Heaven; in the Kingdom of Heaven, there is equality; Celestial Communism, with the philosophy of a child; there, selfishness in all its forms is unknown; what you defend so much is unknown; private property is unknown; the word: this is mine is unknown; commerce and all forms of exploitation are unknown; truly I tell you, that this revelation will frighten the demons of this world; it will frighten the most immoral that this world possesses; it will frighten bankers, moneylenders, exploiters, usurers, opportunists, greedy people, merchants, religious people, deceivers of all categories; it will frighten every capitalist whose god is gold; truly I tell you, that all these immoral people will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven; none who contributed to giving life to the shameful life system in which you are immersed; because every tree that the divine Father Jehovah did not plant will be uprooted; this means in other words, every philosophy, every science, and every mental creation that did not take into account the scriptures of the Father; and since the things of the Father are universal, it is the entire materialistic world that falls; a corrupted world; an immoral and scandalous world; a world that asked to be tested in its request for life; a world that when asking for such a test, also asked to ignore its past and its future; here is the weeping and gnashing of teeth of this generation; each of you asked for the moment you will live; as you asked for the moments you lived; because everything is asked for in the Kingdom of Heaven; even the most microscopic and the smallest; what you have felt in the visible and the invisible; truly I tell you, that the moment of judgment you are going through, you have already gone through in other existences; because you have been born again many times; and many times you will be born; one is born seeking a truth; because each existence that the spirit has is the continuation of its perfection; one existence gives rise to another; the set of all is the perfection that is enjoyed; it is the living perfection; from what is learned in one existence, the future body of flesh comes out; what is learned is Knowledge; and it is called the salt of life; it was written: You are the salt of life; you are the continuation of your own eternity; according to your works; according to the path your free will took; here is the beginning of all physical and spiritual inequalities; you are the product of what you were in the past; from what you did, your heaven came out; because in each existence, each one makes his own heaven; because each one generated ideas; here is the origin of your eternity; a law that is overwhelming in its simplicity; there will be nothing in knowledge that surpasses it in simplicity; from the simple, the Creator creates the colossal; from the microscopic, he brings out the gigantic; and what is more microscopic than your invisible ideas? Ideas are only felt; they are not seen; nor does anyone deny their ideas; here is a question that will trouble the materialists of this world; simple ideas will put them in trouble; truly I tell you, that every denial in thinking is a reality in distant galaxies; because others were before you; and others before the others; and so, go back as far as your mind can imagine; truly I tell you, that just as there are worlds of solar origin, there are also those of carnal origin; worlds that are the product of invisible ideas; because every idea matures in space; just as a seed matures on your Earth; what is above is the same as what is below; truly I tell you, that everything matures in the universe; matter and spirit mature; it is a process in which no one realizes it; only the virtues of the Kingdom see what the Father sees; because every hierarchy sees according to the degree of knowledge attained; and the more one is a Solar Firstborn, the closer one is to the Father; the Celestial Hierarchies have no known number; because what is of the Father has neither beginning nor end; the material and spiritual universe transform each other; one is matter or one is spirit; and vice versa; they combine to an infinite degree; the ark of the covenants has no limits; not only do you possess it; the ark of the covenants is the universe itself; because no one is obliged to materialize; all existing creation came from its own will; the Power of the Father does not need to compel; compelling is synonymous with imperfection; in what refers to the infinite power of your Creator; the universe is so infinite that everything exists; and what exists has no known limit; it is enough to generate ideas, and an eternity is being given a beginning; to a universe that will be eternally expansive; that will never know any limit, so it has been and so it will be; truly I tell you, that this revelation will overwhelm the creators of principles of universes; they never imagined that from the most microscopic thing they themselves possess, the current universe has come out; those that have been and those that will be; because they never studied my scriptures; as they were commanded; if they had delved into the scriptures of the Father, they would have found a parable that says: One must be humble to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven; in other words, one must be microscopic to be colossal; humble for the spirit, and microscopic for matter; because matter and spirit are equal in rights before God; no wise man of this world sought; that is why none had the glory of finding the origin of this world; they were not humble with the mandate of the Father: he who seeks finds.-
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